Author Topic: General Thread For This and That!!....  (Read 150713 times)

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General Thread For This and That!!....
« on: November 18, 2009, 05:37:25 pm »
I thought i'd start a general thread for those posts that don't really fit any of the ongoing or current Threads.....

Maybe this thread can also be used in place of high-jacking other threads, or where a subject has come up in an existing thread, but needs more discussion than is appropriate in that existing thread....

Anyway, let's see if it works......

« Last Edit: November 18, 2009, 06:44:07 pm by David5o »


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2009, 06:27:32 pm »
briallian Idea mate   ... In fact I do believe that you deserve a rating for this , and I am going to do this  right after I post this :-))

I said somewhere that us brits were :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2009, 07:29:09 pm »
RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded

Arnold wrote.....

Thanks David , for the detailing . But , I still would not put myself in that situation to .. have HER choose .. me over her Parent's wishes . That's why I myself payed very close attention to the Parent's of my Wife . I did not want any problem's in that department .



No-one puts there self in that position intentionally or otherwise, but these things happen. You are still confusing this matter by thinking that if you don't get a parents blessing, then that's the end of the relationship. It's not like that at all, the lady is not choosing the man over her parents, she is just not agreeing with there thoughts on her prospective husband....

Of course their are lot's of variables and each situation is going to be unique, but there is sometimes a situation where the parents will be totally unreasonable in there initial assumptions towards a prospective husband, no-matter how much you try to woo them over. Are you suggesting, that you just give up your lady if that situation arose??  

Remember parents, Chinese or otherwise, are not always going to be right, likewise the daughters are not always going to be right!! That's life i'm afraid, but when you really want something in your life, you fight for it with all you have. So to just give up your future with a woman you love, because you haven't there blessing is a complete cop-out. If that lady loves and wants you enough to be your wife, what is the problem ???

Let's face it, you wouldn't give a seconds thought if the same thing happened in the States with your ladies parents, So why in China is it different, if that lady wants YOU!!??



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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2009, 10:40:18 pm »
David , what I'm saying .. I knew about how important the Parent deal was when I started . I won them over after only no more than ten EMF's and from there on I had nothing to worry about . Only concentrate on my Wife . If it would have fallen through then and there , we would have known each other only for what two three weeks ? I could of put a stop on it right there before it progressed any further and someone get's really hurt later , if not both . Rob's Keren is a perfect example , what I did not want to have happen .
I might have move fast , but I was well aware .. what was going on at all time . Thanks to an Honest Translator of course , which I owe a lot of gratitude . We both let her know this , when we met in Guangzhou finally on my last Trip .

So why not get this part out of the way soon before starting anything serious and fight / loose it ?

Offline David E

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2009, 01:54:02 am »
Joy !!!!!
Yesterday my local English Food Shoppe got a shipment of Scottish I had them for breakfast...first time in 25 years !!!....such pleasure makes searching for a Chinese wife pale into insignificance :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Its amazing what little things give pleasure isn't it !!!

For the International Bros who dont know what a Scottish Kipper is, I will leave it to Rob Scotwong to explain :):)

Jeeeez...I hope this thread is REALLY for "this and that"...or somebody gonna blast me !!!!!


Offline Johnboy

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2009, 02:24:00 am »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='23366' dateline='1258613642'

Joy !!!!!
Yesterday my local English Food Shoppe got a shipment of Scottish I had them for breakfast...first time in 25 years !!!....such pleasure makes searching for a Chinese wife pale into insignificance :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Its amazing what little things give pleasure isn't it !!!

For the International Bros who dont know what a Scottish Kipper is, I will leave it to Rob Scotwong to explain :):)

Jeeeez...I hope this thread is REALLY for "this and that"...or somebody gonna blast me !!!!!


What, you ate the WHOLE shipment of Scottish kippers for breakfast David?  Jeeeez...that's some appetite you've got!  Not only that, but I don't think anyone from here will be blasting you - I think you will be blasting all of us!!!  Kippers can be lethal if you're down-wind.....Haha (heads down boys!):icon_lol: Johnboy:icon_arrowu:
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to say nothing.  (Edmund Burke)


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2009, 03:10:28 am »
Kippers are Smoked Herring guys...VERY VERY TASTY:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline David E

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2009, 03:20:31 am »
Quote from: 'Johnboy' pid='23368' dateline='1258615440'

Quote from: 'David E' pid='23366' dateline='1258613642'

Joy !!!!!
Yesterday my local English Food Shoppe got a shipment of Scottish I had them for breakfast...first time in 25 years !!!....such pleasure makes searching for a Chinese wife pale into insignificance :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Its amazing what little things give pleasure isn't it !!!

For the International Bros who dont know what a Scottish Kipper is, I will leave it to Rob Scotwong to explain :):)

Jeeeez...I hope this thread is REALLY for "this and that"...or somebody gonna blast me !!!!!


What, you ate the WHOLE shipment of Scottish kippers for breakfast David?  Jeeeez...that's some appetite you've got!  Not only that, but I don't think anyone from here will be blasting you - I think you will be blasting all of us!!!  Kippers can be lethal if you're down-wind.....Haha (heads down boys!):icon_lol: Johnboy:icon_arrowu:


Thank you for pointing out my erroneous use of syntax and grammar....39 years in Aus and I get a bit rusty on the Queen's English :):)....but I know you are lurking there to give me a good caning when I stray :):)

So...correction "My English Food Shoppe got a shipment of kippers and I ate ONE for my breakfast "

OK Sir ???


Paul Todd

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2009, 03:24:01 am »
This fits here I think!

Ming Zhi's mother had a fall at home yesterday morning and broke her  humerus [upper arm bone]. Which led us to spend the last two days going through the hospital system here in Baoding. She's in her late seventies and is a tough old soul who always has a smile on her face and food on the table. She grew up and had four children on the planes of Inner Mongolia so I recon she's faced more hardships in life than many of us can even comprehend.
We took her to the nearest hospital  where they gave her a quick examination and x-rayed her arm and shoulder, all within half an hour of walking through the doors. I was impressed, in the UK they try to see you within 4 hours! They said they where going to admit her for a couple of weeks as she needed surgery to set the bone. We where given a ward number and told to take her up there. This was on the 11th floor and the whole floor was divided into 4 bed rooms. They all have TV's but I have to admit they could have done with a damn good clean and a bit of fresh paint.
As with most things I've come across here there is a fantastic community spirit. There where two other ladies already in our assigned room one of which had her two grown up sons with her. When the third lady in the room wanted to get to the loo everybody helped, a wheelchair was found we lifted her into it and  Ming Zhi accompanied her down the corridor. .This was the same for anybody 's needs, everyone just pitches in with good humour. There doesn't seem to be any lack of nurses or doctors either and there's defiantly a lot of new students being taught. I've visited hospitals all over S/E Asia and the Chinese ones are defiantly not the worst by a long way.
There was a food hall downstairs with good cheap food all day so no problems there. I'm not sure if you get free meals,but knowing this place there's probably some system in place to take care of it!
We where told that they would not be able to operate for 3/4 days due to numbers but said if we wanted to take her to another hospital 20 minutes down the road they would do it the following day, after admission. So this morning we did just that, new hospital same routine even the same floor, same 4 bed rooms but much cleaner this time. While they where taking some more x-rays I wandered into the room where they process the "film" and had a good look around, nobody was worried by this at all. A bit like when I went to the dentist and everyone there nurse or patient was free to come over and have a look at what was going on! So tomorrow morning they will operate and then keep her in for a week or so after that for observation. It worries me that she is in her 70's but she's not what you might call fail so I think she will be ok.
The overall impression I got was of a health service that is technically very good. Not understaffed and with dedicated nurses and doctors. The cleanliness of the hospitals does leave a lot to be desired and the risk of infection has to be a real threat?But saying that,I would much rather be in a Chinese hospital than any public hospital in India. They only thing I've heard about the pay to use international hospitals is that you can walk in off the street and have a full MRI scan for 15 pounds, straight away and that was from a guy who did just that.

Offline Johnboy

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2009, 03:59:57 am »
Joy !!!!!
Yesterday my local English Food Shoppe got a shipment of Scottish I had them for breakfast...first time in 25 years !!!....such pleasure makes searching for a Chinese wife pale into insignificance :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Its amazing what little things give pleasure isn't it !!!

For the International Bros who dont know what a Scottish Kipper is, I will leave it to Rob Scotwong to explain :):)

Jeeeez...I hope this thread is REALLY for "this and that"...or somebody gonna blast me !!!!!


What, you ate the WHOLE shipment of Scottish kippers for breakfast David?  Jeeeez...that's some appetite you've got!  Not only that, but I don't think anyone from here will be blasting you - I think you will be blasting all of us!!!  Kippers can be lethal if you're down-wind.....Haha (heads down boys!):icon_lol: Johnboy:icon_arrowu:


Thank you for pointing out my erroneous use of syntax and grammar....39 years in Aus and I get a bit rusty on the Queen's English :):)....but I know you are lurking there to give me a good caning when I stray :):)

So...correction "My English Food Shoppe got a shipment of kippers and I ate ONE for my breakfast "

OK Sir ???


Ah, David

I only jest with you! And you know that I am a great admirer of your command and use of the English lanquage, as well as your forensic dissertations..........but I could not resist :angel::angel:

Oh, so you only ate one then? Ok, that explains it all:icon_confused:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to say nothing.  (Edmund Burke)


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2009, 05:31:39 am »
Paul  I'm very sorry to hear about your mother in law, :s I really hope she gets better soon...

Pass our regards to Mong Zhi from us all, i'm sure everyone will want to wish her mother a speedy recovery...
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 05:32:18 am by Scottish_Rob »

Offline Johnboy

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2009, 09:32:00 am »
Joy !!!!!
Yesterday my local English Food Shoppe got a shipment of Scottish I had them for breakfast...first time in 25 years !!!....such pleasure makes searching for a Chinese wife pale into insignificance :icon_cheesygrin:

Its amazing what little things give pleasure isn't it !!!

For the International Bros who dont know what a Scottish Kipper is, I will leave it to Rob Scotwong to explain :)

Jeeeez...I hope this thread is REALLY for "this and that"...or somebody gonna blast me !!!!!


What, you ate the WHOLE shipment of Scottish kippers for breakfast David?  Jeeeez...that's some appetite you've got!  Not only that, but I don't think anyone from here will be blasting you - I think you will be blasting all of us!!!  Kippers can be lethal if you're down-wind.....Haha (heads down boys!):icon_lol: Johnboy:icon_arrowu:


Thank you for pointing out my erroneous use of syntax and grammar....39 years in Aus and I get a bit rusty on the Queen's English :):)....but I know you are lurking there to give me a good caning when I stray :):)

So...correction "My English Food Shoppe got a shipment of kippers and I ate ONE for my breakfast "

OK Sir ???


Ah, David

I only jest with you! You well-know that I am a great admirer of your command and usage of the English language - as well as your forensic and coruscating wit and dissertations.:angel: So, you only ate the ONE kipper for breakfast then? How disappointing, I thought for a moment there that you had set a new Aussie all-comers record for kipper scoffing:icon_biggrin:

Your humble apprentice

« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 11:46:26 am by Vince G »
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to say nothing.  (Edmund Burke)


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2009, 09:46:05 am »

I will pray for surgery to go well and a full and speedy recovery.



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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2009, 12:02:09 pm »
I also wish her the best and a speedy recovery time . Keep us informed please .


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2009, 05:20:37 pm »
Sisi and i send our best wishes to your mother in law for
  a quick and speady recovery