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What husband mean in Chinese character

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The more Chinese I learn the more I realise it's completely non-standard and they're just making it up as they go along. A bit like English I guess.

I keep calling things mei (?), but my teacher tells me off because apparently only big pretty things are mei, small pretty things are hao.

Also I never know which classifier to use, I have to think if I'm talking about something fairly long and sticklike, or has it got wheels or can it be worn on the upper body or is it joined together?

I think all you really need to know is hen hao and bu xi huan and that takes care of most situations :icon_cheesygrin:.

so, would a petite woman be mei or hao?

Willy The Londoner:

--- Quote from: 'brett' pid='22429' dateline='1257772670' ---
I've learnt about 60 characters now, and I am finding it easier to remember new ones. I can't yet remember how to write many of them, but I can read them.

My spoken Mandarin is ???? but my teacher thinks my pronunciation is quite good and it's better than some of the guys in the class. Remembering the words what I have most difficulty with, but it's partly due to the lack of time I have to study. I can recommend going to a Chinese class though, it's a great way to get started :icon_cheesygrin:.

--- End quote ---

Thats really good Brett. Your pronounciation and spoken word is just as I like it - thousands of miles away. :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


Be nice Willy or we will have to ban you  hahahahahahahahahah


just joking my freind

Willy The Londoner:
Well if Brett looks on me as a father figure then some that makes him your brother or grandfather -but that depends which street we are in as to which.



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