Author Topic: When You know it is just right  (Read 61659 times)

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When You know it is just right
« on: November 17, 2009, 11:17:47 pm »
Well many of you know I have been talking about the breakup with Pinky on everyone else's thread and all of the other related issues. If I had know it would have been this long and drawn out I would have started this thread earlier.

I gave up on because they supported an agency whose translator was scamming me.  I sort of understand in that chnlove felt they would loose their precious EMF credit income but they need to realize that it will get there eventually.

So lo and behold I moved to  I selected several women and began writing them. It narrowed to 5 pretty quick and it looks like it may be down to 2.  One of them is at P218, the agency that stuck it to me and I am being pretty frank and open with her.  She knows about the scam and how I feel about the translators there. I have been completely open with her and she has come back for more so far.  We'll see.

But the other woman is quite remarkable and appears she will be the final one I will continue with.  Her name is Peggy.  I guess I have an infinity for women with a name that starts with P. She is very pleasing to the eye and has got quite a personality.  Her smile is what gets me the most.  She lives in Guangzhou in the Guangdong province I think. My puzzlement on this is because she always talk about Shenzhen and wants us to live there.

We are web-camming or chatting twice a day and she speak some English, types it a lot better.  Tonight she got brave and wanted to turn on the speakers and talk but for some reason my computer would not take the phone call.  She could claim 3 languages; Mandarin, Cantonese and English. She apologizes for her poor English and I tell her she puts me to shame because I know 3 words of Mandarin.

It appears we are quite compatible and I am becoming very..., uh... that would be extremely quite possibly totally fond of her.

It just feels right. I found myself seriously considering moving there and giving it a go today. But logic kicks in and says, "woah boy your moving too fast."  There are not communication barriers except language and we are getting past that one pretty quick.  I can tell when she doesn't get what I typed.

Tonight we spent 45 minutes talking about hot dogs.  It was what I had for supper. It was quite comical in that I expected her to ask what breed of dog.  She asked what kind of hot dog. After seeing her eyebrows furrow many times and her looks of puzzlement we got to a long pink skinny sausage type tube filled with a mix of chicken and pork in a long breaded bun with mustard on it that tastes good but is not good for you.  She responded yes that her American brother in law had treated them to one before.  That was what she had bee trying to tell me from the beginning. I slapped my forehead and we both had quite a laugh about it.

Anyway, her mother and brothers are already good with America husbands. Her sister and brother in law live in Utah and will be in China this evening and I will meet them tomorrow.  So Peggy sent me to bed to get plenty of rest so that I can meet them and we can talk tomorrow.

Am I hooked or what?  I mean we haven't even met face to face and twice tonight she told me to go to bed and get some sleep.

Her Chinese name is Xinj Iao Zhu.  I would like to call her Zhu as in Zhu Zhu's petals but I'll wait for a while.  So who can give the movie name and lead actor that say's "Zhu Zhu's petals?"  Got any takers?


Vince G

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2009, 12:17:18 am »
It's a Wonderful Life - Jimmy Stewart


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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2009, 12:30:03 am »
Alright Vince, I concede you do know everything.  I thought that would be deep in the woods or did you find it on the internet?


Vince G

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2009, 08:21:57 am »
He put the peddles in his pocket, seeing that movie a billion times how could one forget?


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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2009, 08:48:51 am »
It is one of my favorite movies.
OK as some of you said on "Shopping for my lady..."  I should get her the heater and be ready to be chewed out.  I have always operated under the principal that a man should make her mad every now and then just to make up.  Unfortunately I am here and she is there. :dodgy:

So, I suppose the eletricity there is 220v 50~. Correct?  Then the next question is where is a good place to buy.  I will check ebay but many places do not ship to China.  Then I will have to get her address.  She will want to know why and her birthday is not until June.

There is the chance that she may not remember that we talked about it last night as her sister and brother in law arrived a couple of hours ago.  She was upset before they arrived because she said I looked angry.  I didn't sleep well and took 1/2 of a sleeping pill midway through the night so I was still a little groggy.  So I sat up a little more and forced a smile and she was happy.  The things we do. :dodgy:  Anyway I met them, everyone was happy and they were off to supper.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2009, 09:30:07 am by shaun »

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2009, 10:26:34 am »
Now Shaun , you could be real sneaky , talk to brother inlaw somehow without Peggy knowing your intentions as maybe between the 2 of you you could work something out even if you put the us$ into his account and they went out as a suprise over there and bought it , just a thought , regards Ying and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2009, 10:32:05 am »
Shen Zhen is about an hour drive from Guongzhou City. They're in the same province.

Vince G

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2009, 10:38:56 am »
you know Shaun, some of these women? if she has the heater might not even use it for they think the electric bill will be high? When talking about a A/C unit for my lady. She couldn't sleep with the hot weather (months ago). I told her the next best thing, how to make a poor mans A/C.

Offline Irishman

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2009, 12:28:30 pm »
Vince is right, she wont use the heater, the electricity is too expensive and besides in Guangdong they dont need heaters...
In Sunny's apartment they left the windows open and just wore more clothes despite the fact it was only around 10c indoors. I did debate buying them a heater but I am 100% sure that they would think me soft in the head if I did and it would only get used the one time I was there and the windows would remain open...because in Guangdong they don't need heaters...
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.


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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2009, 04:02:54 pm »
Well, maybe the best thing to do is go there.  I am getting a 50/50 response from you guys but the overall message is GO TO CHINA. Yes Maxx I know what you would say.

Robert, your sneaky, I like that. If I can get the brother in law alone on the web I will speak with him about it. They are going to be there 3 weeks. If he has a paypal account it could happen as we speak. Sneaky. :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cool:

Vince, a wet towel in the window or a box and a fan?

I told her last night that if I could go there now I would just to help keep her warm.  She smiled. That made me happy.  She told me twice once last night and once this morning that they do not need heaters in Guangdong province.

Peggy asked me to come live there last night. I mentioned teaching English or exporting goods from China to America.  She said export and her brother in law would help me learn.  He is American.  So then I asked her how much money would it take for 2 people to live in Shenzhen.  She said around 50,000RMB.  That is less that $10,000US.  Does anyone know?  Is it high - low;  Extravagant - Slumming?

Jim,  I did smile after she said I looked angry.  She smiled and said Hi Shaun.  So I kept it on my face.  I told her I was happy but my face forgot to show it.


Vince G

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2009, 05:39:49 pm »
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='23311' dateline='1258578174'

Vince, a wet towel in the window or a box and a fan?

You get some jugs (plastic soda bottles will do) fill with water and freeze. After frozen put them in front of a fan in the room. :icon_cool:

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2009, 10:02:12 pm »
Quote from: 'Irishman' pid='23294' dateline='1258565310'

Vince is right, she wont use the heater, the electricity is too expensive and besides in Guangdong they dont need heaters...
In Sunny's apartment they left the windows open and just wore more clothes despite the fact it was only around 10c indoors. I did debate buying them a heater but I am 100% sure that they would think me soft in the head if I did and it would only get used the one time I was there and the windows would remain open...because in Guangdong they don't need heaters...

Let them think i'm soft in the head.  Guangdong or not i've been out and bought heaters and thankful I am for them.  I am more than happy to put them away and wait for the next cold spell in 20 odd years time when I am 80.


PS the weather has turned warmer again today - no need for heaters but I'm ready - BOY AM I READY for the next cold spell.
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='23311' dateline='1258578174'

  So then I asked her how much money would it take for 2 people to live in Shenzhen.  She said around 50,000RMB.  That is less that $10,000US.  Does anyone know?  Is it high - low;  Extravagant - Slumming?


Shaun if she is talking about 4,500 rmb a month that is more than enough.    At the moment I am bringing in about 14,000 rmb a month with various activities on the internet.  And that is more than enough to give us a good middle class living and save at least 6 -8000rmb a month.

You can live ok on 4000rmb a month but you can live very well on 6000rmb a month.  The average wage in Guangdong is only about 1000rmb a month University professors and doctors nearing retirement age both earn between 6500 and 7000 rmb a month.

Do not let me influence you but I cannot live this well in the UK on what I bring in and I would not live anywhere else.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2009, 10:17:17 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2009, 10:34:24 pm »

Thank you.  This will help in future decisions. If I were collecting social security right now it would be enough. Unfortunately by the time I am 62.5 they say it will be bankrupt.



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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2009, 10:53:01 pm »
Haha .. Shaun , that is exactly what I was going to retire on in China . Hopefully the House prices will go back some up by then and have a little to take with me on top of that . So we now have two set's of finger's crossed .


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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2009, 12:33:11 am »
Let me share a little with all of you about visiting with your sweetheart on the web cam.  It is at best difficult because of the language barrier unless her English is great your Chinese is great.  Peggy does very well but we be bogged down with some of the most simple words and concepts in my mind.

Examples:  Describe a hot dog or a turkey or kicking the subject around a little.  Humor and flexibility is in order for these conversations.

Our set time to talk this evening was at 8:00pm eastern time.  About 7:00pm I get a text from my son that he will be home in 1 hour and I would need to pick him up.  Since you brought him up I need to be a proud papa and tell you that as of today he enlisted into the US Air Force and is now waiting for a job assignment.  They say it make 4 months before he goes to basic training.  Yesterday we were at the recruiters office and they checked is papers for enlistment.  He listed 3 jobs.  Pilot, Fire Fighter, or EOC.  I said "EOC?  Are you out of your freaking mind?"  The recruiter asked him if he knew what it was.  He said "bomb dismantling." Guys that is LIVE bomb dismantling.  They showed him a video; very graphic. Needless to say it is now off his list.

Back on subject; Peggy and I have been trying to used the voice option on yahoo and it has not been working so I asked mpo Mike if he could help me figure it out online.  He agreed.  So I rush home with my son and the ex in tow.  We go in the house and talk a little.  I run her out of the house and fire up my computer.  It's 8:30pm and she is out there waiting. Mike is out there too and he invites me to chat to see if we can figure this out. So I think, well maybe I can talk to the both of them at the same time and say sure.  I am trying to send a message to Peggy asking her to wait and I would be there in a little while.  I said Mike and I are working on yahoo so we can talk.

Then Peggy comes on and invites me.  Well, I was not about to turn her away so I say sure I am super duper texting man.  I can talk to 2 people at the same time.  Well it isn't working to well and I am asking Mike to wait a second then I m asking Peggy to wait and I am afraid I will send the wrong message to Peggy.  I am thinking I am wasting Mike's time and telling him what is happening as it happens.  His command of English is much better than Peggy's.  So finally I tell Peggy that Mike and I are working on yahoo and I may have to not talk with her occasionally.  She says she will go shopping and come back later.  I said OK and I close her out.  So I think.  Mike activates the voice option and it works fine so I figure the problem is with Peggy's computer.  Mike and I had not talked in a while so we started catching up and I was telling him about how remarkable my relationship with Peggy is.

I look down at the bottom of my screen and see that two people are watching the broadcast of my picture.  I tell Mike that maybe Peggy left her computer on and my picture was on her screen while she was shopping.  A couple of minutes later a message window pops up and it is Peggy and she says, "Shaun, who are you talking to.  Do you have another girlfriend?"  I said crap and explained to Mike what she said.  I asked Mike to hold on for a minute.  I tried to explain for the second or third time what Mike and I were doing.  She said, "I think you have more than one girlfriend and I can see you talking to her."  My heart sank and I said, "NO that isn't it.  It is my friend Mike."

Guys I am really tired and need to get some sleep as I need to get up in 4 hours.  I will tell the rest a little later in the morning.  Sorry. :icon_cheesygrin: