Author Topic: My Chinese friend is looking for love too  (Read 2037 times)

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Offline Philip

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My Chinese friend is looking for love too
« on: November 14, 2009, 06:40:30 am »
Hi guys,

I am already taken, but I am friends with a lovely lady who would like to meet a Western man. She is quite shy, doesn't belong to an agency, her English is quite good, and it was quite difficult for me to persuade her to put her profile and picture up here, but I convinced her that you are a good bunch of guys. Please let me know if you are interested, and I will pass on the information to her. She has a QQ number and a webcam at home.
Her name is Xiaoyue. She lives in Daqing. This is what she says about herself (in English):
"I'm looking for good man, kind-hearted, with economic capacity, tall 1.75cm above. Age 45 years and older. I am tall and 1.65cm, age 42 years old, kind-hearted beauty."
I attach her photo.

If you are not interested, I also welcome any positive comments you might have about her photo. Anything positive I can feed back would be a good confidence-boost to get her back out there.. Btw, she has a 20-year-old son who is studying at university at the moment. Thanks guys.

Offline wilsbrough

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RE: My Chinese friend is looking for love too
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2009, 07:01:19 am »
Alex she is a stunning lady. I'm sure that some of the Brothers here would be interested in getting to know her a little more. Sadly, i am 9 years below her age group.:icon_biggrin: But, i post this, as i know a lot of the brothers here prefer non-studio pictures, to see the natural beauty these ladies have. I think if she adds a picture of her self in everyday situations, or a picture taken whilst on holiday, she may have more success. But you are right, i believe that if the 'Brothers' here can help their 'Sisters' out, it is much better than the agency route, as we all know each other here, and we are all genuine and not here to play games, unlike what a lot of people on dating sites seem to be.

But give her my best wishes in finding her soulmate here.
Good luck to you both.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2009, 07:56:41 am by wilsbrough »
Every now and then i get a little bit nervous at the death of all the years have gone by....!

Offline maxx

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RE: My Chinese friend is looking for love too
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2009, 10:10:15 am »
Alex she is a nice looking lady.Like Andy said some more natural photos would help.And maybe some more information.About her likes and dislikes.

Offline Carl

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RE: My Chinese friend is looking for love too
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2009, 08:15:21 pm »
Great idea... kind of a 'mixer room'.

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: My Chinese friend is looking for love too
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2009, 07:24:12 am »
Greetings Brothers,

Well I cant believe I am the one to say this but is this really a good idea?  I have been asked by some of Zhens friends to basically do the same thing and they were only half joking.  I can see a few issues with it however.

First it makes it difficult for the man who is dating the lady to come here for advice and support knowing that one of us has a vested interest in the lady's well being.

Two it could lead to personal issues between brothers if there is the perception of mistreatment of the lady or if they break up and people are hurt.

Also I think many brothers have "sisters" they would like to see with a decent man and we all know friends of our wife/lady that we would like to help.  The problem is where do we draw the line.  How many is too many.

Also if we start this kind of thing we are eventually going to attract the type of people on this site that perhaps we do not want on this site.  Look at the official chnlove forums for some ideas of who I mean.

So while I truly do understand the desire to help a lady friend/sister to find the love of here life I think it goes beyond the scope of this site and our goals for it.

Sorry if this sounds negtive but I really do not think its a good idea at this point in time.  Perhaps instead we could refer them to Wilsons organization to help in that way.  Assuming of course that his organization is willing and capable and has the trust of the brother involved.  

I have not read that particular thread as I have no need of the service but if it is considered good by the brotherhood then perhaps that is a better way to go.


Zhen and Brian

Offline Philip

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RE: My Chinese friend is looking for love too
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2009, 10:55:57 am »
Hi Brian,
you make some good points.
I am not the first person to suggest someone might want to write to a friend of theirs on this site. I don't know if it is beyond the scope of this forum. Maybe the moderators have a view on this.
There are many potential reasons why people might fall out with each other on this site. I hope that I and the guy concerned can PM each other if there are issues. I have already had interest from someone on this forum and put them in touch with her.
I just wanted to help my friend out. I hope I did the right thing to suggest it. There are also risks when one of us introduces a friend of our partner to a fellow brother when in China. I know what you mean by attracting the wrong kind of attention. We already have some strange visitors to this site. I am not advocating everyone suggesting all their female single acquaintances. But, as my friend is already speaking to someone here, I suggest we let them get on with it. I am confident that we are responsible and adult enough to tread carefully with this situation. I wouldn't have introduced her to just anyone. (See Nik's thread on this issue.)
Anyway, if the consensus is that this is not a good idea, I am happy to stop introducing any of my other lady friends!

Offline victor-hills

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RE: My Chinese friend is looking for love too
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2009, 05:20:49 pm »
wow alex
Xiaoyue eyes are like pools of dark water a man could get lost in veary good looking woman:blush:
Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.

Offline maxx

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RE: My Chinese friend is looking for love too
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2009, 06:43:34 pm »
Guys We are not a match making service.That being said as long as it doesn't spill over on the main boards.I personally don't care.I just don't want to see the he said she said things on this forum.Keep it to the Pm system.

If you want to post a ladies profile and picture like Nik and Alex did.More power to you.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2009, 06:44:04 pm by maxx »