Author Topic: Another newbie being scammed?  (Read 8232 times)

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Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2009, 03:20:39 pm »
Thanks Jim, it looks promising, but I expect nothing and am prepared for everything :)
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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2009, 04:29:53 pm »
Thats the way to be Frank, be prepared, anything positive you get will be a bonus...:icon_biggrin:

Offline maxx

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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2009, 07:37:20 pm »
All right my 2 cents.You guys are trying to put limits on the EMf I understand this.I felt the same way as you all do.And maybe what Voice is saying is right.Put the screws to these agencies.Tell them they do it your way or not at all.

If you guys do this.Just remember this.If the lady hasn't paid all of the sign up fees.The agencies are not going to let the lady go to private emails.And they never will untill the agency fees are met.This is after all a buissnes.I think you guys are cutting your own throats to spite your face.

I would think that maybe after 3 or 4 months.If you can't get the women to move to Email web chats.Then you probably need to go looking somewhere else.(Depending on how much communication is envovled in those 3 or 4 months)

I also think.If you are writing to a women for 3 or 4 months.Why the hell haven't you made the trip to China.To see the woman.When I did this.That was the rule.If you wern't planning to go to China in 2 or 3 months.Do not write a women.All your doing is wasting your time and money.

If you know it is going to be 6 or 7 months before you can go to China.Use the time to gather information.Reserch Chinese customs and history.Learn some Chinese.Then when it is 2 or 3 months.Then start writing the ladies.

In my own opinion there is 3 very good reasons to do it this way.

#1 your saving money.All the stuff I mentioned is on the enternet and like this forum it is free.

#2 the relationship is still fresh and new.Your not giving it a Chance to turn into a expensive penpal relationship.The lady is still excited.A foreign man flew 7,000 miles to see her.

#3 you are not tied up emotionaly to much with the letters or the women.And if things go bad.You can get out and go to the Agency and not feel to bad about it.


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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #18 on: November 16, 2009, 08:06:12 pm »
SO Maxx,

Where in the heck were you 8 months ago when I started all of this.  Shoot, I wouldn't have listened to you anyway.

But really this 2-3 month idea?  I've been on this site for a while and never heard it until today.  Maybe there needs to be a page all to itself called something like Chinese Woman 101.  Warning do not enter this site until you have devoured this bit of crucial information.

The possibility exists that some might even read it and take it to heart.  But then again we are talking about men here.  Most of us want to chart our own territory.


Thanks for speaking up.

Offline davidaquincy

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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #19 on: November 16, 2009, 09:53:14 pm »

I agree with ALMOST everything you say.

1. Do you think that putting a time frame on your affections is appropiate? If you are developing a relationship abroad is 2-3 months enough time? I disagree with this. You are telling the masses to get your butt over there. Hell yeah I agree with getting over there but when I first started with CHN....I asked the women I was talking with and they ALL said we will know when it is time for us to meet. This was after I was talking with them for  2 months or more. I was ready to go within the next month.

2. I researched for 7 months. There is only so much research a person can do. Yes, there is much to learn about China and their cultures. I think I have read every site within the 7 months before I went. Still reading about the culture and living it is 2 different aspects.

Let me point out one thing I learned. I was sitting with Mei one day in our hotel. We were chatting on the couch. I crossed my leg and my shoe accidently brushed her leg. MAJOR problem!!! The streets are so dirty they do not like that at all. After you see the spitting, the children using the streets as their bathroom, no wonder. Never thought of it at first. Wow......yes there streets are dirty. This was not in the experiences I have read about. HAHA. I laughed so hard when I was going home about it. I understand what she was saying. At the time it happened I was like....what??? Live and learn

So there is only so much one man can do. You say if you are not tied up emotionally what does it cost? Damn....buddy thats about 3000-4000 on the low end of visiting the lady for one week. That is hotel, flight and expenses. THis is from the west side of the US. I am reading everyones responses and many can't do that.

I have been to China 2 times now. My most recent visit was in a month ago. I will be back for the Chinese New Year. 3 weeks with my dear love in Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen, and Xiamen. She is not from CHNlove. Different website. We talk every night. She has a decent command of english.

Good luck to everyone using this website. I hope they find their true love.

Offline maxx

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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2009, 02:30:28 am »
Shaun I have wrote that on here before.I don't remember where.It probably got buried in other posts.

David no I do not think putting a time frame on your affections is appropriate.But I do think you do stand a better chance of making this work if you and your lady don't have time to think to much about it.If given to much time to think about something like this.People get inside there own heads.Then they over think things.Then there doubts and fears start to play with there minds.And before they know what happens there all screwed up in the head.

I can show you examples of men who have asked me some really dumb questions over the last 4 years.Were the questions dumb to me yes.Were they dumb to the person who asked them no.They thought it was important at the time.WHy do they think to ask me questions like that? It Is because they have over thought it.

#1 should I tell my lady about my piles? I don't even know what piles are.
#2 will my lady be good in bed? I don't know.If you want me to go try her out I can.

David do you see what I'm getting at.That is just a couple of exampels of questions I have ben asked.It all comes back to members getting inside there own heads.And over thinking this.We have taken one of the most natural things in life.And over thought it till we screwed it up.

Is 2 or 3 months enough time to devlope a relationship abroad.It depends alot on the commitment of the 2 people.That is the correct answear.My answear is the first trip is just a meet and see if there is any chemistry.I can't count the number of times.David E,David 50 have posted. That there has to be some kind of physical attraction there.I totaly agree with this statment.And I think that you are not going to know for sure if there is a physical atraction untill you go to China and meet the lady.Emf web cams phone calls.Will never replace the face to face meetings.Because with the web chats the phone calls.You are still just looking at the picture.Your not getting the full in put

WHy waste 6 months if you can do it in 2 ? that being said.Withen reason.Tell the lady your comming to China on holiday.If she wants to meet you she will meet you.If the ladiy says hey it would work better for her next month.Then go next month.

David I want to party with you brother your a high roller.Iv'e never payed more then 1,200 for round trip air.The only reason I payed that much is because I had to be in China by a certain day.It ussually cost me around 800 per person.Im starting in New hotel is ussually 40.00 a night.1,000 walking cash for whatever.Trains gifts.The tourist stuff I like to buy.I ussually have 100 to 200 left over.So I'm looking at around 2,400 dollars.

I will admit yes this is expensive.People need to know what there getting into before they even write the first letter.And after they have learned what this takes.They need to decide to do this or not.

David I'm suprized Mei lets you where shoes in the house or the hotel room.My wife doesn't.That is just one of the little customs that the members will need to learn.You are right.You cannot and will not learn all you will need to know.From the internet.People do need to get up.Stop making excuses and just go.

Every day of your life is a choice.So what choices do the members here make today.To read about this.Or to get up and do something.If you want something bad enough.You will find the way to do it.

Offline Philip

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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2009, 02:53:51 am »
Jim, are you saying Chnlove has given us a love bridge?:icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2009, 09:12:28 am »
They typical American male wants a sure thing though.  This is at least my mindset and many men I have met.  To do this is not easy and yes I know I am preaching to the choir. Many men, me for example, do not have the ability to jump up and go but are still looking for a woman to love. I can see Maxx's point but at the same time my position is valid too.  This is why I thought an evaluation system like I mentioned on DavidE's thread would work well.  It gives sort of a glossy overview of a good or bad relationship and if the person who reads it is smart enough he would contact the contributors PM if he wants more detail. If I want more insight after reading a thread this is what I do.

If I had seen a road chart, not limited parameters, of where men had been in their relationship maybe I could have saved both Pinky and me a lot of heartache in the breakup or have been able to turn the relationship around much sooner.  Now that I have several months under my belt I hope I am a little wiser and can avoid some of the pitfalls.

By the way, 2 nights in a row, two hours each time on web cam with Peggy.  I must have a thing for Chinese women whose name starts with P. :icon_cheesygrin: And I am having a blast.  There is another who is willing to web cam with me at home from get this P218, the same as Pinky.  Call me stupid but man she is drop dead gorgeous. I told here everything about Pinky and that I would not use a translator.  I thought that would end it and this morning she said she is game for it.  Now what do I do? :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


Vince G

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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2009, 10:30:49 am »
As most of you know, I've been "attached" to my lady for over a year now. Still doing Emf's. Sometimes it is priceless, as her replies can be. For reasons beyond my control I could not go to China. This is changing and I recently told her that I will be coming there soon. She replied with...

"if you do come here very soon, how long will you stay here? I think one year will be ok?"

She's kidding of course, but this is an outcome of taking time and getting to know each other with no over thinking or rush on either side. There are other questions that have been answered without expressing sexual content. I have the answer to the question of how many rooms would I need at the hotel when I am there?

If you ask a question and it doesn't get an answer right away? It doesn't mean your being played. There could be many reasons why she didn't answer. Use a little patience. I'm not saying they're all angels either. You have to learn how to read them.


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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2009, 10:49:38 am »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='23159' dateline='1258471849'

As most of you know, I've been "attached" to my lady for over a year now. Still doing Emf's. Sometimes it is priceless, as her replies can be. For reasons beyond my control I could not go to China. This is changing and I recently told her that I will be coming there soon. She replied with...

"if you do come here very soon, how long will you stay here? I think one year will be ok?"

She's kidding of course, but this is an outcome of taking time and getting to know each other with no over thinking or rush on either side. There are other questions that have been answered without expressing sexual content. I have the answer to the question of how many rooms would I need at the hotel when I am there?

If you ask a question and it doesn't get an answer right away? It doesn't mean your being played. There could be many reasons why she didn't answer. Use a little patience. I'm not saying they're all angels either. You have to learn how to read them.

Vince THAT was exactly the way I felt when in contact with Keren...I'n not trying to say that your being played, just that the emf's at the time were enough for me, and I too got answers to most if not all questions asked:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #25 on: November 17, 2009, 05:24:05 pm »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='23161' dateline='1258472978'

Vince THAT was exactly the way I felt when in contact with Keren...I'n not trying to say that your being played, just that the emf's at the time were enough for me, and I too got answers to most if not all questions asked:icon_cheesygrin:

How about this for a pointer:

I QQ with a lady and talk about the weather, what we did on the weekend etc ... then suddenly I get an EMF from her (she speaks English, has my QQ, email ...). In it, she states she had a really busy weekend ... in the QQ chat on the same day, she told me that she was sick and had a quiet Sunday at home with books/TV...

From the questions she asked in QQ, it appeared quite well that she didn't write her EMFs or read mine,and she's not the only one.

Now the translator is looking for a Western hubby as well, maybe I should meet her? :D
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Vince G

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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2009, 06:10:30 pm »
Point taken. You made it past the EMF stage on your own time. The translator seems to be lonely now? :icon_biggrin:

Offline David E

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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2009, 10:00:06 pm »
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='23150' dateline='1258467148'

  This is why I thought an evaluation system like I mentioned on DavidE's thread would work well.  It gives sort of a glossy overview of a good or bad relationship and if the person who reads it is smart enough he would contact the contributors PM if he wants more detail. If I want more insight after reading a thread this is what I do.



The idea for some sort of "Rule" to deal with the EMF question was not my came from Ronan...but I must say I supported the concept strongly and thought a Thread to get some feedback was a good way to go. This question is, after all, the most frequently asked question on the Forum...and one to which we can only give weak and wishy-washy advice.

But yesterday I got this Press release which sheds some light on a vital development in this area:

Press Release...from The International Treaty for Sustainability (T.I .T.S)

On Monday 16th November, the unarmed, peaceful Research Vessel MV "Rules" was sunk in an unprovoked attack by armed and aggressive Warships.

The MV Rules was conducting a peaceful research program off the coast of Chinaloveinfo when it was attacked and torpedoed without warning by 2 heavily armed Warships...HMS Trivial and USS Irrelevant.

The attack was fatal and the MV Rule was destroyed and sunk with the loss of all hands on board.

A spokesman for TITS said that it was unlikely that a salvage attempt would be made as the two warships were still lurking in the area and it was considered too dangerous.

Also mentioned was the negative effect this incident would have on the future success of a small country trying to grow and expand...."Chinaloveinfo would suffer as a result of suspension of further research", the spokesman said.

It is possible that questions will be asked in the United Nations Security Council, but it is unclear exactly who ordered the two warships  - HMS Trivial and USS Irrelevant to open fire. There was a strong rumour that they were acting on instructions from a Third Party......the mysterious Organisation known as MR BIGEMF...(sometimes referred to as Mr Moneygone.)

Other sources suggest they may have been under orders of the neighboring Country...ChinaLove...which is known for its ruthless, financial exploitation of weaker countries.  However , these are unconfirmed rumours and will likely be ignored by the Security Council due to lack of evidence.

The Australian representative, who has long been a supporter of organised research and knowlege increases was seen to make a huge yawn and reach for another coldie

End of press Release

« Last Edit: November 17, 2009, 10:49:52 pm by David E »


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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #28 on: November 18, 2009, 04:53:54 am »
David YOU have way too much time on your hands...ROFLMAO:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Offline David E

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RE: Another newbie being scammed?
« Reply #29 on: November 18, 2009, 05:23:13 am »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='23261' dateline='1258538034'

David YOU have way too much time on your hands...ROFLMAO:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Yep...right now you are correct. I just had an op. on my foot, so I am stuck at home for a few me a lot of time to annoy you lot :):):)

BTW...we are now both on the same time mate...did you realise that ??

I see from your posts that you are doing OK already...just as I knew you would !!!

