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Offline David E

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #60 on: November 24, 2009, 06:17:19 am »
Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='23869' dateline='1259058228'

Quote from: 'Proteus' pid='23851' dateline='1259051561'

Most Agencies tread a very fine line between ethics, honesty and reality....the hard part is deciding which !!

Tread a fine ???- who are you kidding Proteus - the majority of agencies stomp all over that so called fine line.  


Thanks Willy...right between the eyes as the man !! :):)



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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #61 on: November 24, 2009, 07:36:50 am »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='23876' dateline='1259061439'

Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='23869' dateline='1259058228'

Quote from: 'Proteus' pid='23851' dateline='1259051561'

Most Agencies tread a very fine line between ethics, honesty and reality....the hard part is deciding which !!

Tread a fine ???- who are you kidding Proteus - the majority of agencies stomp all over that so called fine line.  


Thanks Willy...right between the eyes as the man !! :):)


Proteus I apologise unreservedly.. :blush:

And yes credit where credit is due as Johnboy mentioned...

Guy's.... Am I the only one reading between the lines of Proteus????

Please tell me and I will take a step back...honestly...

He has NOT told US anything that we already didn't know...  He will half answer a question then go on a tangient about something else, or as I would say 'Bluff' his way out of it by all the mixed colocualisms...

The only TRUTHFUL answer I a have heard him say...AND WE KNEW THIS was that CHNLOVE are Fraudulant....

Offline Johnboy

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #62 on: November 24, 2009, 09:49:58 am »

It takes a good man to aplogize, so big respect for that!  And no, you are obviously not the only man reading between the lines of Proteus' posts.  But, as I attempted to explain in my previous long post, different perceptions of Western and Oriental intellect; and sometimes I find it really hard to understand the points that Proteus is making, and often it appears that he has not answered a question when in fact he has.  There have been many times when I have 'taken a step back' and then revisited in order to make sense of what Proteus is saying.  In a previous thread he set me a conundrum about a lotus and a swan and I'm still not sure to this day if I managed to unravel it or grasp the meaning behind his words as, sadly, he never replied to tell me. Proteus, if at any time you read this, I would dearly love to know the answer!

I have to say though Rob, that I disagree with you that Proteus has not told us anything we did not already know.  He has been a veritable gold mine of information about Chnlove and the agencies.  In fact I truly believe that we have only got to the point where DavidE is able to put this thread together so coherently and cogently because of many of the things that Proteus has made us aware of.  That is not to take anything away from David, whose work on this thread has been phenomenally  fantastic and evokes complete admiration on my part.

I am utterly convinced that Proteus is completely genuine and on our side.  And Rob, I'm sure you do not think that I am in cahoots with a Chnlove plant!  Not with the views I hold about Chnlove and its agencies.......which do not seem to differ much from Proteus', apart from the fact that he knows far, far more than I do about them!

You are a decent man Rob, I respect and admire you for that.

Stay cool!

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to say nothing.  (Edmund Burke)


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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #63 on: November 24, 2009, 03:30:22 pm »

One thing that might be considered her is;  Is the woman really interested in you? This may be another issue why a translator is writing you instead of the woman in question.

I have been concerned about Peggy's need for reassurance all of the time.  This morning as we were talking it hit me, yes they do need the re-assurance but if the are not asking if you love them while writing EMF's or they were asking and now they have stopped then something is wrong.  I would suggest they are not interested in you.  I am not an expert on women in China and do not profess to be since I have talked with just a small handful of women. If a woman is not asking for re-assurance in an EMF regularly I would say that you are not talking with the woman but the translator.

This could be another tool for seeing who you are talking to.



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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #64 on: November 24, 2009, 03:38:45 pm »
Thanks for that...

Maybe as Proteus says I am still under a cloud about Keren..  This however, I in my heart don't believe.  BUT, it could still (and very probably is) be playing on my mind because I am here..  I at the moment have so much going around it that it feels like bursting...

So in future I will take a step back...Maybe I am just not reading the posts right:huh: hehe

Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #65 on: November 25, 2009, 01:13:36 am »
Okay, I'll say this. (and I've been here a lot this last few days -- one of my friends is in the hospital and in critical condition)

Everything Proteus told us falls into the following categories (1 of them):
1) what we already know
2) no way we can verify

An example of 1) is that translators sometimes lie; an example of 2) is that chnlove is making all the new woman have cell phones and SMS..

Offline David E

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #66 on: November 25, 2009, 02:43:02 am »
Quote from: 'RegnisTheGreat' pid='23962' dateline='1259129616'

Okay, I'll say this. (and I've been here a lot this last few days -- one of my friends is in the hospital and in critical condition)

Everything Proteus told us falls into the following categories (1 of them):
1) what we already know
2) no way we can verify

An example of 1) is that translators sometimes lie; an example of 2) is that chnlove is making all the new woman have cell phones and SMS..

Regnis....sorry about your friend...I am sure all of us wish him/her the best for a speedy recovery.

Lets not shoot the messenger, it is so important that this thread seeks and gets all and any opinions. Proteus has a point of view and we should listen and make our own decisions about how it all stacks up.

We must be close to the knowlege that very little in this journey to find a Chinese Bride can be totally verified...hence we are trying to get these guidelines be of some better help to everybody in the loop


Offline Brian Mc

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #67 on: November 25, 2009, 03:49:28 am »
Quote from: 'Johnboy' pid='23861' dateline='1259055879'

Thank you sir, praise indeed from the master!

David, I overlooked to include my key points and do so now.  Some will replicate those of others but I think this in itself is useful, perhaps even important, in showing a concensus of thought.  My apologies for being unable to keep to your 12 word maximum.

1)  Personal and willing contact of some nature after 10 EMF's. Based on 1 EMF per week each way.

2)  Devoted to writing to you only whilst relationship continues.

3)  Prompt and willingness to provide ordinary photos.

4)  Answers your questions and asks her own questions of you.

5)  Hides her profile as relationship progresses or volunteers good, credible reasons for not doing so.

6)  Writes more long EMF's than short ones.

7)Find out if she has told her parents about you and what they think.

8)  Be very wary about flowery, passionate language if used by her in early correspondence.

9)  Discover after no more than 10 EMF's if she wants you to visit her in China. Based on 1 EMF a week each way.

10) Be open, honest, sincere and gentle - and trusting, until you know otherwise.

I hope this is of some help in the quest for the impossible dream!?



greetings brothers,
Ok here we go again hehe.  as always Zhen and I seem to be the thorn in the paw of reason and logic, so using Johnboy's list i will show the examples and David E can go from there,

point one, personal contact after 10 emf's.  Zhen and I would do at least one full 6000character letter each way per day.  We exchanged personal contact info whenever it came up.  I do not recall the exact time frame but it was really early in our relationship.  SO I agree some form of alternate contact offered is reasonable but remember some of these ladies have been hurt before so may be more reluctant to disclose this info early.

point 2 writing exclusively to you,  while I agree in principal I go back to point one whereby some of these ladies have been hurt before and may be reluctant to do that until more comittment is shown.  Only the parties writing the letters will be able to judge the best time for this.

point 3 willingness to provide natural photos.. ok here we start to diverge.  The first natural unshopped non professional photos i received of Zhen were the ones I took myself when I went to vist her in September.  She did send me non chnlove pictures and i still have two of them in my wallet but they are professional photos and therefore shopped.  So some ladies may not have pictures they are willing to give you.

point 4 Answer and ask questions... yes Zhen wrote me an admirer letter in which she mentioned specific things about my profile. Every letter since then was a give and take of answers and questions.  However keep in mind the translators can do this too so not necessarily a good indication until you can verify it without going through the translator,  QQ in person etc.

point 5 hides her profile.. Zhen hid hers as soon as I asked her.  Some do some dont. Again it goes back to how often they have been burned in the past.

point 6 writes long letters... well this I agree on heheh Zhen always wrote full length letters sometimes 2 per day, and yes much of them was romance and love and not vital stats, but every topic than we should cover in letters was covered in depth.  Everything from politics to kids, where to live to religion all covered.

pont 7 Does the family know.. yes Zhen told all her family and friends about me early in our relationship.  I can think of no logical reason for a chinese lady to seek a foreign husband and not tell teh family when it appears she has found one who is serious, unless she is waiting for the flight details to be sure you are serious and committed.  Keep in mind they know as well as we do that it may not work out face to face so may be reluctant to tell the parents until they have at least that part out of the way.

pont 8  flowery language used early.. OK here I really disagree.  Zhen and I used very flowery romantic luvy duvvy language from about letter 3 or 4 onward and never stopped... wait a sec ... we still havent stopped.  Some people just express themselves like this.  Read the threads about first letters and the one where i posted excerpts from our letters to get the idea of our language.  For Zhen and I it was just a natural thing to do,  your mileage may vary.

point 9 wants you to visit.. while I agree with the point I disagree with the timeline.  for instance ladies I wrote to before Zhen both wanted me to visit but not before my divorce was final.  This took more than 10 emf's to discover.  Some ladies may not even discuss this seriously until they are sure of your committment to them.

point 10 be open honest trusting etc... absolutely!  This I think is the core point in the whole thing.  To often it seems from the posts that we are quick to assume scam and translator misdeeds and mistrust of the lady.  While i agree there are bad ladies and traslators and also men if you go looking for the scam or the doubt or the lie you will convince yourself that any irregularty is exactly that.. a scam or a lie.  You have to give the benefit of the doubt until you can prove otherwise.  If everything looks like a scam then perhaps online long distance dating/retationships are not for you.

Summary:  so we can see from Johnboys list and my responses that perhaps Zhen and I are not so much the exception to the rule as we might think.  Perhaps we were just lucky in that we were both open and honest and trusting right from the start and we had an excellent agency and translator to work with.  So maybe the trust and openess and willingness to bent are the most important thing here instead of looking for discrepancies or reluctance or falsehood try looking for the good and the nice and the love,  you may just surprise yourself and find that one special lady.  Or if that doesnt work look up the agency from Handan Hebei province ( agency 329) and write to one of their ladies.  I know for a fact the agency is excellent and many of the ladies are beautiful since I have seen them with my own eyes.

So there you have it my $2.50 worth of thoughts on this issue.  hopefully David E can come up with somethig from this mass of information and opinion.  I think a decent guideline will go a long way to reducing the have I been scammed posts and maybe even get people out of their own head long enough to see if what they have is real or not.

The bottom line is only the people involved in the relationship can truly say if its real or not.


Zhen and Brian

Offline David E

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #68 on: November 25, 2009, 06:55:43 am »

From your summary, am I right in saying that your advice is to find a woman from the Handan Agency and let the good will of all concerned lead you to a marriage ???

My problem is that I dont work that way.....I suspect that many people here "browse" the profiles until they find a Lady that appeals and then begin the correspondence etc etc etc.

What Agency she comes from should not make a difference...should it ?

Except that we know that we must be careful of CLBA. and maybe others...but to be restricted to only the few Known good Agencies  almost removes our choices ??...what if I dont fancy any of the Ladies from your Agency ??



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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #69 on: November 25, 2009, 07:55:19 am »

Yes CLBA is an agency to watch but we also need to be wary of the individual translator.  Unfortunately the names they give us will be impossible to trace as the give us English names.  I am talking with a translator at P218 right now trying to figure out what is going on there and how deep the deception is a the agency.  I asked her if she knew Melody and she tells me that she does not know the name so I am sifting through all the letters and trying to find her Chinese name.  I know she gave it to me at one time but I realize that could be wrong too.

I also realize that the translator I am talking with could be lying through her teeth.

All that to say there must be a way to figure out which translators are dishonest too.


I think the flowery language thing they are talking about is when you get it and then suddenly it stops.  This is what happened to me.  You can believe it got my attention being a novice.  It kept me there much longer than I should have stayed and caused a lot of grief as I tried to figure things out.

If yours started and continues to this day then it does not fit the parameters that we are talking about.  We all know you got a winner.  What we are talking about is newbies and forgetful oldbies who meet new women and have a tendency to think with the wrong head at times.

It would be impossible for David to build a document that included everyones case including successful men who finds the perfect woman and marries her.  At best it will be a general guideline for men to look at and weigh their options.  Will is solve all of the problems? Not only no but hell no.  There will still be guys that will be taken advantage of.  I see two categories.  1. Those who fall under the spell of a masterful translator in snaring men with innuendo. (thinking with the wrong head)  2. New techniques to snare men with.

« Last Edit: November 25, 2009, 08:10:13 am by shaun »

Vince G

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #70 on: November 25, 2009, 08:53:01 am »
There are so many loops, ups and downs, hurdles and everything else to go through to have a "List" of what should happen. in the relationship. It's not possible. Everyone is different including us, the women, the translator and the agency. There are to many variables. For  the newbies reading this they may take the points as a timing and relinquish a relationship for not enough or to much love talk in the time alloted. It's crazy. Everyones personality is different and there can't be a set thing to happen at a set time.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2009, 08:53:20 am by Vince G »


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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #71 on: November 25, 2009, 09:59:14 am »
Vince you may be right here. My lady is so totally unlike anybody else's lady that I am not even sure the men are from mars, women are from venus rule even applies :s.

Like today I find out that due to a presumed Google mis-translation I have been repeatedly asking my lady a horribly embarrassing question about a personal matter. Today I got some very bad emoticons and it was clear my lady was very cross indeed when I asked her again. But why on earth didn't she tell me last week, instead of fuming about it for all those days I will never know :huh:.

Having a set time limit wouldn't work either - some ladies get busy at certain times of the year. And be prepared for life's little (and big) incidents. For example, my lady's mother is very unwell, and I am having to take a back seat while my lady deals with it.

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #72 on: November 25, 2009, 10:22:59 pm »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='23984' dateline='1259150143'


From your summary, am I right in saying that your advice is to find a woman from the Handan Agency and let the good will of all concerned lead you to a marriage ???

My problem is that I dont work that way.....I suspect that many people here "browse" the profiles until they find a Lady that appeals and then begin the correspondence etc etc etc.

What Agency she comes from should not make a difference...should it ?

Except that we know that we must be careful of CLBA. and maybe others...but to be restricted to only the few Known good Agencies  almost removes our choices ??...what if I dont fancy any of the Ladies from your Agency ??


Greetings Brothers,

David E,No I would not presume to suggest that everyone go to the Handan agency to find their lady.  There are after all over 8000 ladies on chnlove and the handan agency has about 150 of them so not enough to go around heh.  What I am saying is if one of them tickles your fancy and you want to deal with a good agency then that one is certainly a good option.

The bottom line is we all must decide for ourselves who we are attracted to and what we will do to find teh woman we will live our life with.  

Ayway Zhen is thowing me off teh table so I will respond later hehe

Zhen and brian

Offline Proteus

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #73 on: November 26, 2009, 09:00:34 am »
Sorry for being so vague, despite the risk of oversimplication, let me summarize my points into plain words.

1. To an ordinariy man with moderate interest in finding a wife from China, Chnlove is not a worthy try.

2. To those who do want to have a try, being innocent or being cautious makes no big difference to the possibility of finding you a wife.


Thank you John, you are wise to point out the difference between Western and Oriental ways of thinking and writing. Usually in Chinese, we put emphasis in the end of an essay. This is why in many of my posts, I ended with suggestions for changing chnlove. It's what I care most.
No Rob, you don't need to apologize more than I should. I have been often misunderstood even in communication with my fellow Chinese countrymen. I'll try to improve my expression in the future. I only hope after all these posts, my intentions can be understood at least. I know my intentions are different from many other members here, and I guess sometimes this difference is the root of a lot others.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 09:29:16 am by Proteus »

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #74 on: November 26, 2009, 09:45:21 pm »
Quote from: 'Brian Mc' pid='24027' dateline='1259205779'

Quote from: 'David E' pid='23984' dateline='1259150143'


From your summary, am I right in saying that your advice is to find a woman from the Handan Agency and let the good will of all concerned lead you to a marriage ???

My problem is that I dont work that way.....I suspect that many people here "browse" the profiles until they find a Lady that appeals and then begin the correspondence etc etc etc.

What Agency she comes from should not make a difference...should it ?

Except that we know that we must be careful of CLBA. and maybe others...but to be restricted to only the few Known good Agencies  almost removes our choices ??...what if I dont fancy any of the Ladies from your Agency ??


Greetings Brothers,

David E,No I would not presume to suggest that everyone go to the Handan agency to find their lady.  There are after all over 8000 ladies on chnlove and the handan agency has about 150 of them so not enough to go around heh.  What I am saying is if one of them tickles your fancy and you want to deal with a good agency then that one is certainly a good option.

The bottom line is we all must decide for ourselves who we are attracted to and what we will do to find teh woman we will live our life with.  

Ayway Zhen is thowing me off teh table so I will respond later hehe

Zhen and brian

Greetings Brothers,

Sorry about the above note, Zhen had made lunch and needed the table I was using with the computer so I had to get off and eat hehe.

Anyway as last stated no David I am not saying everyone should go through the Handan agency that would not be realistic.  Lets face it with over 8000 ladies on chnlove and only about 150 from Handan agency its not likely that most of us would find their love in Handan.  However if one of the brothers is tired of getting scammed or the run around then perhaps its worth it to check out that agency and see if any of the ladies there catches their eye.  

I have spoken at length with Daniel and Echo the couple who run the agency and their priority is to help the ladies in their quest.  Yes of course they are in it to make a living also but they are not grubbing for every last yuan and the ladies all know it.  There is more of a family relationship there than a business one and all the ladies that I have seen there and chatted with have all seemed very happy with the service.

All I am suggesting is that is a decent agency and may be worth a shot for those of us who have been burned too often.

As for the rest of your quest to provide some decent guidelines or solid direction for the new brothers or even the long time ones I fully support your cause.  It would be so nice to see more positive reports here instead of all the am I being scammed stuff.  We need to have the positives outweigh the negatives or some folks will never be able to free themselves from the destructive thoughts and feelings that appear quite often in threads.

People need to get out of their own heads and have some trust and honety from all sides, but you will never find this if you dont open yourself up to the possibility that it is out there.  If you expect scam and dishonesty then you will convince yourself that this what you found.  Granted we must all use our heads and be aware but dont start right out thinking something is wrong.  Remember all the things people have said about different cultures language ways of doing things and that at least three people are involved in the emf process.  You, the lady, and the translator.  Many things can prevent the lady from doing what you ask, not the least of which is she is afraid to also get burned again.  Perhaps instead of rushing to get off emfs and save a few bucks the guys should instead work at building the relationship and gradually trying to get personal contact and webcam.  If you can set up a webcam early through the agency and everything works out well then getting the rest of the things we want like pictures and non agency contact etc will be easier.  Also dont forget the lady will have things that she wants as well, it is a two way street so we need to be willing to give as well as receive.

Anyway this has all been said before so I am sure we dont need me to say it again.  David keep up with this task you have taken on it is worthwhile if we can come up with something usable but at the same time not too specific.

Good Luck,

Zhen and Brian