Author Topic: A new life  (Read 44643 times)

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RE: A new life
« Reply #150 on: November 27, 2009, 09:08:54 pm »

Great story and great pictures.  Does she have a younger sister, yours is a little old for me. :icon_cheesygrin: Hey wait a minute I've got a girl. :dodgy: Never mind. :-/ Anyway Rob, I'm happy for you.  Get back there ASAP.


Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: A new life
« Reply #151 on: November 28, 2009, 02:19:15 pm »
I am on my way to China on Sunday morning having been in the UK for three days.  Brett why does travelling affect you.   Now Scottish_rob, AKA Wishee Washee Jock, will soon be a global jet setting playboy the way he is going.   Your a great guy Rob - BUT if I had known what a cracker she was then maybe I should have had you deported and then gone round to console her!!!

You know that would have been one more thing that I would have been pleased to do 'for you'!!!!!!:icon_cool::icon_cool:

« Last Edit: November 28, 2009, 02:20:29 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline JimB

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RE: A new life
« Reply #152 on: November 28, 2009, 02:42:02 pm »
Rob, dont question it, just enjoy it.  I know they are all too good for us.  I tell my wife every day how lucky I feel for having her as my Laopo.  She says she is the lucky one.  So I say see I told you so. It took her a while to catch on.  Rob, I will be back in and around Beijing the whole month of February.  So anyone who is there can call and get together.

Mr. & Mrs. Burk
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: A new life
« Reply #153 on: November 29, 2009, 11:51:05 am »
Ok guys expect a long one here.  As promised I have had few more hours sleep and I am now ready to portay my thoughts on my trip and subsequent 'Whirlwind Romance', the 'good' and 'bad'...

At 00.00 on the 14th November I stepped into my mates car for the journey to Manchester Airport (England)  Just as we started to pull away, a 'Flood' of emotions came rusing into my mind.  I will start with the first one, EXCITEMENT.  I had been excited for months in the lead up to this moment, except in the 4 weeks previous, and you all know why, it sort of shattered my feeling.  Anyway in the car I started to feel excited again because I was going on what was basically my first 'proper' holiday.  My first proper flight, and the first time of me going outside of the UK.  So I took one last long look at my house as we pulled away and my heart started to race faster.:fi_lone_ranger:

Within minutes I started to feel 'GUILTY'.  Guilty because. I knew that although this was a holiday I had organised, I also knew that i was going to be searching for work in the hope of staying there in China.  The guilt arose because I was leaving my 2 boy's here in England, with my grandchildren.  And also leaving
my 2 daughters who are living in Scotland with the rest of my grandchildren.:s

As the car drove along i wondered 'IF' I would ever see theis beautiful countryside again in the near future.
my mate knew about my plans and kept saying 'Keep in touch and look after yourself' which was unusel because he is NOT the type of guy who normally talks like that, he NEVER EVER shows his feelings.  Once we reached the airport as you know, caused me to be there 2 hours longer.  It was in the lounge when I started to feel a little 'SCARED'.  Scared about the plane rides, I mean you here so many things about terrorism etc and these STUPID thoughts came into my mind.:huh:

When the time came to board, I knew that this was the step I needed to take, and there would be no turning back.  I remember seeing planes on the tv and seeing a large screen in the front where everyone watched it.  But to my surprise, this wasn't the case.  The tv's were on the back of the seats that are in front of you, and you had the choice of fils, radio, cd's to listen too etc.  We arrived in London Heathrow in just over an hour, this wasn't so bad I remember thinking:icon_biggrin:

I mention earlier that I met a young lady from Beijiing, (Oh she called me yesterday BTW).  The staff were not as helpful as I thought they would be.  I expected (I Think) to be lead by the hand through all the stages, being a NOVICE FLYER I expected more help.  On the plane to Hong Kong (HK) i got talking to the people that were sat next to me, so all was good, they were English so NO language problems.  In  we were shuttled to the next departure point, as i alighted from the bus, i qickly lit up a cigarette an was promptly told (firmly) NO SMOKING..  from this point we had to walk for ages to get to the lounge to wait for boarding.  it wasn't too long a wait which was fine, my excitement had returned and all I wanted to do was get there.

I took some pictures from the plane of HK and the clouds (as you do hehe), and after 12.5 hours of flying we started to land.  After getting my cases, and as I andered through customs, I began to feel 'SORROW'.  i felt this way because I knew that this was going to be the day I was meeting Kathy, so many thoughts of her came flooding into my mind.  As i walked through the throng of those waiting for their loved ones, i hoped that jennifer had remembered that I was arriving and hoped that she AT least would meet me..  As you know her sister and her husband (Julie and Choochoo) was there to greet me, which made me feel NOT so ALONE.  the car journey to the hotel I told you about, but, what did go through my head on the first sight of Qingdao was 'There was no chance I could live in this!!!'

Once at the hotel, which was nice and clean with internet, which was lucky because my laptop wouldn't work. In my room was a tv, couch, table, and somewhere to put my shoes etc and also a kettle and phone.  The staff were really very nice and pleasant, and very helpful.  after dumping my cases, we went to the restaurant to meet Jennifer, I was really NERVOUS about this.  Now remember guy's I had a beef with her, because she blamed ME for what happened about Kathy, so I was NOT looking forward to this.  As Mike said, "better keeping her sweet she will be your best contact while there".  Once she arrived and we got introduced, we both apologised about the emails, and realised that the emails both ways  had been wrongly interpreted..  After the meeting I was driven back to the hotel, and after a short rest I went for my first view of the place.

Here is my thoughts on some of the things I noticed.

The driving in China is Manic and bloody mad...These people don't seem to notice that there are others on the road, be it cars or pedestreans..  The come around corners, out of alleyways without looking.  many times the cars will be within mm's of each other..BUT the noise of Honking Cars, that makes me smile...

Apart from my night in KTV, I never saw anyone drink or drunk.  Fighting, I never saw one, except an arguement between Anne and her uncle, but you know the story.

They  were all friendly, excepta couple who just walked past when I asked them a question...  It could have been they did not want to try and understand the plight of a Western Gwiloi  The always seem to have a smile on their face, unless it was me they were smiling at!!!  I don't care, seeing smiling peole makes a holiday for me.

The city itself was very clean, always people sweeping and clearing up.
Only once did I see any graffiti.  I mean clean in that there was no garbage or paper strewn on the pavements or roads.

I have asked myself this question since I got back...Would I have enjoyed my time there, if I had NOT met Anne..  I spoke to willie this morning and mentioned same to him.  His answer...YES...Because you would have meet someone else....  Maybe he is Right, or maybe he is wrong, we shall never know now?.  The thing I do know, I have one dissapointment from my trip, and that was not getting a job.  This trip has has been said by others here, has MANY, MANY pluses.

I know in my heart I intend going back, the main reason of two is of ofcourse for my love ANNE, the second one is to prove to myself that I can get a job.

On my return from China, there were of course much sorrow on my part.  BUT, the one thing i remember thinking was , that I am only comming to Barrow, it is NO LONGER my home Home is where the heart is...AND MY HEART IS IN CHINA, WITH ANNE AND FANYUNG...
« Last Edit: November 29, 2009, 12:47:30 pm by Scottish_Rob »

Offline Rhonald

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RE: A new life
« Reply #154 on: November 29, 2009, 01:00:28 pm »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='24222' dateline='1259513465'

 This trip has has been said by others here, has MANY, MANY pluses.

Great story in a condensed form Rob. Your story was a whirlwind of emotions, even if lived vicariously. And the many, many PLUSES - that is your  :heart: Pulsing - many many Pulses. Life should be an adventure and I am glad you are alive and kicking :icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: November 29, 2009, 01:03:03 pm by Rhonald »
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances


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RE: A new life
« Reply #155 on: November 30, 2009, 03:30:59 am »

 I posted this, in this #5...Do you believe???:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


YES mate NOW I believe:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

I meant to post a couple of thoughts about somethings that we are always mentioning.

(1)...Maxx's 24 hour rule
(2)...Different Country, Different Culture.

THESE TWO, should always be in yor thoughts, WHY...BECAUSE they are INVALUABLE.  Both of these became VERY useful to me, especially number 2.

I am just off the phone to her,:heart: we both expressed our love, and I swear I could hear her sob gently, which of course, here in the UK it made me do the same.:huh:  I REALLY DO NOT know how the guy's who have wives, long term girlfriends over there, survive.  It has been less than a week for me, and it is breaking me up!!!!  To those of you who have the above mentioned, YOU have my utmost respect, I don't know how you manage to survive.

Ronan, what you mentioned in your last post here I am doing.  She is pleased that I am doing what I can to get back there.

God guy's isn't LOVE strange???:heart::heart:

Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: A new life
« Reply #156 on: November 30, 2009, 07:59:15 pm »
I remember it being the electronic store! Rob!


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RE: A new life
« Reply #157 on: November 30, 2009, 08:14:21 pm »
I remember it being the Electronics store too.



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RE: A new life
« Reply #158 on: December 01, 2009, 04:48:15 am »

I HAD just LEFT an Electronic store, walked up the stairs outside and saw her walking along the street towards me....LOL:icon_cheesygrin:

Remember I mentioned about the laptop I got, well because of the cost of it (£50.00), it was really crappy...So have put it into a store now to get it all updated , so may not be online as much as I used to for a week or two. So when I come back I will post more pictures then...

This morning I got a text when In woke up which read in mixed chinese and English...

Ni Hao my Darling
Wo ai ni very much Rob, wo Xiang ni please hurry back to me.
My heart is with you there in England...
Ming bai?
I love you
Anne xx

This made my heart pump faster and has given me the resolve to make and do everything I can to get back to this woman...

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: A new life
« Reply #159 on: December 01, 2009, 05:44:41 am »
You know what I am going to say Rob, get rid of the fags and in little over ten weeks you will have the airfare.  If that is not an incentive I do not know what is?    (To non UKs I mean his smoking and not his sexual preferences)

I presume that Anne is a non smoker so just think what kudos you will receive from her you having stopped the habit just to get back to her sooner rather than later.

You do realise that when you kiss her your making her a really passive smoker!!!!!    

Keep smoking and it will not only be Anne making your heart pump faster!!    

You are only doing everything you can to get back to her if you kick the habit now.    

No need to wait for the end of a carton, show her how much she means to you and do it TODAY and get back to China faster...........  Here endeth todays lesson!!!!!

You knew that was coming didn't you!!!

« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 05:46:08 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: A new life
« Reply #160 on: December 01, 2009, 09:03:21 am »

ok baba quit lecturing your son he has a mind of his own  hahahaha

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: A new life
« Reply #161 on: December 01, 2009, 09:17:47 am »
Ted - No one has mind of their own where Cigarettes are concerned.  Marry a Chinese women and that problem starts again BUT they say that cigarettes are more addicted than heroin but not sure about that - used one regularly but never touched the other.   But that is no reason to keep someone away from their love longer than is necessary!!!!  Its hard on the women and on my phone bills.

The shop girls down by McDonalds want to know when Daddy is coming back.   They miss you!!!!

Will probably call you tomorrow as awaiting a reply from the Consulate in Guangzhou about an appointment.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: A new life
« Reply #162 on: December 03, 2009, 06:10:34 am »
Baba took your advice...2 days without a smoke now...

Been out all morning droping off Cv's  trying to get some work to help towards going back...Bloody 30 of them I dropped off...

Anne and I spoke for about 2 hours last night.  God too me she has the softest, gentlest voice you could ever wish to hear....:icon_biggrin:

The lucky guys on here who have their ladies, and waiting to go back to them are RIGHT...IT'S Fecking hard, being sooooo far away from them, and all you want to do is hold them in your arms...:huh:


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RE: A new life
« Reply #163 on: December 04, 2009, 02:45:35 am »
Daddy?  as in "who is your daddy"?   What have you been up to Rob...LOL  That sounds like Willy, hanging out at the malt shop....ha ha ha ha

By the way, smoking is so hard to quit, I've been smoking for years and have tried so many times to quit, then some a**hole lights one up next to you and you just have to have one, so hang in there...
« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 02:52:06 am by rockycoon »


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RE: A new life
« Reply #164 on: December 04, 2009, 05:23:09 am »

Good luck on the no smoking.  I quit almost 24 years ago.  It wasn't easy but it wasn't the most difficult thing I have ever had to do either.  It is within the top 10 best things I ever did.  I will tell you this.  Girls like the way you taste a lot better after you quit. Just a thought. :angel:
