All About China > Chinese Culture And Festivals

What husband mean in Chinese character

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Thanks adoptive dad and adoptive uncle!

I am hopeful about Miss Wu 2.0 and she's from Zhongshan apparently. We're only at EMF 1 stage so there's a while to go yet.

I've asked her if she knows Mandarin. It will be a kick in the teeth if she only knows Cantonese, but at least we could write to each other :icon_cheesygrin:.


Of course she knows Mandarin, Everyone under the age of i think, 45 knows it because that is the Official language of China!! That is the only Language that is used in all Schools, Collages, and Universities, as well as ALL government offices and about 9/10th's of all TV channels and Radio stations.... That's not to say that those in the South may use Cantonese, as there everyday language, but they will sure know Mandarin

...Now go to Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan, and you'd probably be on a loser with your Mandarin, But Mainland China, .....No Problem!!!



You can get along in Taiwan with mandarin.  Just be prepared to deal with a few words in Fujianhua tossed in for good measure.  In Singapore and Malaysia, it'll be mandarin with some cantonese, chiuchow (teochew) and fujianhua words tossed in.

I would suspect in Macao, it'd be mandarin, cantonese and some portugese mixed in.

Willy The Londoner:

--- Quote from: 'mustfocus' pid='33747' dateline='1268191609' ---

I would suspect in Macao, it'd be mandarin, cantonese and some portugese mixed in.

--- End quote ---

Probably English in the Casino's same as Las Vegas - even the words will be the same.  'Would you like to take me up to your room for 500' except in Macao they mean RMB whereas Vegas they mean USD.

Of course I have never taken them up on their offers as my price is nearer the 800 mark!!!!!


800 rmb or pounds?


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