I gotta have my 2 cents worth in this debate.....

You Guys have been discussing "SYMPTOMS" but have not got close to discussing the real disease....
The ultimate goal of the new life model is based on the rabid escalation of "consumerism"...(which is more like a new Religion than an economic evolution) and was to guarantee ALL people a level of prosperity that was only achievable if we consumed and consumed and consumed...thus we could have everything we ever wanted (and were promised by successive Governments) without any downside risk...big house, big car, new home, flat screen Tv, Iphone, Ipod blah, blah, blah.
At the same time, the share market became a prime vehicle for Institutions and Mums and Dads to make "money" by buying and selling shares, thus shares became a new currency. In participating in this new "prosperity, Governments borrowed squillions of dollars to prop up the stressed infrastructure that consumerism fuelled (high demand for medical, educational, military, social and all these other programmes that promised all of us Paradise on Earth). Therefore, shares in Businesses soon lost their intrinsic worth and became a worthless commodity....who ever heard of being able to make money on gambling that a share (that you had not paid for) would go up or down (without any reference to the competance, or otherwise of the respective Company)......it is just not sustainable over the long hall...it is an economic oxymoron. A buiness performance became the last consideration in its share price, whereas it always MUST be the first.
The ever growing Beaurocracy needed to service this magic dream demanded that more and more people became Public Servants (paid out of Government debt) to administer this nightmare.....thus fuelling ever bigger deficits to pay for the myth.....Keynsian economics gone mad !!!!!!!!
Governments, Business, people have been seduced over the past 20 years or so into believing that you CAN make huge money and live a gret life of luxury WITHOUT ever having to pay for it, without ever having to do "stuff" like hard work, even more so, that somebody else will pay for it.
Well, the bubble had to burst eventually because money, assets and possessions were all being propped up artificially by huge debts and just kept alive while we were consuming like there was no tomorrow...it just is not sustainable and has been proven many times in History...but we never learn.
Believe me, we have a lot longer way down before we reach the bottom of this particular pit...just see what is happening this week in Europe...this is the future for all economies unles we stop wishing that we could all be rich without doing some hard work.....and Governments and Business should stop promising we can