Author Topic: General Thread For This and That!!....  (Read 151291 times)

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #315 on: March 19, 2010, 04:55:33 am »
Just keep eating that corned beef and cabbage and you will make it.

Offline David E

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #316 on: March 19, 2010, 06:32:51 am »
Corned Beef and cabbage...OMG...there goes global warming up another notch....all those greenhouse gasses !!!

Just point away from Aus for the next few days ..please Rock :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:



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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #317 on: March 19, 2010, 10:39:13 am »
The wind of the earth blows around the earth from west to east, dropping lower with each circle of the globe, eventually settling on
the south pole where it dies out.  So look out australlia, your days are numbered.....haha :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:
I always wondered why in every picture of Russia, there was never any sunshine, specially after St. Paddys day. Always overcast and
cloudy, now I know. Hummmmmm

Think, I'll get dressed and go have some more corned beef and cabbage....:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #318 on: March 19, 2010, 01:26:11 pm »
I noticed foul air this morning, it must have made it's way here.  All I can say to you Rocky is, "Just say No!"

Offline Irishman

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #319 on: March 19, 2010, 01:47:38 pm »
Lol, our work canteen served cornbeef and cabbage on paddies day too. My mother always made that on the day too when I was younger, it really is a genuine Irish meal. Basic but good if done right :)
Just don't stand downwind of me a few hours later!
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #320 on: March 19, 2010, 02:05:23 pm »

I used to have an Irish friend back in my 20's, whenever i was round his house for an evening meal, His mother always seemed to dish up ''Boiled bacon. carrots and cabbage with either boiled potato's of mashed potato's!!!  I came to the conclusion that they must have lived on this meal, so that too.   ...must be a genuine Irish meal ....hahaha!!

« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 03:31:22 pm by David5o »


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #321 on: March 20, 2010, 03:59:28 am »
Ok, Shaun and Willy, I just got a digital camera, damned if I can figure it out right now or the program that comes with it.  It's a sony
and even detects if your smiling before taking the picture, does movies with sound also.  See if these photos will work here, as I'm
not sure just yet on how to make thumb nails.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 04:31:09 am by rockycoon »


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #322 on: March 20, 2010, 05:53:37 am »
Psst!!!!!   Don, I wouldn't remodel that one.  I wouldn't drill a hole for fishing either.  It is to nice to do that.  Once you get that thing on the water where are the other boats going to go?


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #323 on: March 20, 2010, 06:05:18 am »
Shaun, "out of the way" :icon_cheesygrin:

Most of it will be under water, just looks bigger out of the water.  Got a master bedroom under the rear next to the motors, and
discovered a massive 12 volt inverter/charger hidden next to the motor toward the rear.  Finding all kinds of things now that I
took time to "discover" what all I got. Nooks and cranny's everywhere, stuffed with all kinds of stuff.  I took the truck and had
10 ply tires put on, all new heavy duty truck shocks in hopes that the weight of the hitch would not be too much, as it happens
I went "overboard" on the truck and it stands too high now, got to get one of those L shaped reciver hitchs to lower the darn
thing, it "fishtails" at around 50 mph, perhaps lowering the hitch will help, also looking at getting a "anti-sway" bar installed
for the hitch, like they have on motorhomes.  Any idea's ? by the way, the bilge pumps keep up with the fishing hole in the

By the way, bet your getting the shakes as time nears.  Take more pills and relax....she will be there to meet you, then you get to pay for the cab....haha.  Don't forget the
Jack-Links for Ted, he's got quite the craving for them.  I think he feeds them to the belly dancers in the park.....LOL
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 06:21:43 am by rockycoon »

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #324 on: March 20, 2010, 10:27:09 am »
So Rocky,

If we're in Arizona, you're taking us out on the lakes? :icon_cheesygrin:
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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #325 on: March 20, 2010, 10:46:17 am »
Rocky just get a drop hitch.About 3 inches should do.You want the trailer and boat close to level.From what you posted.It sounds like you have to much weight on the rear.Not enought tounge weight.

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #326 on: March 20, 2010, 10:08:16 pm »
I have hauled allot of trailers across the Rez.If there jumping sideways.Or dog tracking.It is usually from.Not having enough weight on the tounge.Or the tires on the trailer are overloaded.If the boat trailer has electronic breaks.And the break control in the cab of the truck is set to high.You will lock one of the wheels up on the trailer.Every time you step on the breaks.That could make the trailer pull funny.especially if the breaks are hanging up after you take your foot off the breaks.

Rock when was the last time the bearings were checked on the trailer.They could probably use a grease job.


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #327 on: March 20, 2010, 10:51:49 pm »
Don't know about the brakes condition, but they are activeated by the hitch and are hydrolic ... kind of like it's own brake system.
I checked the fluid (full) and when you pull, the hitch end comes out, releasing the brakes, when you hit the brakes the hitch
then puts pressure on the brake system and the wheel brakes.  I have a feeling that my hitch is too damn high and will have to get
one of those lower hitches and perhaps an anti-sway bar for the bumper and trailer, like they have for the motor homes.   The
I agree about getting the wheels lubed and bearings greased. But got to put the boat in the water first to work on the trailer.  So I have
to put working on the "little things" on the boat first then launch, and work on trailer.
In case your wondering, we have lake Mead and Lake Powell, then also there is Lake Havasu and the Colorado river.  The ocean is not
very far in California, so you can guess that I'll be near the water in any case.

Maxx, how is the water level in Powell and also mead if your near there?  I hear it is way down and you can't even launch a boat
now days.

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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #328 on: March 20, 2010, 11:44:21 pm »
Rock I don't know about Powell or mead.I'm about 4 hour drive across the rez from Powell.If lake Powell is that low it will come up.When the snow starts to melt.They had really good snow fall on the western slope this year.So Powell should come up allot.

With lake Powell there is allot of places to launch.Some places have deeper water then others.I'Ve launched out of walaweep and state line.And lone rock.your boat draws to much water to launch at lone rock.and you have to watch out for the sand.Walweep and state line should be fine.They are just out side of Page AZ.about 4 miles.


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RE: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #329 on: March 21, 2010, 07:22:07 am »

You can get wheel bearing caps that have a grease (zerk)(not sure of the spelling) in the cap.  Just fill her up every couple of months.  You can jack up a side of the trailer and see if the wheels spin freely and if there is too much bearing play.  I wouldn't think you have to put the boat in the water for that.  I have my trailer dropped 3 inches and it makes all of the difference in the world.  It pulls level.  With two motors in the back you may want to see the boat lean toward your truck to offset the weight a little.  I think the motors are your problem.

Lastly.  You might want to check with the manufacturer of the engines.  Most companies sell fresh water and salt water engines.  It has something to do with the cooling system.  I think the salt water engines have different kinds of metal in the water jackets because of the salt water but I am not sure about that.  Check it out before you set out in the ocean.
