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Offline David S

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Washington Post Article
« on: November 11, 2009, 05:01:11 pm »
I'm not sure where this should fit exactly.  This is an article about recent Congressional testimony in the US regarding China's one child policy and it's effects on women.

Vince G

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RE: Washington Post Article
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2009, 06:01:00 pm »
David, you know this is BS, right?  A wife can have a second child as long as they pay the fee (several thousand dollars). An unmarried woman having a child is bad enough (there), having a second is unforgiving. She'd be cast off with no way of a income, family or anything else.

Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: Washington Post Article
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2009, 06:58:14 pm »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='22638' dateline='1257980460'

David, you know this is BS, right?  A wife can have a second child as long as they pay the fee (several thousand dollars). An unmarried woman having a child is bad enough (there), having a second is unforgiving. She'd be cast off with no way of a income, family or anything else.

Also, there a lot of exceptions:
- If both parents are a single child, then 2nd child is allowed and free.
- If rural and first child is female, 2nd child is again allowed and free.

Offline maxx

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RE: Washington Post Article
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2009, 07:27:34 pm »
David part of the article is true not all of it.China does have the on child policy.But like Vince said pay the fee have the child.What else happens is a childless reletive will take the child.Or you can sell the baby.If it is a boy it does go for big dollars.

At one time there was what is called the abortion wagon.It was for forced abortions.How many abortions they did.I don't Know.After a short time.People figured out how to avoid the abortion wagons.But you do run in to trouble.If you try to send the kid to school.(No record of birth.No medical record).Huge fines can be imposed from what I understand.I don't know if the obortion wagon is still in use.

Selective obortion has ben outlawed in China.Used to be the woman would get pregnant then go to the doctor and have a ultrasound done.If it was a girl the fetus was aborted.A few years ago the Chinese goverement made it illegal for the doctor to tell the pregnant woman what sex the baby was.

There is a huge shortage of women in China.Last figures I read was 1.5 million Chinese men.Will not be able to find a wife.Because of selective abortion went on for so long.The slavery market is huge in Northern China.You can buy a Korean woman for 300.00 to 800.00 U.S. dollars.If the woman escapes and tells the police on you.You are looking at a slap on the wrist.And the lose of your lady.The Chinese goverment will deport her.

The suicide rate quoted in the article is right.That jibes with what I have heard and read.

Offline David S

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RE: Washington Post Article
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2009, 10:06:12 pm »
I knew there would be good feedback on this article.  I was hoping, as you did, that some good more accurate information might come out.  Here in the US this type of thing makes good fodder for radio talk shows.  I really didn't know how accurate the info was, and working in the media field for so many years I know that pure journalism has pretty much died a long and agonizing death.  It seems now days everyone has an ax to grind and the media, no matter which form, seems to always have some motivation behind their bias.  That motivation in my experience is most often money.  I do know a lot of US families that were unsuccessful in having children were going to china to adopt babies because of the policy from years ago.  It is good to hear that some of the harsher enforcement has been relaxed.

Vince G

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RE: Washington Post Article
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2009, 11:16:51 pm »
I don't understand the propaganda that still goes on from western countries about China and some of Asia? After starting out with Chnlove and looking up, reading and seeing what it is like there? It blew my mind what BS I've always heard. (like that article) My guess is the US doesn't want people to know that it has more laws and restrictions then China.

Offline David S

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RE: Washington Post Article
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2009, 11:36:25 pm »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='22658' dateline='1257999411'

My guess is the US doesn't want people to know that it has more laws and restrictions then China.

I have told some people about my reaction when I read the post and other resources that said what the income tax rate in China is and how it's MUCH lower then those in the US.  Their response was something like; "Well they have so many more people!"  I said that is a small factor, but the reality is that in any given population there will be the same PERCENTAGE of truly needy people who can't work or need government assistance.  That they have more people means they have more people who need help.  The other thing is that it seems to me the Chinese culture has a VERY strong aversion to "free loading".  They have a much stronger work ethic and here in the US you have people who are on the public dole who are cranking out babies, or just sitting home and collecting assistance checks because they make more off the government then they do working at McDonalds.  The American, (and by american I mean US citizens), people seem to need a good swift kick in the britches and wake up to the fact that they are falling behind in the world economic picture.  

I've told people, in a semi-joking/semi-serious tone, one day we're going to wake up and find that overnight the Native Americans (Indians) have gathered all the money we spend in their casinos, gone into a partnership with China and BOUGHT the US out from under us.  China would now have four new provinces in North America, the Navajo Province, the Sioux Province, ... Well I'm sure you get the picture.

The other thing when people tell me. "BUY AMERICAN" I say; "I do, this was made in Mexico, this was made in Chili, this was made in El Salvidor, those are all in South America.  They look at me with this "We are not amused" look.


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RE: Washington Post Article
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2009, 03:52:30 am »
Hmm, there are many chnlove ladies who have siblings, so I wonder how much the rule is actually observed.

Vince G

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RE: Washington Post Article
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2009, 11:07:29 pm »
One child policy started in 1979.

No penalty for the second marriage child. It's not a one per woman law. It's a one child per family.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2009, 11:10:16 pm by Vince G »