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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #870 on: April 01, 2012, 04:40:59 am »
Maxx I'm sure you would have been called ;D ;D And irt did not seem like a bad name to us
Whoah you Rab C Nesbit look a like i will YANK your teeth out when we meet next month;D

I cannot  imagine how all the foreigners on here will work this one out. ;D ;D

But I am having a Yankee bet on 4 horse later. 

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #871 on: April 06, 2012, 06:13:27 am »
Just spent two days in Shenzhen during Tombsweeping Holiday.  Was on the seafront most of the time.

Very nice warm day.  Now is it possible that the Chinese short skirts are even shorter this year or is this just the delight to see them back after a chilly winter! 8)

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #872 on: April 06, 2012, 07:17:35 am »
Yes Willie, I too have noticed some VERY SHORT SKIRTS this year, It is a delight to see  ;) ;) ;)

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #873 on: April 13, 2012, 10:32:31 am »
Have Ba ba staying with us for a few months.  Think I would rather have the Nieces baby as he does not play that damn Chinese Opera 14 hours a day.  I will be glad of the break to meet up with the Scottish Bard.

It would not be so bad but I now found out that there is only one opera and he knows every word to it and repeats it as they sing it.

Give me the bagpipes any time.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #874 on: April 13, 2012, 09:17:11 pm »
Willy , you may now have said to much and have Scottie packing some bagpipes in his luggage .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #875 on: April 16, 2012, 12:52:06 am »
Joking apart.  I am looking forward to spending some time the Scottish Bard in a couple of weeks.  Anyone suggest what I can take as a gift?

 Maybe something for his medical condition? ::)

You know he suffers from 'verbal diahrear'.  I  think I will go to the parmacy an collect a mouthsize band aid.   ;D

Any other suggestions?   Forget the red hot chillie powder enema that does not even make him blush.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #876 on: April 21, 2012, 10:51:11 am »
Nik changed the profile photo on the Chnlove Facebook site to a photo of the New Girls Generation ? Someone should tell him they are Korean not Chinese.

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #877 on: April 21, 2012, 03:15:55 pm »
Someone did post that it was a Korean girl band & mentioned to google images of new girl generation on the facebook site.
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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #878 on: April 27, 2012, 01:10:23 am »
Ok I have a question.Why do you think the world economy is in the shape it is in? And how did you come to the conclusions? that you did.Did you loose a job, A house,Did you read about it on the enternet,did you Read about it in the paper.did you see it on the TV.Has the global economy down turn had any effect on your life.Or somebody you know.

The reason I'm asking is just for curiosity.Chong and Martin have accused me of being  the President of  New Mexico.So for the sake of the argument.I lead a sheltered and privileged life since I'm the Presedenty of excellence for New Mexico.And I don't really know whats going on in the real world

I lost a job that I had had for 15 years.The reason I was layed off.Was because the company that I worked for.Was way over extended.And when the government bought GM. the government decided to stop production on Pontiac's.Are number 1 selling car.For ten of the last 15 years.Then the business was  taken over by a very hostile takeover.I probably could of stuck my nose back in the door.And got my old job back.With the same pay and the same benefits.By the time the hostile takeover was complete.I had a better job making more money.And working allot less hours.The only bad thing about this job is it can end at any moment.And there is no health care benefits.

So tell me your story.And I will tell you the rest of my story.And what I think really happend.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #879 on: April 27, 2012, 02:53:14 am »
Well Maxx what an opening you have provided for me the number one lover of all things American!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ::)Maybe I will take advantage!! Especially with the relaxation from the top of the Non Political Rule.

I came to China in 2009 just coming up to three years ago. There was talk of the recession coming in but we still had a Red Flavour Government in power.  Albeit one led by the worst prime minister I have every experienced since the 1960's. But I cannot blame that on him being a Scottish man.   Anyway I had a private pension and although not large was adequate for my needs here.

I did not need a job so when bad  things started to take shape I was not affected at all. I was of course aware of people losing their homes in the UK and USA but to me the USA were because of lenders with Mac in their names!!  Sounded more like fishmongers to me than financial institutions.

So when I heard of factories closing in the USA and they want to penalise China for keeping the value of their money low I did laugh. Just like America blame anyoneelse  for your internal problems and not the persons resonsible.  If China devalued the RMB by half American factories could still not compete on wages.  Wake up America!  Do not fall into the propoganda put out by the ones now in power.

Blame your problems on successive governments going back to post WW2.  Spend less on defending the USA and use that money for improving the country as a whole. Reduce the taxes of the 1% that own most of the wealth after all they work hard for there money. I hear that some have to do at least 20 minutes work a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(

 For goodness sake who in their right mind would want to invade America.  We the Brtiish gave it up, with a token resistance of course, just so the incumberments would not realise what a high price they have to pay.  Have the USA ever been invaded in a war time scenario - never. Dont talk about Hawaii that is just a destination thousands of miles away and co-incidently most Americans believe it is just of the coast of California!!!

Get rid of Republicans and Democrats get yourself a 'co-ilition' Government like the UK and really F--- things up. Better still Break up the USA just as USSR did and return each state to be a country in itself.  Then maybe we could have King Maxx the first of New Mexico. The country is too big and too diverse to be run by a central government.  Even better we would then do away with continual playing of the 'Stars and Stripes' at Olympic award ceremonies.

Better still it needs a one party government for about ten years.  Like all Governments time is too short between elections for President, Senate, etc etc. It seems USA is continually under an election of one sort or another. Everyone is afraid of giving a lead to another party. Have an election and all changes then suddenly another election is due and those up for election want to be all things to all men.

OK next best thing elect a woman as President - UK had Maggie Thatcher and as much as I hated the 'Blues' she took no nonsense from anyone. Things were done her way election after election.  It was her own sneaky party who removed her from power not the country. 

Anyway this current recession is not affecting me at all. Of course I shed a tear for my American cousins losing their jobs. ::)

How has the American economy affected me.  Well I am better off because of it.  I now have two pensions paid into my London Banks. The value of tyhe pound has risen from a low of 1.45 US Dollars to one GB POund right up to 1.61 that is an 11% increase.

Also I have an online Christian Music site and as the prices are all in UK pounds and US Dollars  the Americans prefer to pay in UK Pounds rather than US Dollars because the UK prices look lower!!!!!!!

I pay for my websites in US Dollars which make that cheaper in the long run.

I have been much better off during this latest recession in financial terms.  I love being in China as regardless of what is said about the government I feel safe all the time. 

So all in all with me its a case of 'I'm all right Jack'  Recession I say 'Bring it one'


« Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 03:10:01 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #880 on: April 27, 2012, 03:34:37 am »
OK Willy so basically you believe it was the failure of the banks.Freddie May,Fanny May,Bank of America.You also believe.That the United Stated government.Is a bunch of schmucks. who can't get there act together.and since the world economy is pegged to the U.S dollar.The Americans screwed everything up.

I do agree with one of your points Willy.I do think the American government is run by a bunch of schmucks.I think most of them should be arrested and have criminal charges brought against them.They can start charging them with crimes against humanity,Larceny,Bribery.falsifying official documents.And embezzlement.

Yes Willy America has ben invaded a few times that I'm aware of.In WW 2 Japan launched a attack on San Diego 2 times from 2 different submarines.And Japan also invaded Alaska in WW 2.I don't know if you would call the submarine attacks.A invasion.So we won't count that.6 months ago a armed drug cartel invaded Arizona.A few shots were fired.and the cartel members retreated.Poncho villa invaded America a couple of times in the early 1900.He also was driven back across the border.

Thank you Willy for your honest answears to what you think went wrong.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #881 on: April 27, 2012, 05:19:34 am »
Thats the ones Maxx, Freddy May, Fanny May who can trust a company that says may  in their name. Now if it had 'Will' in its name that would have been different - completely trustworthy. 8)

Your right as far as I am concerned imvaded means invaded by a foreign power with their feet on the ground.  Not by attacks from offshore or out of the country. The UK was never invaded by the Krauts in WW2 but we certainly were attacked night after night by their bombs and rockets. 

Incidently the German Rocket scientist that caused death to many civilians were given immunity from war crimes in return for a good life in the good old USA making rockets for them after the war ended.  And do not say they were co-hersed in Germany - they led good lives there compared to their compatriates

And yes banks were the cause as far as I was concerned. Many bankers should be in jail right now they were running the banks in such a way that if it was a company they would have been illegally trading.  My friend who was a director of a listed company received 5 years in jail for doing less than any one of them had. If fact if the banking problem had arisen before his trial he would never have got to court let alone be convicted.

 But Governments need banks hence the reason we, the public,  ailed them out and poured hundreds of billions into therm so that they could carry on much the same as before.  Even America is running on debt.  Countries are borrowing billions with the promise that they will put in place measures that will hit the working people.  Why not the ones that put us in this position in the first place.


Willy The Lpndoner

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Vince G

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #882 on: April 27, 2012, 08:26:28 am »
Many are out of touch, ignored or are just to greedy to do it correctly. The recession was looming (2007 -2008) and they didn't care.

My own story I had two small homes a few streets from each other. Lived in one and rented the other. The renter (a friend of my brothers) set fire to the home thinking insurance would pay for his things so he could have all new things including clothing? It wasn't a bad fire (damage wise) but there was smoke damage. So out of work myself, and having to repair one home while remodeling another? I had to walk away from one. Luckily while moving from my home there were 3 couples looking to buy. Whoever had CASH got it.

The recession is mostly due to banks and the people buying homes unaffordable to them by "Sub-Prime loans" given to anyone. Buying things not needed and not having or not able to put money away for that rainy day. When the storm hit? Even after losing their homes, some everything? they didn't learn a lesson. Living within your means is a lost concept.

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #883 on: April 27, 2012, 08:30:05 am »
When I was a boy, the car I wanted was Jim Rockford's Pontiac Firebird. A beautiful car. That was a long time ago. Manufacturing, not just in the car industry, has lurched from crisis to crisis for the past few decades. Now companies look for the developing country who has the lowest wages and the loosest labour laws. Or else the financiers and corporations find a way to make ordinary people part with their money for intangibles, safe in the knowledge that they will not have to suffer when the bubble they have helped create bursts.
Here is a BBC article produced today about recent events relating to the car industry in Detroit. I wish I knew the answers, but it makes for quite depressing reading.

"Detroit was the birthplace of the auto-industry but in 2009 it nearly died here. General Motors and Chrysler stood on the brink of bankruptcy, their finance arms busted by the credit crunch, their manufacturing busted by the resulting downturn and massive overhanging pension problems.

But now Detroit has come back to life.

The city, to the visitor, is still a landscape of cold winds, steam-exhaling drains and smashed-up Art Deco buildings.

But it's still the place where the big names of US auto-making work. And after the US government spent $89bn on keeping the two iconic auto giants alive, Detroit is getting back to work.

 GM worker Brad Glende thought his career was over in 2009
At GM's Lake Orion plant I meet Brad Glende. In 2009 he was made redundant, with thousands of others and, he tells me, thought his 16 year career at GM was over. But after a six month layoff he was re-hired and has returned to a factory that is very different.

The plant is one big room, the size of 55 football pitches. With the bailout money, GM has ripped out everything that was there before (you can still see the oily marks of the old layout on the floor). And they've re-tooled.

I get Brad to do a bit of spot-welding but, in truth, most of it is done by relentless robots: a car-sized claw picks up an aluminium panel, twists it through the air, zaps it amid a hail of sparks and puts it back into a neat pile, as gently as a mother might lay down a sleeping baby.

“The government holds its shares just like any other owner - it doesn't interfere” Selim Bingol, GM executive
There are fewer workers and more robots. But that's not the biggest change. They've adopted, effectively, German and Japanese ways of working, slashed the workforce, massively reduced the number of job-titles and taken a major hit to working conditions and pensions.

In return, the union pension fund got to own 11% of GM's shares.

If it all sounds a bit like a kind of state capitalism, that's what the management are touchy about.

"The bailout saved the whole industry and the government holds its shares just like any other owner - it doesn't interfere," says GM's on-message executive Selim Bingol when I interview him later.

But that's where the politics comes in. Consider this as a headline: "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt". It was an unusually forthright strap in the New York Times, which generally prefers understatement and opacity. It was the banner for an op-ed article written in 2008 by Mitt Romney, who is now virtually certain to become the Republicans' presidential candidate.

Romney, whose dad was an automobile man, wrote: "If General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye."

 Some in the US would rather the bailout had not been given the green light
Though unpopular on the shop floor at GM, it's a view still strongly held by senior republicans. Mitch Daniels, former Bush administration budget chief, told me GM and Chrysler would have been easier to turn around, and at much less cost to the taxpayer, if they'd gone through the traditional bankruptcy route, stripping them of their pension liabilities and debts.

Now this issue is going to play hard in the upcoming presidential election, especially in the northern mid-west, scattered with bailed out car plants and their supply chain businesses.

To America, the automobile and the open road have always been symbols of free-market individualism; and on the bumper stickers of the cars there are still the same slogans proclaiming various forms of neo-liberal freedom.

But whether you call it crony capitalism or state capitalism, the auto industry's successful turnaround - GM made a $7bn profit this year - bears the hallmarks of European and Japanese style statism.

And while much of America's recovery remains fragile, halting and uncertain, the turnaround in cities like Detroit, Toledo and the like is tangible, and has much to do with the government's one-off foray into industrial activism.

This is going to be a battle for the heart and mind of the American worker, and the ammunition will be counted in the LED displays that clock the cars, slowly, one by one, off the end of the track at places like Lake Orion."

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Re: General Thread For This and That!!....
« Reply #884 on: April 27, 2012, 02:45:15 pm »
I take a dim view on all this. Take all the hash out of what you think were the causal effects of this piss poor world economy and you come to realize there is a lot of money in peoples misery.
Look at the growth industry of security the last umpteen years. It is in multiples relative the general growth of population, fed by a steady diet of paranoia. There is an ever increasing hostility to anything different, anyone different. There are not good reasons why. It is just what it is.

I take a somewhat simplistic view on what the hell happened. Politics. Incompetence. Stupid electorate. Under lining all this is basically a general distrust of all things government. I think government is good until it is corrupted by business. It is not worth the paper it is printed on if all the benefits of government (good governance) are not equally enjoyed by anyone and everyone.

The U.S. Congessional Republicans deregulated the banking industry in 1998. Banking regulatory enforcement was non existent during the Bush years. The U.S. banks fucked the world and walked away. Does anyone know of any bankers that were prosecuted since 2008? There aren't any! The SEC did not do anything and as of today, I venture to say they won't.
Wall Streets biggest investment bankers violated their fiduciary responsibilities. Just think “debt swap” securities. Bundle questionable mortgage debts into interest bearing securities. Short them into oblivion. It happened that way. Where were the banking regulators? Where is the S.E.C.? Then. Today. 
The problem is in the 'selective' enforcement of laws. The application seems like it is intended for the “ne'er-do-well” (witness internment) or the “too big to ignore”; foreinstance, Bernie Madoff.

If it were not for German & Japanese competition, G.M., Ford, & Chrysler would still be selling their conestoga wagons. There would have been no desire to do costly design and manufacturing improvements. If any one company should be let bankrupted, it should have been G.M. Witness Roger Smith casual remarks of corporate supremacy or do a Wikipedia on G.M. re: WW2. G.M. had the audacity (good business I guess) to bill the U.S. government after the war, for the bombing of their German factories.
In reality the G.M. debt obligation to their retirees is like 4o billion bucks or so in arrears. Kind of a frightening aspect of government realization of picking this up.

The banks should have their charters revoked, G.M. should have been allowed to fail it's miserable death. And others.
Why should the culprits and the incompetent be allowed to resurrect from the ashes of their own doing and compete unfairly. Again. It is the penalty we all pay. Unfortunately we go along this 2012 as if nothing bad happened. They somehow forgot the residual effect in all this. The rest of us.

It would be sweet if the Brits toast R.Murdoch. Maybe the Yanks would revoke his bought citizenship.
Of course that would never happen.   
« Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 03:03:54 pm by John »