Author Topic: A new life  (Read 44634 times)

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RE: A new life
« Reply #135 on: November 25, 2009, 07:25:56 am »
Hi guys I know I said I would update you once I reached England...BUt, as you probably figured out I need a bit of a comp fix.  I'm in Hong Kong for the next 7 hours waiting for my flight to london at the moment:huh: Gonna be a long night!!!

Well as promised Anne turned up this morning right on the button, so we decided to go up town as I didn't haver to be at the plane toll 12ish, I think it was?

Any way she is very very quiet and of course I know why...But what can I do to stop her feeling like this except try and put a brave face on it.  Which under the circumstances I tried but failed miserably...We ger into this cafe and she sits really close to me with her hand on my leg...I tell you now, the way I was feeling, there was no way, I could have done anything, or wanted too.  Although I suppose I could have let her really;-)

For the next hour she is on and on about, how she hopes that I will be back..Of course now that I've read abit more I know about the insercurities...So what I done was, I said to her, "I have a few things I would like you to keep for me, for when I return will that be ok?"  She said "Ol, and a little smile came omn he face"  I kept whispering in her her, "Wo ai ni, and that I will miss you".  I did not know, in fact (I thought she didn't) she gave me a qq number, her email addresss and her work number.  Making me promise that I would be in touch all the time.  At this I was delighted.. So I said I would.  So as soon as i get online again I will set up a QQ account which I don't have just now.  So Please Mike I hope you will help me with this...

We started heading back and I held her hand, (remember the way I was feeling about that the other day!,,Well I wanted to do it.  We got into the hotel and I find that there is a note for me from the manager of the hotel?  It was a list of schools that she knows that are also looking for teachers.  so this is good, when I show them to Anne her face lights up..She mentions that "everyone wants you to stay" so I nod but feeling really down and upset..BUT still not showing it...

We go upstarirs and just lay together again holding and kissing,,, I go to the bathroom then when I come out my alatm goes off...It's time to go...We leave the room and she is walking behind mme.  I can her her sob softly, I cant do anything with these cases:huh:

Mike you were right, the airport is a long way out...It seemed to drag on for about 2 hours.  Not a lot was said going to the airport, she just lay head head on my shoulder and held me tight..

Once there, we wenyt to a corner and I started to unpack a few things for her to take home for me.  Teaching books, some clothes, my cd's and I gave her a gold cross and chain that my mother had bought me 22 years ago,  She knows HOW pprecious this is too me..So I think she got the message I was coming back...Anyway we walk up and I put my bag through, I still have an hour and 15 minutes before boarding..  I don't want to go into too much detail here.  But Ronan I NOW KNOW what you went through.  I had kept my emotion in check til then.  We bot hsat crying together.  Before I went into the gate, she told me she "loved me", and then said "Rob, PLEASE BELIEVE THIS".  I have no doubt in my mind that this is true..  The time came and it was like trying to tear yourself away BUT you just can't..I knew it had to be done, so I finally gave her a lst lingering kiss.  Wiped away a tear from her eye and said I love you...

As like others I looked back, and she was in bits there and then...It makes me wonder what it was that has made it right for us?  Why has she (and I, for that matter) fallen so hard quick?  Once on the plane before take off, i called her and we said our final goodbyes just as the plane took off.  Once i arrived in HK...The first thing I done was call her to make sure she was ok...And she was...She wants me to phone her tonight about 11, because she knows the plane was going to be late, and she wants to say good night to me.

JimB once gave a brother a piece pf advice (as well as others) and that was NEVER break a promoise to them... I made a promise, and I will NOT break it, I will call at least twice a day and send her gifts, as well as QQ when it's sorted...  Well guys going to go now speak later...Still feeling a little down, although I know it will pass...

Offline JimB

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RE: A new life
« Reply #136 on: November 25, 2009, 11:09:17 am »
Rob, the brothers here know how you feel.  There is not much to say at this point but we all share your anguish at leaving.  it is crazy how we make this journey, it is nuts, we cause ourselves so much anguish but in the end, it is worth every bit of it.  Just ask Arnold and a couple of others here who have their wives with them now. Like Brett said the 24 hours rule is sacrosanct right now.  Your head can go in all different directions, DONT LISTEN TO IT.  Until you have thought it through. You have had heartbreak and now you have love.  A hard journey, but when you find the right one, man is it worth it.
Once you have convinced her that you are a man of your word.  She will give herself completely to you.  All of the love she has to give will be yours. Heart, mind and soul.  What a gift that is.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: A new life
« Reply #137 on: November 25, 2009, 12:21:59 pm »

All I can say is that you got me crying.



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RE: A new life
« Reply #138 on: November 25, 2009, 02:14:42 pm »
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='24004' dateline='1259169719'


All I can say is that you got me crying.


Man , that makes two of us Shaun .
Rob , you have more in Anne ... then any Job could have given you . That part of your " NEW " Life will also come to you .. most likely sooner than later . With a Lady's Love in your Heart , everything becomes positive even unpleasant situation's .
Thank you for sharing you're Journey with us .

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RE: A new life
« Reply #139 on: November 25, 2009, 02:33:50 pm »
Rob,I was writing loads , but it boils down to  - tell her you miss her and what you are doing to get together again.
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

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RE: A new life
« Reply #140 on: November 25, 2009, 03:20:45 pm »
Five star thread? Anyone? Or 6!:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Rhonald

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RE: A new life
« Reply #141 on: November 25, 2009, 10:11:56 pm »
Rob, Mel Gibson knows jack squat about brave heart. You have just remade the movie :heart:
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances


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RE: A new life
« Reply #142 on: November 26, 2009, 05:50:04 pm »
this story is getting so juicy don't stop now, keep writing. It's like the great chinese novel... I thought willy was fast....:icon_cheesygrin:

If you get a phone call late at night it will probably be MGM or Warner Bros wanting to do a movie.....besides I'm in the middle of a great love novel and you put "continued next week" lord I hate that.  I'd rather keep reading until you put her on the horse and ride off into the sunset.....
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 11:25:59 pm by rockycoon »


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RE: A new life
« Reply #143 on: November 26, 2009, 11:23:28 pm »
I finally got to view the last of the jorney and what an ending, with another episode coming to a blog board near you.  What a beautiful trip.  I was right though last time we talked, I told you to go first and wa-la it worked. Your in the far turn and in the lead, now all you have to do is get around the near turn and don't be afraid to use the  bring it across the finish and your in the winners circle my friend.  
I think you did a splendid job. Move over willy, the compitition has arrived! By the way WHAH and SHUI in english is loosely translated
as "oh god" and "don't stop".  You are the man of  You haven't been skimming  off the top of willy's stash have you?

It was ment for you two to meet, so any other was nothing, Anne was waiting for you two to meet, it just took a little nudge, that's all.  She is a good fisherman, she landed you hook, line and sinker.....haha  (clever those chinese).

good luck my friend, I look forward to more of the story, hurry up and get off here and go call her right now.....and hide the bagpipes until your married...LOL
By the way, Ronald has no strings on that thing, he just likes to hold
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 11:29:38 pm by rockycoon »

Offline Rhonald

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RE: A new life
« Reply #144 on: November 26, 2009, 11:59:47 pm »
Quote from: 'rockycoon' pid='24104' dateline='1259295808'

By the way, Ronald has no strings on that thing, he just likes to hold

Thats right - I need a crank on it in order to make any music. And you are right - a wonderful story for Rob. I wish him a speedy return to China.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 12:00:15 am by Rhonald »
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances


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RE: A new life
« Reply #145 on: November 27, 2009, 03:32:21 pm »
Hi guys...
Firstly let me thank you guys for your replies and best wishes.  And Mike I will get qq sorted asap.  Biggie it will be done also asap!!!

Well overall the journey starting from the hotel in Qingdao until I stepped foot inside the house in Barrow In Frness, took 23.5 hours.  I was exhausted...And still am because I never slept much last night.  In fact i finlly fell asleep about 3.30am and only got 4 hours.  so I am still tired.:huh:

I she have spoken to Anne 3 times since hong kong, she was saying that she has not slept well or that she still feels a little upset.  But, with hearing my voice again this has "made my sun come back" :icon_biggrin:  She was concerned about the flight because there were delays leaving from Qingdao and Hong Kong, so 'm assuming she must have been keeping check on them... I felt like Sh.t while talking to her, because I KNOw I REALLY SHOULD STILL BE THERE:huh:  But with life , you do have to take the good with the bad.  I told her that when I come back, I want us to go to Beijiing and walk the wall, and spend a few days there.  I , then also asked her if there was anything she wanted to do, the minx said "I will think about it and laughed loudly?".  I asked if she put my stuff by for safety, she mentioned that "they are IN THE BANK except for my cross which is around her neck, she says she has been rubbing it every couple of hours to feel close to me???

Anne's mom came on the phone and said "Ni hao, Lob", which made me smile.  The old woman is very nice not tatsted her food yet, but if anything the brothers have said about their in laws, is anything to go by, then I am looking forward to it...  Anne came back on the phone and she again was laughing, so I asked why?..She said my mum said "She going to kill you for making her daughter very unhappy, after you 2 get married first".  So I laughed at that, this was the first time that I had smiled properly since I left China.

W both again professed our love and found it hard to finish the phone call...Has anyone esle noticed how femimine and soft spoken the ladies are in China?  Or was i imagining that??

I wil wait another day or two before putting my overall thoughts down, at the moment I feel shattered, and still emotionally drained, so bear with me guys please.  Oh one more thig before I go, remember the day on the bus she mentionedher age,41.. Well I was lookng at some ics I have and to be honest she looks between 20~25, or is that me hoping lol...  The age differnce between us (11 years) I think is just about right.  The pics I have jusst now I will try to attach just now,  but remember they are not that good a quality...

We spoke for about 2 hours about three hours ago, so i will sleep better tonight:heart:.  i read some where that you should phone when you know what time they goto bed and for when you know they get up.  that way THEY will know YOU are thinking about them all the time.  

As promised Willie phoned me and gave me some numbers for cheaper calls, so thanks very much mate.  Maxx mentioned to me (and I think it's a good idea for everyone) to keep in touch with some of those that's there.  n more than one occasion will the Londoner (Even if he is English haha) was a tower of strength for me:icon_biggrin:

« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 04:50:20 pm by Scottish_Rob »


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RE: A new life
« Reply #146 on: November 27, 2009, 03:38:49 pm »
Ha ha ha, I  really miss not being able to buy my fruit from the back of a lorry. Welcome back Rob and make sure you observe the 24 hour rule. Oh and it will probably take a fortnight to recover from the trip so take it easy.

Offline wilsbrough

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RE: A new life
« Reply #147 on: November 27, 2009, 07:00:15 pm »
Welcome back Bro, guess you are now counting the days till your next visit? :) Glad your back safe n well, yep those long flights are a killer eh? All the movies i got were in Chinese with no subtitles.... i must remember a book next time...:icon_cheesygrin:

On another note, i have my first date with a new lady tomorrow, but she still has not let me seen a picture of her yet....:huh: Ha! least i can not complain about the photoshopping right? :icon_cheesygrin:

« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 07:06:28 pm by wilsbrough »
Every now and then i get a little bit nervous at the death of all the years have gone by....!


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RE: A new life
« Reply #148 on: November 27, 2009, 07:04:17 pm »
Rob, what a fox for sure,(and I don't mean you) , still don't understand how a crusty old fart like you managed to land such a beautiful young lady like Anne. It's gotta be the money....hahaha
Hey bro, you are one lucky son of a gun.  But where's all that traffic you were talking about
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 07:14:15 pm by rockycoon »


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RE: A new life
« Reply #149 on: November 27, 2009, 07:13:34 pm »
Maybe it was as Maxx mentioned in one of the threads...That I was like a little lost puppydog!!!:blush:


It could have been the fact that when I am on 'song'....I'm on


As I said in one of my postings in this thread, maybe....JUST maybe,  She saw the potential and thought  'F..k, I WANT INTO HIM....( The Celtic Charm !!!!)...LOL....:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::angel:

Seriously though...It could be down to the fact that i HAVE always been able to Sweettalk any female....Apart from this brotherhood, I have more female friends than male ones...

Wills, Would i count the days???
No pics eh...Expect not a lot and hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised...

Rocky thanks mate...But i am NOT going to CHARGE
Feck it can't be the money, I aint got none and she knows it...
Who NOSE mate, if you look again at me I seem to have a rather largs conker, so may she equated that with dongle size...i will aske her WHY Me?........ just for you rocky hahaha

If I'm honest and I have already said this here, what did SHE see in me!!!
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 07:25:32 pm by Scottish_Rob »