David, have you asked Ming if she knew what a smidge or a dash or a bakers dozen are?
No, Shaun, I daren't go down that track yet....she would blow a fuse !!
I am still getting enough problems with "there, their and they're".....and many posters on the Forum get that wrong all the time ...even more difficult to understand for a Chinese speaker !!!
We had an interesting discussion last night about the context for "forget" and "leave"...ie "I forgot my keys, or "I left my keys somewhere"...what is the difference ??
And try to explain "should, would, could" to a non-english speaker...WOW what a complex language we have !!!
ps......Somebody showed me yesterday that it is grammatically possible to have a sentence in which the word "and" is used 5 times consecutively !!!!....work it out