Author Topic: When You know it is just right  (Read 61776 times)

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #270 on: January 21, 2010, 10:31:17 am »
This thread will soon turn into 'Finding Nemo'  

I thought it was us old folk that went rambling on - but of course I am well known for sticking right to the thread!!!:angel:

That is the same place Shaun  - 3 hours from Shenzhen - 4 hours from Zhuihai- it has a very modern traffic system - you get a coundown on traffic lights from 30 seconds down to 1 -flashin 30, 29 etc and then as it hits 10 the engines are revving up, at 5 the hand brake is off and car is creeping forward  then 1 and green -Whoosh there is a grand prix like start.

 Until the next lights which may be only a couple of hundred yards away.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #271 on: January 21, 2010, 05:34:25 pm »
Quote from: 'rockycoon' pid='28906' dateline='1264061397'

You bar-b-q ed your african greys?  :huh:

:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin: hehe of course not, when we barbecued outside they came with us in a portable cage which was on the garden table, and they would eat the same food we did, it was very entertaining, no need for TV or music.

Willy, keeping on the thread:"When You know it is just right" is vague enough no? :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 05:35:57 pm by Voiceroveip »
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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #272 on: January 21, 2010, 06:02:11 pm »

I can't wait to experience the traffic.  There must be a little race car in my genetics because I would love to drive over there.   I can mix it up with the best of them.

But in the interest of preserving my relationship with Peggy and good Chinese/American relations I will refrain from it.  I have already told Peggy that I want to limit the forms of travel.  Anything but a taxi.  I do not think I will do well in the passenger seat.

Frank, don't encourage Willy to stray from the intent of this thread.  For that matter don't encourage me either.



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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #273 on: January 21, 2010, 06:22:41 pm »

Your a brave man indeed!!, ...You may think your able to mix it with the best of them, but how about mixing it with a Nation of drivers that have No Fear, and almost a death wish when they get behind the wheel??? The only place i know of that comes anywhere near close is Mumbai (Bombay) and there chickens compared with the Chinese driver...hahaha!!
You need to travel by taxi, to see exactly what you would be letting yourself in for, Besides, traveling by bus isn't much better just because it's bigger doesn't stop the car's mixing it with them too, i said ''No Fear'' lol!!


Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #274 on: January 21, 2010, 06:26:15 pm »

Yes you should drive over there, it would be fun ... I actually find Chinese driving less hardcore than Italy, especially Rome or Naples, and I drove there no problem, but then I learned in Paris :angel: The trick in this kind of traffic is to appear confident and insist on going where you want to, let the others make way. Not your typical US driving but you get used to it. Taxi's are not bad, but try the little electric bikes with drivers ... I used them a lot to get to the metro in Shenzhen as the walk was a bit much (metro is much faster than the taxis). I rode a motorcycle for years, in Paris, so I thought I had seen it all, but the Chinese prove that you don't need to go at 200mph to get an adrenaline rush, they do it at 20mph :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin: I can't wait to get back on those things, best ride for 3 RMB, it even beats 6 Flags parks.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 06:29:37 pm by Voiceroveip »
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Offline wilsbrough

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #275 on: January 21, 2010, 06:32:04 pm »
Talking about driving, can i drive a car in China with my UK driving liecence? Or do i need to apply for a international one. (i'm not gonna be living there, just going for a holiday)

Every now and then i get a little bit nervous at the death of all the years have gone by....!


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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #276 on: January 21, 2010, 06:35:38 pm »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='28981' dateline='1264116161'

Your a brave man indeed!!, ...You may think your able to mix it with the best of them, but how about mixing it with a Nation of drivers that have No Fear, and almost a death wish when they get behind the wheel??? The only place i know of that comes anywhere near close is Mumbai (Bombay) and there chickens compared with the Chinese driver...hahaha!!
You need to travel by taxi, to see exactly what you would be letting yourself in for, Besides, traveling by bus isn't much better just because it's bigger doesn't stop the car's mixing it with them too, i said ''No Fear'' lol!!


I drove in Tehran Iran back in the late 70's.  Throughly love it.  Got in trouble a few times but loved it.  I've watched the traffic on video; being there and observing it may be different.  When Willy said there was a countdown at the light something inside me said Yeh buddy.  Well see how I feel when I get there but I think it will appear to be a challenge.  I will refrain though.  Peggy doesn't need to see that side of me yet.  I am some what competitive when it comes to driving; even in a school bus.

Shaun... :angel: :icon_twisted::icon_twisted:
« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 06:36:39 pm by shaun »


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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #277 on: January 21, 2010, 06:37:03 pm »
Hahaha, Driving in Paris, Rome, may well be bad in European terms, but they at least know the limits, but it aint got nothing on Driving in China, ....Any City in China, because they ''Don't Know'' the limits...
The road death toll in China is absolutly horrendous, and it still has no affect on them, once they get behind that!!!


Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #278 on: January 21, 2010, 06:37:08 pm »
Hi Andy,

You need to get a Chinese driver's licence, it's a theoretical exam, 100 questions, about 300 rmb I think. The questions are tough though, cultural differences :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


Quote from: 'David5o' pid='28986' dateline='1264117023'

Hahaha, Driving in Paris, Rome, may well be bad in European terms, but they at least know the limits, but it aint got nothing on Driving in China, ....Any City in China, because they ''Don't Know'' the limits...
The road death toll in China is absolutly horrendous, and it still has no affect on them, once they get behind that!!!


David, I actually find Chinese driving is sort of a cross between California driving (no offense meant) and Italian driving. The weirdest things I came across on the road were in California and in China (cars on the wrong side of the road, U turning anywhere, reversing on highways ... very old people still driving in slow motion and blind), the craziest driving I have seen was in China and Naples. The crossings in China can be more messy than anything else I have seen, but the traffic is still manageable, I was never surprised, even on the electric bikes.

But you are right, they don't know the limits, that's where the adrenaline comes from :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 06:44:06 pm by Voiceroveip »
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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #279 on: January 21, 2010, 06:46:01 pm »

All the Arab Nations are inherently bad drivers, mainly because they don't know how to drive. But i know what you mean, had a few friends like that, scared the living daylights out of me at times haha!!...


Offline Irishman

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #280 on: January 23, 2010, 02:37:56 pm »
I'm feeling totally loved up and have to reply here.

My lovely Sunny made me a beautiful handmade pillow for my birthday with hand stitched decoration, its really something  and must have taken a huge amount of time to make and I'm blown away by that.
But more than that, I literally feel like Superman everyday. I keep thinking - something bad must be about to happen - i cannot be so lucky to have it all so good at once.

I was 39 on 11th January this month, and i can honestly say I have never ever in all my life felt better. Her sweet voice, her soft lips, her smooth skin, her little hands.. I just want to get back to Guangzhou and hold her close, kiss her lips and hear her laugh, feel her hand on my chest, her head on my shoulder..

Here is a text she sent me on sms :-

"Whenever we finish our phone call,I feel super satisfied. I think my day is just complete with a phone call at the end and I can have a good sleep now.I love u"

It doesn't get any better than that to make a man feel like a man!

I hope the rest of the bro's can be as lucky as me, and i hope to meet up with a few of you this feb in Guangzhou.

Loved up happy thoughts,

Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #281 on: January 23, 2010, 03:33:45 pm »
All I can say is congratulations Paddy, I'm jealous :icon_cheesygrin: Hope to get to see your real face in GZ soon!

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #282 on: January 23, 2010, 06:31:40 pm »

looks like you will be living here and loving her
soon. total relocation to china


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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #283 on: January 23, 2010, 09:53:06 pm »
What you don't know about Shaun, is that his truck, is a 1 ton monster, with a fully blown 429 under the hood, jacked up 3 feet, with duelly's that are 16 ply and have knobbys on them, the go any where tire, two stacks coming up the back of the cab, a huge rear bumper made out of 1/2 inch steel, a front bumper made out of 1/2 steel, with a 5 ton winch and enough lights to light up Gangzow all night, plus a rebel flag painted on the rear window and a bumper sticker that says "death to all who cross my path", and another that say's protected by Smith & Wesson, It also comes with a 5 speed tranny with overdrive (so he can drive over you)  and 4-wheel drive.  It also has a 6-pack cooler between the seats Shaun is one of the "good ole boys" also comes with a button on the dash that says "ramming speed" and has an aaaoooga horn.
Did I forget anything Shaun?.....haha

And your worried about him driving in China?  Hey worry about the chinese.  How much road kill can you get in a day?....:icon_cheesygrin:

Irishman, you gotta cut back on those viagra pills, take any more and you'll be swimming to china.....:icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: January 23, 2010, 10:02:32 pm by rockycoon »

Offline Rhonald

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RE: When You know it is just right
« Reply #284 on: January 23, 2010, 11:23:48 pm »
Quote from: 'rockycoon' pid='29120' dateline='1264301586'

Irishman, you gotta cut back on those viagra pills, take any more and you'll be swimming to china.....:icon_cheesygrin:

back stroking underwater like a submarine with an Up periscope :-/
« Last Edit: January 23, 2010, 11:24:25 pm by Rhonald »
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