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Offline maxx

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #495 on: May 27, 2010, 08:39:26 pm »
Dave I worked in different dealerships.Yes we always left the battery hooked up.If you didn't leave the battery hooked up on the new stuff.The first time you did hook the battery up.It would set the alarm off.Then it would set the whole security system.Usually with the keys now locked in the car.While the horn is honking and the lights are flashing.Then you would have to run to the back of the building and get the other set of keys.That are locked up somewhere in back.And the only person with the key to the cabinet has left for the day.Or is out to lunch.


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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #496 on: May 29, 2010, 09:31:56 am »
That is so very funny if you think about it....LOL LOL


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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #497 on: May 29, 2010, 09:46:31 am »
Me?  If a woman did that to me I'd let her make a fool out of herself and then deny knowing her.

Offline Bee964

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #498 on: May 29, 2010, 10:04:53 am »

I worked electrical repair in an auto assembly plant. I think it was an australian requirement for this one type of security system, maybe british. (There was a name for it but I don't remember it) If there was any interruption in the 3 wires that goes to the siren, the siren goes off. The siren has its own power supply. Wire 1 ground, wire 2 IOD (direct feed from battery, fused) wire 3 communication line. On the shipping line they pull the IOD fuse, interruption in the battery feed. We had only just had instruction on this new system for us when I retired. I asked the instructor about this possible problem and what they are going to do about it. They had no reply from engineering about this when I left. So I asked what should we do if this happens in the mean time, We were to put the vehicle on a hoist, the siren was located under the vehicle, un plug and take off the siren, throw it in a 5 gallon pail of water to try to stifle the noise, until its battery died, and wait for engineerings solution. The IOD line feeds all the modules memory, your radio to keep all of its preset stations, etc., if it is left plugged in, after several weeks the battery dies and this is why it is removed. I am sure there is a solution for it now from engineering, but I would have loved to be there if one did get set off! The system had interior motion detectors and all.

Dave C
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Offline maxx

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #499 on: May 29, 2010, 10:59:31 am »
Dave in some models all the fuses they pulled out at the factory.They would put them in the ashtray.Of the car.Then when we would receive the vehicle at the dealership.We would put the fuses back in.The factory told us it was to keep from running the battery down.What it was really for.Was so that the alarm wouldn't set.If you let the battery run down.You couldn't get the car out of park.If you jumped the car.And the battery was still couldn't get the car out of park.All because of the security system.If it happened on the showroom floor.I could here the alarm from my shop.My shop was about 100 yards from the main show room.In it's own separate building

The alarms on the new cars can be a nightmare.And forget about losing your keys.And having a lock smith make you a new key.It isn't going to work until you drag the vehicle  into the dealership and get the new key programmed to the car.My 2005 gmc 1/2 ton the key is 20.00 the remote unlock is 100.My bosses 2010 gmc  key is 200.00. Plus the dealership charge to reprogram it.

We had some customers who tried to disconect the alarm system.We would have to put the alarm systems back together.Because the vehical wouldn't run. with out it.It would cost them close to 500.00.One guy climbed under the front drivers seat.And disconnected the key buzzer.It took the technician about 2 hours.To figure out what the guy did.Because the guy didn't tell anyone.Because he wanted the repair coverd under warranty.

Ive never heard that the siren had it's own power supply.It would make sence.If the siren is going off.And the car battery is dead

Offline Bee964

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #500 on: May 29, 2010, 12:53:03 pm »

Check the owners manual about new keys and programming them. The Chrysler vehicles you can self program. (you turn the ignition on with 2 programmed keys 3 times for 5 to 15 seconds within a 1 minute time span, or something like this. This puts the wireless ignition module into program mode. then you can program up to 8 keys for the vehicle) This proceedure is spelled out in the owners manual near the front for Chrysler vehicles. If you have the key  with the key fob built into it, it will program both at the same time. These new vehicles don't have cut keys so all you have to do is buy the fob and program it. I think they are about $135. If the proceedure is in your manual, you can save $100. (thats what they charge here) I did a couple extra keys for my daughter this way and on our old mini van I had 2 extra keys and 2 extra key fobs. (2002 Dodge)

Also too, if your engine lite comes on, depending on what the problem is, sometimes it will go off on its own. Say you left the gas cap off or loose and this puts a fault into the engine controller. The engine lite comes on because it sees an evaporate leak in the fuel system. You know what the problem is and you correct it. (you put the gas cap back on) If after a set ammount of key cycles it has not seen the leak again it self clears the fault and turns the light off. This information my not be in the owners manual. (I have not read it all either) My daughter put diesel into her gas vehicle. Luckily she was the typical teen, only put a couple bucks in. Yes I know the nozzle should not have fit in but you know auto companies, the filler tube was plastic and aluminium. It is flexible. She jammed the nozzle in. She called me to come get her. When she realised what she had done she cried. The dealership wanted over $800 to drop the tank, empty it out, flush the system, and put it back together. I went to the dealership and turned the ignition on, she had less than 1/4 tank. I consulted with an engineer at work about this before I did it. I took an empty 2 gallon gas can and a full 5 gallon gas can of super. I disconnected the fuel line at the engine and put the end into the empty can. I put the 5 gallons of gas in the car, the gauge read 3/4 full. After turning the ignition on several times there was about a quart of mixed fuel in the can with the gas line in it. I reconnected it to the motor and after several tries it fires up. Lots of white smoke to start but it quickly fades. After a while the engine lite comes on due to the diesel in it. The day I was going to bring it in to have them shut it off (a $100 dollar cost) it went out on its own. Saved $800. She always checks the pump now. Just to hook up the diagnostic tool is a $100 cost for the customer, but there are some acceptions to this too.

For anybody reading this, there are ways to find out the diagnostic trouble codes that turn your engine lite on and the local branch of your library may have the repair manual. The respective codes and the problem description as well as possible fixes are listed in it. Some are very simple fixes, eg. check to make sure the gas cap is tight.

This post is getting long so I will end it now, but that information may help some people save some money.

Dave C
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.


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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #501 on: May 29, 2010, 03:35:52 pm »
actually, aside from interrupting the flow of information on China and Chinese ladies and our love life's.  I really wouldn't mind starting
a thread on home repair or auto repair or even self help around the place.  There are so many experenced and professional people
on here on all things, we could "scratch each others backs" with all this information.

Bee, thanks for that Dodge information.  Now can you tell me what is wrong with the cruse control on my 2003 dodge 1500.
It used to work, and partially does now, the cruse lite comes on, but the set speed button won't work to set it about 3/4 of the
time.  The other 1/4 of the time it will work flawlessly.  And yes, I use it a lot. Keeps me from getting a lot of tickets.,.. ;D

Offline maxx

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #502 on: May 29, 2010, 06:23:26 pm »
Bee yes the ignatian trick will work on the Dodges GM got away from the customer.Being able to program the key themselves.Some accountant somewhere.Decided GM was loosing to much money.The gas cap trick.It works on the GM too.I threw a engine light about a month ago.It even cut the power way back..So I jumped out and took the gas cap off.And put it back on.It was good after that.

I can't count the number of times.I have had employees put gasoline in a Diesel motor.The Diesel will run with the gasoline in them for about a mile.What we used to do was take a gas caddy and suck all the gas out.Then just dump some diesel in the tank.We never had a problem.Then Gm thought they were getting smart and they put a gate at the bottom of the filler neck..So after that we had to take the filler neck off.And suck the gas out that way.Either way it was a 20 minute fix.It just would piss me off to know end.When one of my employees would do it.I fired a couple of people who had done it more then once.I had one guy take his pen and push the neck of the fill tube out.On a Brand new Buick.Just so he could put Diesel in it.I fired that guy right on the spot when he got back to the Dealership.

I used to work at a Dodge/Gmc dealership in Colorado.When they first started coming out with the new dodge Diesels back in 94.You didn't want to ever run that diesel out of fuel.It would take a couple of hours to bleed the system to get all the air out.If the diesel had any miles on it above 50,00.It would even make it tougher.Because the fuel system would be sucking air.When they came out with the Diesel motor in the Gmc.After about 20,000 miles you would have to replace the turbo.And you would have to replace it over and over again.At about 20,000 to 30,000 miles.Gm after a couple of years got it together.They Did a way with that type of turbo.And redisigned it all together.It seamed to have cured the problem.

Dodge fixed there fuel supply problem.It only takes a couple of pumps now on the bleeding pump.And opening the bleed valve and your back in Buissness.It is about a five minute job now.

Offline Bee964

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #503 on: May 29, 2010, 07:11:49 pm »

It might be a good idea to start a thread like that. Your cruise, I think you still have a throttle cable in your system. The newer systems are "drive by wire" for your stability control system. This system works a little differently than the older throttle cable systems. Anyways, check to make sure that none of the vacuum hoses or connections are cracked or dry rotted.  You live in the desert south west right? Arizona? That would be my first place to check. But, usually an intermittent operation of a feature is usually a bad connection. (We call them spread terminals) It could be corrision on the terminals too. Check to see if your library has the shop manual. Better still, if you want wait a little bit. I can find the stuff for you here maybe. I have a couple shop munuals for the trucks, but I don't remember what years. Let me get back to you on this. It is 7:05 here tonight and my daughters going away party starts in an hour and I have to be there. PM me if you want help. Gotta go now.

Dave C
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.


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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #504 on: May 29, 2010, 09:02:08 pm »
Maxx, if you think getting a GMC started after you run out of fuel, try getting a John Deere started after you change fuel
filters and install a new fuel pump (des engine).  I agree you really have to drain all the air out of the system, and this starts with
clearing the fuel tank down past the fuel pump, then the fuel filter then around the corner to the high pressure injector pump and
finally the injectors.  John deere put a fuel pump air bleeder on the fuel pump, but that works a little but not for the rest of the
system.  Love the power but damn, they are a pain to get going.

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #505 on: May 29, 2010, 09:38:40 pm »
Rocky did you try cracking the injectors open a little.No it is not recomended by the manufactures.But that is what we had to do sometimes.With the older Dodges


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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #506 on: June 01, 2010, 12:32:20 pm »

Thanks for the link....

Sorry not thanking you before, but i've only just seen it!!!  haha!!
This new site is a bloody maze, with stuff scattered all over the place, i can't seem to find anything easily, as i could before!!!

Anyway, thanks again for the link....


Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #507 on: June 02, 2010, 11:49:12 am »
All this talk of fancy roadster has made me take the plunge and to risk life and limb by taking to the roads of China. 8)

I been and bought a really nifty number.  A really sporting model.

Classic paint work as well. Some hand crafted parts.

So from now on it ta ta taxis and bye bye buses -  Willy is the latest danger to hit the roads of China.

From now on gone is Willy Wonka  and  welcome Willy Honka.

Just one problem.  When I get to the shopping centre am I allowed to chain it to a lamp post or could  someone catch their ankles on the pedals.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #508 on: June 02, 2010, 12:41:49 pm »
Question for you, is that a bike or a car your talking about?  by the way, you can get your oil and grease for free, just ask
those brits from BP, their giving it away for free.  Just bring a bucket... ;D ;D

Offline Bee964

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #509 on: June 02, 2010, 02:09:04 pm »
Sounds like a bike Rocky.

Bee careful on the streets of china Willy. Gotta find that bike picture I have.....

Dave C
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.