We in London have always called you guys Yanks regardless of which side your ancestors fought on. (I know most of you did not have ancestors in the Country until well after that).
I was bought up in WW2 and we used to say some girls wore American knickers - 'One 'yank' and there off'! Another thing we complained of was the US GI's were 'Over paid, Over Sexed and worse were OVER HERE'! The list goes on and on. They were here with there American Comics, tins of jam and everything else that made things easy for them. What did we have, well rightly as David E said we had 'rationing' right into the 50's. You could not buy anything with your ration book.
But don't think I am having another dig at you guys we British, (not Brits or Limeys), left you with the framework of a good country its not your fault your predecessors (rather than ancestors) f..... it up.

Can anyone think of any bad thing that shaped the world or even become part of history in the now USA prior to our British ancestors leaving the country?