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What husband mean in Chinese character

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chen yan:

--- Quote from: 'RegnisTheGreat' pid='22452' dateline='1257795342' ---
Chen Ye,

When I was younger, my parents used a different word. They always say, X's Lao Po or Lao Gong which I understand to be wife/husband. Am I wrong? I still use that in my daily conversations.

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You are right ,RegnisTheGreat. "Lao po" or "Lao Gong" is used in daily conversation. "Qi Zi" or "Zhang Fu" is used in formal occasion.


--- Quote from: 'chen yan' pid='22490' dateline='1257816406' ---

--- Quote from: 'RegnisTheGreat' pid='22452' dateline='1257795342' ---
Chen Ye,

When I was younger, my parents used a different word. They always say, X's Lao Po or Lao Gong which I understand to be wife/husband. Am I wrong? I still use that in my daily conversations.

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You are right ,RegnisTheGreat. "Lao po" or "Lao Gong" is used in daily conversation. "Qi Zi" or "Zhang Fu" is used in formal occasion.

--- End quote ---

Phew! I was worried. I only have a grade 3 education in Chinese :) So I miss a lot of the nuances of the language.

Ed W:
So after two months of Chinese classes, 1 day(4.5hrs) each week, here's an example of why you always check your classwork for mistakes only to have it lead you down a more confusing path.

Thankfully, my wife is more than happy to point out my error's in the language so I cant get away with being a complete moron. Just a minor mone. hehe.

I admit the hardest part is restructuring your sentences. for instance, if i were to ask, Does your husband arrive in the evening? I have to restructure it as "the evening arrive your husband". I'm not saying this is actually correct but I am pointing out the major confusion I have everyday trying to learn this language. Not to mention the difficulty in remembering the written part. In two months, we've learned about 50 or so different characters/words and I'd bet I can only remember 10 by sight. I told my teacher how frustrating it is to know I've seen it and learned it before but cant remember. She says not to worry since slow progress is still progress and is still good. Maybe she's just found a new way to say I'm just THAT THICK! LOL.

Anyone interested in learning this language I'd strongly suggest enrolling in a formal school if you have it available to you.

Josh Markley:
i have been to Barnes and Noble i have three books now and a download for my i pod.  But teaching myself has been rough to say the least.

Ed that's what I found confusing at the beginning when I started to learn the language, 'the structure'...Now i reastructure what I am going to say before i say it...:icon_biggrin:


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