Author Topic: A new life  (Read 44565 times)

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RE: A new life
« Reply #45 on: November 18, 2009, 04:13:14 pm »
He he ok guys WHO was the SMARTASS who mentioned taking a SUIt to China....LOL

I wish I had taken the advice of those who said NOT TOO... Yesterday for my interview/demo class I got all suited, tied and booted.  And the amount of people who stared at me was horrendous, it brought more stares than my BLOODY height....LOL

Although I felt all neat and tidy and smart, I did feel a TAD overdressed...ROFLMAO

Not got a translation machine yet, BUT believe me..THIS IS A MUST GET ITEM WHEN OVER HERE

It's that, it's not being able to explain to the ladies how I like my


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RE: A new life
« Reply #46 on: November 18, 2009, 04:40:33 pm »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='23313' dateline='1258578794'

It's that, it's not being able to explain to the ladies how I like my

ROFLMAO :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:
Here I thought , you explain afterward's ?
« Last Edit: November 18, 2009, 04:41:03 pm by Arnold »

Vince G

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RE: A new life
« Reply #47 on: November 18, 2009, 05:56:37 pm »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='23313' dateline='1258578794'

it's not being able to explain to the ladies how I like my

What's the problem? Mimic, mimic a dog you have the doggie, mimic riding a horse you have the ponyride and a turtle on it's back you have the missionary? SO?? :icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: A new life
« Reply #48 on: November 18, 2009, 09:35:21 pm »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='23260' dateline='1258536768'

 It certainly looks that way to me, she IS bending over backwards to help me in any way,

No Language problem there then mate!!!   Thats what I want to hear from the man taking over my Viagra crown!!!


Quote from: 'RobertBfrom aust' pid='23255' dateline='1258527009'

Willy , that is a bit of a conundrum , I give my fiancee gifts and she gives me excellent service  haha .:angel:

Bit different for me mate.  She gives me gifts and she also gives me excellent service!!!:icon_cool:  OOOPPPS   Not yours I mean mine.  :angel:

« Last Edit: November 18, 2009, 09:50:33 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline ron

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RE: A new life
« Reply #49 on: November 18, 2009, 09:57:35 pm »
LOL Rob draw pictures stick men or women you will get your message across?:icon_cheesygrin: Maybe you need to get that transator machine before you get into some real trouble lol. Glad to see things are going good.              Ron

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RE: A new life
« Reply #50 on: November 18, 2009, 11:28:12 pm »
Quote from: 'ron' pid='23351' dateline='1258599455'

LOL Rob draw pictures stick men or women you will get your message across?:icon_cheesygrin: Maybe you need to get that transator machine before you get into some real trouble lol. Glad to see things are going good.              Ron

To late - he has just called me - he stopped a women and she just happened to have a electronic translator and she showed him the shop and he has her telephone number.

Well I never tried that pick up.  I think I have a lot to learn from the wee jock!!!LOL

« Last Edit: November 18, 2009, 11:29:09 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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RE: A new life
« Reply #51 on: November 19, 2009, 03:17:31 am »
Rob wow we are going to have to change your name to slick Willy.Good job.The only thing I can think of right now is.When you are with a lady yes let her do all the negoiations on the price of things.You want or need.There are 2 prices in China.The price for the Chinese people and the price for the rest of the world.

When these women get to negotiating a price for for something it is really something to see.

Paul Todd

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RE: A new life
« Reply #52 on: November 19, 2009, 03:43:19 am »
Way to go Rob,

How long have you been here? and your already being picked up in the street!:icon_biggrin:  You've got them doing your shopping and paying your bus fare !  What next !:angel: bet that doesn't happen too often in Barrow '. hehe hehe  Have a great night.


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RE: A new life
« Reply #53 on: November 19, 2009, 05:24:03 am »
Quote from: 'Paul Todd' pid='23376' dateline='1258620199'

Way to go Rob,

How long have you been here? and your already being picked up in the street!:icon_biggrin:  You've got them doing your shopping and paying your bus fare !  What next !:angel: bet that doesn't happen too often in Barrow '. hehe hehe  Have a great night.

Paul, I tried calling you on my new phone and Chinese Sim Card..but won't let me through..:huh:.I had the same when I phoned Willie..:huh:He had to call me!!!:icon_biggrin:

Bloody right it dont...hahaha  :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin: As you know if anything, YOU have to do the shopping and pay for EVERYTHING for them...hahaha

been practising with my new machine...IT'S BRILLIANT...I'm having so much fun:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Offline markymark

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RE: A new life
« Reply #54 on: November 19, 2009, 08:36:35 am »
Hi Rob,
 Nice to read about your adventures and of your 'chance' encounter, this may open up some doors for you. Too bad about the demo class but it is an experience you can learn from. One idea is to approach 'English program' schools and / or language centres and ask if you can 'sit in' on a class ( with the instructors permission ) as an observer. You will see what goes on and get an idea of what they are looking for. It is invaluable and can only be to your advantage. Maybe you can chat with the class instructor afterwards, this could be a goldmine of information and useful tips etc. It is easier said than done but worth a try. It can be a bit daunting but your world is starting to open up as you settle in and the WOW factor is still rolling. I do not know what your plans are but while you are in Qingdao you can look at schools, flats / apartments and places to go to. I do not know if you have this website already but you can get lots on information from it has lists of esl schools, language centres, colleges, universities, flat rentals ( 1200RMB up ), watering holes and a map. Anyway I hope this post will be useful to you so good luck and happy hunting.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 08:37:23 am by markymark »
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RE: A new life
« Reply #55 on: November 19, 2009, 09:04:42 am »
Rob , now you really are cruzin , regards Ying and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
My QQ is   1994376895
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Offline Brian Mc

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RE: A new life
« Reply #56 on: November 19, 2009, 09:40:24 am »
Greetings Brothers,

Rob, that was a good story, glad you are having fun.  Just remember when using your translator to keep the language simple and the sentence short, and also use proper grammar.  If you skip words it gets confused. Also remember that english to chinese works quite well but chinese to english can be a real problem.  So if someone writes a reply and it makes no sense remeber the old I do not understand  bu mein bai?? and ask them to do it again.  They will catch on quickly and its lots of fun talking with a ttranslator if you are not in a hurry.

As for the stares you will get used to it.  I find its mostly ladies and teenagers who stare so often a wave and or a smile really gets them smiling back.


Zhen and Brian


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RE: A new life
« Reply #57 on: November 19, 2009, 06:00:58 pm »
Hi you lovely people, today all is right in the world...:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Last night after I came off the computer I went for a shower etc because I had arrangements that I was sure could not be broken!!!;-)  At 7.40 I left to go to the Bank of China where I first met Anne, to meet her again as this was where we decided would be the best place to meet.  I got ther at ten to the hour and we had said 8pm.  To be honest I never really expected her to turn up, I could not in my lifetime think I could be that lucky.  8 O'Clock went and at 10 past the hour I heard from across the street "Rob...Rob"  So as I felt there would not be that many Rob's in Qingdao I thought it must be me?  So I glanced across to me left and there she was waving to me.  Well my heart ws in my mouth but the biggest smile you would ever see went across my face.:icon_cheesygrin:

She crossed the road and apologised for her lateness, "Bus was late, so sorry" she said but as you men know it's a Ladies perogative to be late, so I said "it was ok, was not waiting long" :sleepy: I asked what she would like to do.  She was unsure so asked her if she had eaten and suggested to go for some food.  We walked about 5 minutes away from where we were (sorry guys not sure of the street names yet) and Anne pointed to this little restaurant, so we went in and Anne asked the waiter if there was a table available, he nodded and promptly showed us to one.  Apparently the restaurant is called Meingzhi.  Not the usual seafood place but a nice 'normal' one all decked out in red and gold.  She ordered some tea for us, and we got chatting.  Her name is Yinglau Chung, she is 41, 1 son aged 5 and divorced and is 5 feet 2 inches tall (Not that this matters).  Her language is good because she went to university in Jinan, although she was born and raised in Qingdao.  She has a masters degree in Accounting and has (with her best friend May) a retail business in clothes.  I can't remember the name of their shop, she did tell me but I have forgotten.

As time wore on she waved to the waiter that we were ready to order.  This was funny because the waiter kept coming up and asking if we wanted to order and she kept shoo'ing him away and saying something in Chinese haha.  I think if my memory serves me well, it was something like "F..k Off, can't you see I'm trying to get into him" :icon_cheesygrin: lol.  any way she ordered some seafood, eel's it looked like and then a peppered pork, I had some noodles with chicken, and some pork ballls in like a barbiecue sauce.  Very tasty, we also had some fruit drinks, as she does not drink she said.  the night proggressed swimmingly and it was about 11.30 when we left the restaurant.

I asked if she had to go home and she replied with a giggle "Bu..No", well at that I was delighted, so I then mentioned it would be nice to go to the seafront, so she grabbed my arm and we started walking to one.  Ha ha don't forget guy's I'm lost when I'm just around the corner from my hotel haha:icon_biggrin:.  So we walked for about 15 minutes turning corners to the left and right nd crossing many bloody roads.  We finally got ther and the weather was chilly but not too much, we stood at the railing looking out into the sea and started telling each other our life stories.  Just before we left I pulled her to me and sneaked a kiss on the cheek to thank her for a lovely night, she turned her head towards me and returned the compliment to the lips.  Just the one or dozen not sure I was in heaven:icon_cheesygrin:.  As it was about 2.45 we decided to head home, we got 2 taxis to pull up at the same time, she told my driver my address gave me another (lingering) kiss.  So I put her in her car and I got into mine and they pulled away together, hers passed mine and as I looked out the window I saw her waving to me.  I know you cannot put a cost on something like this, but the money I spent to come here in the first place, will never be enough to pay for last nights experience.:heart:

I have not been able to sleep a wink all night thinking about the whole day's experience...If heaven is anything near to this day, then I'm in it...:angel:
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 06:02:20 pm by Scottish_Rob »


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RE: A new life
« Reply #58 on: November 19, 2009, 06:45:11 pm »
I am so happy for you Rob.  It was touching to read your post. Good luck mate.


Offline stuart barlow

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RE: A new life
« Reply #59 on: November 19, 2009, 07:08:00 pm »
Glad to here things are going so well Rob,keep this up and we'll all be packing
up and heading out to china,just need a job now to make your dream come true.
Better be quick though you might find all the guys here jumping in front of you,whilst
your wooing your new lady,hehe