Author Topic: General Thread For This and That!!....  (Read 151188 times)

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #195 on: February 11, 2010, 08:32:37 pm »
In Arizona, it is legal to get drunk as hell and ride your horse home, since the horse hasn't been drinking and knows the way.


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #196 on: February 11, 2010, 08:38:08 pm »

Oooooooops!!, .....You weren't supposed to of seen that Rob!! ..hahaha!!!


Offline Bee964

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #197 on: February 11, 2010, 09:51:05 pm »
I have a serious question. Is it better to bring your visa card or a bank debit card to china?

Dave C
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Offline mustfocus

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #198 on: February 11, 2010, 10:31:08 pm »
The truth?  I would take both.  You can put your hotel and some of the larger restaurants bills on credit card.  Take your bank card if you happen to run out of cash...

BTW, here's a tip, let the bank and the credit card company know you are going to Singapore or China or wherever is outside of your country, otherwise you might find yourself in a bad position.
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #199 on: February 11, 2010, 11:41:17 pm »
Yup, both of mine worked equally well.  The 2000 rmb daily limit per card still wasn't enough to buy a decent engagement ring though. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Bee964

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #200 on: February 12, 2010, 06:32:10 am »
Quote from: 'mustfocus' pid='31450' dateline='1265945468'

BTW, here's a tip, let the bank and the credit card company know you are going to Singapore or China or wherever is outside of your country, otherwise you might find yourself in a bad position.

Did this last trip to europe. I didn't ask what the limits were. They had a $100 limit per day, I think it was a minimum limit, and they would not up the limit over the phone. I was only going to bring my debit card but brought both just in case. Good thing too, otherwise I would not have been able to pay for the B&B room. At that time $100 was about 60 euros and the room was 71 euros / night. I did tell the bank and credit cards where I was going. I did not ask about limits.

Dave C
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #201 on: February 12, 2010, 04:04:39 pm »
another suggestion also. i always had 500 dollars on me tucked in
my wallet just incase something like a confusion with the bank had
occured. never had to use it but at the rates of exchange that would
more than cover quite a few days while you sorted it out. and when i
returned home i had 500 dollars that i didnt use

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #202 on: February 13, 2010, 01:19:39 am »

Since you're going to Singapore, I would not be too concerned.  In fact, I would recommend going there then getting cash out of the ATMs there.  I have a TD card and my limit was C$500 two years ago a day.  Pretty much any bank will take your debit card.  Just follow the standard safety precautions you do here... OCBC, DBS or UOB are good ones.  So is HSBC.  Having some S$ doesn't hurt, but I would not change too much.
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen

Offline Bee964

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #203 on: February 13, 2010, 02:45:20 am »
Quote from: 'mustfocus' pid='31547' dateline='1266041979'


Since you're going to Singapore, I would not be too concerned.  In fact, I would recommend going there then getting cash out of the ATMs there.  I have a TD card and my limit was C$500 two years ago a day.  Pretty much any bank will take your debit card.  Just follow the standard safety precautions you do here... OCBC, DBS or UOB are good ones.  So is HSBC.  Having some S$ doesn't hurt, but I would not change too much.

I did pick up S$100 today. The problem I had in europe was that the bank for some reason lowered my daily limit when I said that I was going to europe. Maybe it was done automatically. I will be speaking with the bank on monday. I made the appointment today. I was only saved in europe by the fact that I was not there by myself. I will be by myself in Singapore. I will be sure that there is no problem with finances. Do you have a suggested S$ amount to bring initially? I have a fair bit of US$ put aside too. When I do a trip like this I usually bring more than what I figure I will need. I use the metric conversion, double it and add 32. Hahahaha. Seriously though, I will figure that I need say $1500. Then I would bring $2250 to $3000 for the trip. This would be for 2 weeks and not include the hotel or airfare. I will be prepared no matter what the bank personal screw up. I am not up on all tha acronyms here. What are OCBC, DBS, UOB, and HSBC?

Dave C

Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='31504' dateline='1266008679'

another suggestion also. i always had 500 dollars on me tucked in
my wallet just incase something like a confusion with the bank had
occured. never had to use it but at the rates of exchange that would
more than cover quite a few days while you sorted it out. and when i
returned home i had 500 dollars that i didnt use

I always do this Ted. A few years ago I was cleaning out my wallet and I found a few $50's stuck in a pocket I never use. I don't ever remember putting them in but I just thought "bonus!" I usually over budget anyways. I call it my metric budget, double it and add 32. I didn't use it the last time in europe. My mistake. I will be making sure that I will not get stuck this trip. I will hide a couple hundred in my wallet this time too. A couple hundred US that is. $200 US today cost me $13,66 to buy ($213.66 CDN to buy $200 US) I finally heard from her today. She has written to me every day faithfully. The last letter I got from her she said that she was not feeling well. She has been very sick. She did agree to write to my personal e-mail. I know she will not be using the agency for e-mailing seeing as the agency is in Shenzhen and she is in Singapore. I guess it may go through the agency though. We will see. Thanks for the advise though.

Dave C
« Last Edit: February 13, 2010, 03:14:29 am by Bee964 »
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.

Offline mustfocus

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #204 on: February 13, 2010, 07:29:25 am »

That's harder to estimate, but I'd say... $40/day for food... the places I mentioned in the private message I would have to check to see...  C$3000 seems kinda over the top (I've never had to carry that much cash on hand anywhere I go).

As for what all those letters mean, those are the main banks in Singapore. :icon_biggrin:
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #205 on: February 14, 2010, 02:36:23 am »
when i came here in september if you guys only knew what i brought in my carry on
bag. its a wonder i made it here but i did and i immediately put it in the bank of china.
now when i go back to the USA it will feel funny because i will have to convert so much
chinese to usa dollars, take out 50,000 here to have 4000 there   hahahaha

Offline Bee964

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #206 on: February 15, 2010, 05:42:55 pm »
Quote from: 'mustfocus' pid='31560' dateline='1266064165'


That's harder to estimate, but I'd say... $40/day for food... the places I mentioned in the private message I would have to check to see...  C$3000 seems kinda over the top (I've never had to carry that much cash on hand anywhere I go).

As for what all those letters mean, those are the main banks in Singapore. :icon_biggrin:

The bank names, totally had me. I didn't have a clue. The amount of money, well I will bring at least $100/day. should cover meals and some entertainment. 12 days there, so $1200 at least. Like I said earlier, I do not want to be stuck. I set up PAYPAL today because they have a money request option you can ask friends and relatives for money. Just thought this can't hurt. I would rather bring money home after a great trip. I will make use of the hotel safe. I like having the security of the cash on hand too. I thank you for all the advise you and 007 have given me about Singapore. I am getting a little excited about going now as the dates draw closer. Excited and nervous. There is something else I would like to ask you about, cell phones. I'm on pay as you go. I like this. I don't want a contract. Bad experience with Rogers. Is there pay as you go in Singapore? I have seen some discussion on cell phones here but more with regards to China. If I have to get a contract then so be it. Any help is always appreciated.

Dave C
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.

Offline mustfocus

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #207 on: February 15, 2010, 06:07:22 pm »
It depends on who you're with in terms of cell phone provider.  If you're using Bell or Telus, unfortunately unless you have the new 3G phones, you're SOL.  If you're using one of their 3G phones, you MAY have service there (3G is still too new for anyone I know to test it).  If you're using Rogers or Fido (GSM), you should be able to hook up into their network.  But what I would suggest is this... If you can borrow an unlocked GSM cell phone and charger from someone you know here, bring it with you.  Then go to the nearest Singtel store and buy a sim card from there.  I think it's $35 or something like that and will give you a local number.  Pass the number along to the people who need to know it and use that.  Topping the card up is not hard to do (and I'm sure your lady can help).  Also the rates for calling Canada are much better than if you take a Canadian phone with you and call home.  What I do with my friends is tell them my Singapore number (065-9xxx-yyyy) and tell them to text me if they need something...

When you leave, you can discard the card and it will expire eventually.

As for money, $100 a day is cool.  Except for a few days where you go for the more expensive stuff (like Sentosa's attractions), I don't see you spending that much money.

Enjoy yourself.  Singapore's a safe country.  And you won't have to worry about the agency either.
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #208 on: February 15, 2010, 06:50:44 pm »
I bought a second hand nokia and new sim card over there total cost 250 RMB £25.00 UK pounds equivalent...
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 06:54:44 pm by Scottish_Rob »


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #209 on: February 15, 2010, 06:53:19 pm »
Bee, not sure but i would buy a sim card to install in your phone while your there.
       my phone has the capabilities to hold two sim cards so that works well for me
       here in china