Author Topic: A new life  (Read 44566 times)

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RE: A new life
« Reply #60 on: November 19, 2009, 07:09:15 pm »
keep us updated on how things go
  interesting turn of events

Offline zook144

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RE: A new life
« Reply #61 on: November 19, 2009, 07:19:20 pm »
Wonderful story Rob! Keep it up! ....wait..that didn't..that's not what I meant:blush:   I mean "keep up the good work"...yeah, thats what I meant.
The Journey Is The Destination


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RE: A new life
« Reply #62 on: November 19, 2009, 07:25:14 pm »
Boy Rob , that brought happy tear's to my eyes .
You know Qing and Anne have certain things in commom . Qing is 41 , has a Accounting degree and has a 7 year old Boy . Hahaha ... that is something . Are you following my route ???

Offline Carl

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RE: A new life
« Reply #63 on: November 19, 2009, 08:11:46 pm »
Fantastic experience  you are having there, Rob!  Congrats and best wishes.  I'm looking forward to your next post.


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RE: A new life
« Reply #64 on: November 19, 2009, 09:51:10 pm »
Can anyone tell me who is whatshername???

Guys to be perfectly honest I never thought something like this could happen, not to me...:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: A new life
« Reply #65 on: November 19, 2009, 10:00:33 pm »
I see one major problem ahead of you Rob.  SHE IS NOT CALLED KATHY -could you not ask her to change her name - I thought that you was only going for Kathy's!!!!

Well this morning was the happiest that I have heard you for a long time.  That must have been a hell of a night.  How come you were up so early this morning having got back so late.

Just treat her gently as she has probably not been in personal contact with a man for several years and I know what you Scots are like!!!  Just think like an ex jockeys - take it easy for 5 furlongs and then dig your heels in and dash to the finish.

If you found her on the street I hope that no money changed hands - in that I presume you did not charge her for your escort duty last night!!!   Mind you that is a way to make money until you get that teaching job.

Did I not tell you that the best place to meet women is face to face on the street.  


PS Rob - I have another song for you 'A Moment Like This'
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 10:02:51 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Paul Todd

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RE: A new life
« Reply #66 on: November 19, 2009, 11:10:16 pm »
Is the the same Rob who pm'd me that he was not going to jump into any new relationships anytime soon?:angel: hehe hehe
My advice to the residents of Qing Dao is lock up your daughter's !:s  There's an amorous Scots guy on the loose!:icon_biggrin:  Within one day of meeting this vision of loveliness Rob has already waltzed her down to the beach at midnight and sweet talked her to the point that she is showering with kisses. Hmmm, Ming zhi was very impressed. Good to see you happy my friend.,and I repeat that I bet this doesn't happen that much in Barrow! If I remember the place the seafront is not the most romantic place to be.Well not this time of year anyway. I will give you a call if you've got the time to take it !!!!:huh: Oh and forget about finding work it will find you, go see your girl and have a good time. You deserve it

Ming Zhi,Paul
« Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 12:56:08 am by Paul Todd »


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RE: A new life
« Reply #67 on: November 20, 2009, 05:15:40 am »
Thanks for all the praise guys...I am glad I NEVER stopped coming here now...  Which nobody could have blamed me for...

Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='23464' dateline='1258686033'

I see one major problem ahead of you Rob.  SHE IS NOT CALLED KATHY -could you not ask her to change her name - I thought that you was only going for Kathy's!!!!

Well this morning was the happiest that I have heard you for a long time.  That must have been a hell of a night.  How come you were up so early this morning having got back so late.

Did I not tell you that the best place to meet women is face to face on the street.  


PS Rob - I have another song for you 'A Moment Like This'

God Willie did you not read my post this morning tut tut:huh:

Yeah mate you were right and I have given you the praise somewhere on here for it:icon_cheesygrin:

Quote from: 'Paul Todd' pid='23470' dateline='1258690216'

Is the the same Rob who pm'd me that he was not going to jump into any new relationships anytime soon?:angel: hehe hehe
My advice to the residents of Qing Dao is lock up your daughter's !:s  

Within one day of meeting this vision of loveliness Rob has already waltzed her down to the beach at midnight and sweet talked her to the point that she is showering with kisses. Hmmm, Ming zhi was very impressed.
Ming Zhi,Paul

I think not!! That old Rob is back in Barrow hahah

As Ronan will testify, if you have the gift of the gab, then use it:)

They don't need locked up, I found what I was looking for:icon_cheesygrin:

Like I said in our PM's mate, Ka...whateverhernamewas doesn't know what she was losing:icon_cheesygrin:

Tell Ming Zhi see what a good guy her friend could have had hahaha:angel:
« Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 07:47:14 am by Scottish_Rob »


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RE: A new life
« Reply #68 on: November 20, 2009, 07:28:50 am »
Today after speaking to Willie on the phone this morning I phoned all my contacts about work, (8) are going to phone me back, about (9 or more0) told me to email them my details. (4) I have to re-phone, and (2) I need someone who speaks Chinese for haha.  1 of them told me to come for an interview later in the afternoon which I was all excited about, so I got dressed nice (NO david NOT the suit) and got everything I needed, got the porter to write down the address in Mandarin, then tell the taxi driver where I was going.  All in all I was getting another chance.  I got to the plkace and was shown by some kind female where it was (this was after me showing her the address and name of the school).  As I approached the door, I thought this looks familiar?  Lo and behold it was the same place I had been to 2 days earlier:huh:.  So I left fuming.  

I had phoned Anne earlier and told her not to meet me at the time we arranged because I had an interview.  So now I was free and so called her.  She told me to wait there and she would pick me up in 10 minutes.  After she arrived she could see I was mad so we just walked about town for an hour and I tooke her into a clothes shop and bought her a scarf and Glove set.  

NOW think how stupid I felt when after paying for them, I remembered she ownes a Clothes store:blush: We  then went back to my hotel (TO DROP OFF MY STUFF:huh:)..  As you can imagine being with her quickly took me out of my mood.  Anyway, as it was after 3.30 we just sat in the room and listened to some music..HEHE guess what song I played HEHE you would be right.  To the people that has never met an Asian lady, or dated one, you hear all types of things about the kissing.  Believe me it's true..But QUITE nice.  She had to go home at 5.30 to see to Fuyang (son).  So we went outside and hailed a cab for her.  We kissed and then she left, I am spending the whole day with her tommorow:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Well Guys, at the moment I only have one picture of Anne which I took earlier tonight.  Sorry it's a bit dark but the sun was in our eyes and we had the curtains closed:angel:

There are a couple of one's here for Sly (If he ever appears again:huh:)  I didn't know that France had links with China?  Remember someone Hajo I think it was ,digging his way there, well I found his legs coming out somewhere hehe

I am putting on some picture for you, they are not the best quality so no getting on too me ok:icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 08:32:57 am by Scottish_Rob »

Offline JimB

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RE: A new life
« Reply #69 on: November 20, 2009, 10:52:30 am »
She is very cute Rob.  The kissing is different isnt it?  Keep on a roll mate.  Your doing well.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: A new life
« Reply #70 on: November 20, 2009, 11:33:03 am »
Good report Rob but why did you play bagpipe music for her?  :icon_cheesygrin:

Didn't Willy tell you to leave the bagpipe home? :icon_cheesygrin:


Oops!  Sorry you are home now.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 11:35:42 am by shaun »


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RE: A new life
« Reply #71 on: November 20, 2009, 11:39:07 am »

The kissing maybe different, ....very different, but they are also very quick learners. So it won't be too long before you are back in your comfort!! ....And surprise surprise they actually prefer the so called western ways of kissing!! ...Never again the goldfish kiss. haha!!


Offline ron

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RE: A new life
« Reply #72 on: November 20, 2009, 11:42:37 am »
I am glad things are looking up for you Rob .I also see you are throwing the K letter out .It is good to start with the A letter and go from there lol.What grades were you being asked to teach?Just wondering.Keep the stories coming I enjoy reading them .

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: A new life
« Reply #73 on: November 21, 2009, 01:13:25 am »
Quote from: 'ron' pid='23502' dateline='1258735357'

I am glad things are looking up for you Rob .I also see you are throwing the K letter out .It is good to start with the A letter and go from there lol.What grades were you being asked to teach?

Ok Rob - what grade are you starting to teach Anne at?   You know you have to be strong!!!

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: A new life
« Reply #74 on: November 21, 2009, 03:44:54 am »
Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='23555' dateline='1258784005'

Ok Rob - what grade are you starting to teach Anne at?   You know you have to be strong!!!


ROFMAO...hahahhahaha:blush::icon_cheesygrin::angel:  Sorry guy's a private joke hehe

Ron the interview I went for the other day they wanted a masters degree...However, I also think it had something to do with my Scots language, US Scots tend to talk fast,... REALLY FAST...  And I believe that was why I did not get the job.

Right guys a little update for you.  
This morning when I awoke, which was at 9.40 (late for a change)  I discovered the electricity in the building was off...  So I went up town a little bit earlier to get a coffee and some breakfast..  After this was over I went to the internet cafe to check my emails and such, which is why some may have seen me logged in.

I waited in town today to pick (Kathy) oops sorry Willie (haha) Anne up..  Before she left last night we arranged where we were going to meet and at what time (11.45).  Well she has to do some work. since  I have been here she has not been in as often.  Just as well she is the boss or she would probably be out on her Arse hehe.

Once I came off the computer I went to the place I was to meet her, it was by a shop on Lunghi Rd, not far from the bank of China.  It is/was a a lovely sunny day today, not cold at all, but it did get a little bit chilly later on (Weather wise hehe).  Anyway, it was just past 12 when she showed up.  She came out the taxi, and walked right up to me and gave me a peck on the cheek and a great big hug.  She again explained why she was late, and again I said "not to worry".  She had this white winter coat on and red woolen scarf that I had bought her.  When I mentioned that it was not cold, she answered "hehe it will get cold".  So I took it that what she says is going to happen it will do, after all she knows the weather here better than me.

We went from there into town, and starting asking me about religion!!!  "Is it important to you?" she asked..  Well I don't want to lie to her so I told her the truth.  That I was a Catholic and had lost my religion many years ago, but lately have felt like it has returned to me, although I don't practice it much.  She was happy with that, I found out she was a Buddhist, I know absolutely NOTHING about Buddhism, so I will need to read up on it.  She told me her father had died when she was 2, and left her and her younger sister alone with her mother.  That she had went to university (the family are/were faily well off, not found out the details yet) and has helped fund her sisters place there too.

We stopped at this little shop and I went in to look around, as I looked at the things in the shop I noticed this little Budda pendant on a silver chain, so I pointed to it and asked her If she like it ;-)) she said it was nice, so you know the rest...I bought it, it was only 65 Yuan, which in British pounds is 6 pounds, 50 pence (6.50) which as you know is nothing really. she put it on her neck right away and kept saying "thank you thank you"

As we walked away from the shop she grabbed by arm and told me (although I think this is a bit quick) "Thank you Rob for coming into my life..." well you could have knocked me down with a feather.:blush:  I was under the assumption that the chinese ladies like to get to know the person first?  We went from there and walked another 10 minutes stopping every now and again to window shop.  The thing I have noticed about China (well Qingdao) is the smells and the colours.  It is a very colourful place, and advertising space, god they use every bit of building that is available hehe.:icon_cheesygrin:  She mentioned that she felt a little hungry, so we went for some food.  I wasn't that hungry as I wasn't that long after breakfast, (the thing is you guys is) I only have short legs to fill up hahaha.  I expected that we would go to another restaurant, but she pulled me into MACDONALDS...I thought what the feck, I can get that in England.  But as the saying goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, in our case China.  I got a cheese burger and coke, and Anne ordered a Chicken burger with fries and orange juice!!!  I found out that although she loves her Chinese food, she is also partial to a Macs and Kfc.  Just as we sat down in the corner, she opened opened her coat, and I saw that she was wearing a nice white blouse, with black jeans (funny taste/style) but nice all the same:heart:  She said to me, "Rob, what are you planning to do on Monday night?".  I cannot make plans that far ahead, so I said "As far as I know, nothing", she then said (which surprised me) 'You will come to my house and I will cook us meal, shi?...I would like you to meet Fuyang, I have told him about you, I hope you not mind?".  So I agreed and thanked her, so we she sat closer to me and hugged me a little, and sat smiling like a Cheshire Cat for the rest of the time.

We left there and walked down to the Yacht club area.  In one of the pictures I have posted shows a bunch of buildings in the distance, this is where we went.  I understand now what the guys are on about when they mention the ladies and their phones.  Hers seemed to go off many times while we are together, but she always cuts them short and says I will call you back.  Well I am assuming this as it's usually in Chinese, every time she comes off the phone she says "Sorry".  But this is interesting, if you think about it, they have a life before us, so if they are always getting called, YOU cannot expect them to stop answering it, just because you are there.

We left there and jumped a taxi as IT started getting quite chilly, she dropped me off, saying I will meet you at 7.30, don't leave the hotel, I will come for you, so sher gave me a lingering kiss and then the cab left :-)).  So now I'm in my room at the moment ALONE... and contemplating todays events...  Is she going too fast?, am I?  after all, and Paul mentions it, I was the one who said I was not going to rush into anything?  TIME WILL TELL...

So now I am going to go for a shower and a coffee, then see what I can wear for tonight...  I wonder where she will take me????
« Last Edit: November 21, 2009, 04:57:02 am by Scottish_Rob »