Author Topic: RULES.......take 2  (Read 12607 times)

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2009, 12:53:45 pm »
Seems to me, that the onus of being seen as serious and wanting a lasting relationship and doing all the running (so to speak) to make the relationship work, has been put squarely on the the side of the man. Now i may be a little old fashioned in my outlook here, but shouldn't that also be the ladies aim too. If that being the case, then like the men here, the ladies should be wanting and doing everything possible to further enrich and progress there relationship, by using every means possible, that's open to them. In other words, they should be giving just as much energy, and showing just as much interest as there man is giving to the relationship.

I'm afraid, in the majority of cases, that just doesn't seem to be happening!!!


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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2009, 01:46:46 pm »
Proteus, it is rather disingenous to bring in the risk of agencies and to equate them with the ladies.
We will get nowhere if we consider everyone's level of risk! What next? Translator's level of risk? No, this is about the men on this forum, and particularly the newbies. We have to start from the assumption that the majority of men on this forum are looking for a genuine, serious relationship. So, we wouldn't even come in under the radar of the high-risk for the ladies.
I work with disabled children. Every time we go on a trip, however short, we make a risk assessment for them. There are many risks. Does that mean we don't go? Of course not. But we are aware of the risks and we plan what we do if those risks become reality. This is all I'm suggesting. EMFs represent a risk. Fact. Sustained EMFs without direct contact represent a higher risk. This is borne out by experience. For anyone new coming to this site, to hear that guys like Arnold and Brian found their soulmates via EMF does not conflict with a handy guide to ther kind of risks to watch out for. We talk about red flags because we can see them.  But EMFs by their very nature have just as much potential to scupper a relationship, precisely because their are so many conflicting agendas at work.
Let me use a hypothetical example: I am new to this site. I have been writing to my lady for 6 months purely via EMF and I have booked my flight to see her in a month's time. It would be of limited benefit to tell me to read all the posts. More useful would be if someone pointed me towards a thread which outlined the levels of risk. Forewarned is forearmed. I would see that my situation was at the higher risk end and I would make my own decision based on that information. Maybe I would ignore it. Maybe I would politely push for a natural photo or a webcam. But it would be an informed decision.
There could be a short statement at the beginning saying that some guys have found their love after using only EMFs, and there are many guys who have gone all the way to China and found they have been scammed.
There are a number of reasons why it doesn't work first time for many guys: lack of understanding about Chinese culture, unrealistic expectations, too large an age difference, parental disapproval, etc. But I bet the biggest reason is something to do with the imbalance caused by the agencies' control of the relationship largely as a result of the EMFs.
To me, the question isn't 'why do it?' Rather, it's 'Why not do it?'

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2009, 04:04:25 pm »
Excellent debate now...there is some "gold-plated" ideas and viewpoints coming through !!

Key point....dont forget it :

We are CHNLove's clients...despite other words previously written here...WE. repeat WE are CNLove's clients...not their Ladies. Without US, CHNLove would not have a Business.

But Bros here are NOT the mainstream Dick-Heads and loonies and pervs who start up a correspondence with Chinese Women. We are a tiny percentage of the overall EMF cash flow for CHNlove and its Agencies. To be part of this Forum is to demonstrate a level of sincerity about the task ahead...our Mods and the Bros do a great job of keeping the Forum clean of Pervs etc.

We are suffering in the overall "descent to mediocrity" that CHNLove tolerates and probably encourages.

We can see NO logical or realistic reason why any Lady we correspond with over time, does not wish to move the relationship to another level...personal emails, QQ etc...either the lady is a fraud (??) or the Agency is driving this to keep EMF's going. Either way...lack of personal contact is a HIGH risk situation.

If the only way we can demonstrate that we are serious is to buy an air ticket.......that is HIGH risk for us, without knowing exactly WHO we are going to meet.

David50 makes the point...why should ALL the responsibility be on our shoulders to make this work..does not the Lady have some responsibility to share the journey ?? Again, the notion that we do all the work is putting us into HIGH risk area.

That we are all judged as pervs until we buy an air ticket is fundamentally flawed and again puts ALL the risk on us.


You suggest that there is an informal risk assessment situation now used by Agencies/Ladies and it is interesting to see what categories you consider in the High risk area.

I am surprised that prior visits and meetings with other Ladies can be seen a high risk ??...High committment ...wrong lady I think is more appropriate.

And why do you consider eagerness to get off EMF's and on to personal communication a high you mean high risk to CHNLove revenue !!!!! I would think this shows committment again, to move the relationship to another level.

And finally, why is a reluctance to confirm air tickets seen as high risk. If we cant get open and honest communications, with a lady who we KNOW is real and through letters that we KNOW are not modified by Agencies...then why would WE take the risk of wasting an air fare...but more important, getting emotionally slammed when we take all this expense, time and trouble to meet someone WHO IS NOT WHAT WE WERE LED TO BELIEVE. ???

And I am led to believe that the purchase of an air ticket is a trigger point in the Ladies Contract with her Agency ? triggers a payment by her to the that why you suggest an early purchase of a ticket is low risk ???????????

In summary, all that you suggest as risk assesment for the Agencies/Ladies is exactly in reverse to the risk assessment we have to consider...and WE are the clients...our risk must prevail.

I dont want to get off track, but my OWN personal experiences reinforce where we are at in the HIGH risk arena.

Before I found this Forum, I communicated with 4 ladies from CHNLove.....(one at a time by the way). I am a reasonable writer and I truly think my EMF's were interesting, articulate and comprehensive. I wrote daily and never did the expense of EMF's stop me diligently writing on this daily basis. And I sent lots of REAL photos of me, my home, my City and my family.

In due course, I made the decision to go to China to meet her...this after at least 4 months of EMF' I was not "jumping the gun" and I thought that was enough time to get to know each other prior to the visit.

On my arrival...the Lady was NOTHING like the photos, the photos were a travesty of the real woman..her height was wrong, her weight was wrong, her age was wrong...........despite her profile saying she was "learning English", she had not one word of English. The translator came with her to meet me at the airport and when I challenged the "fraud"..I got fobbed off with embarrassed smiles and excuses about "but she really is a lovely woman" ETC ETC ETC....I felt betrayed and angry and humiliated.

Thinking that I had had one bad experience, I came home, licked my wounds and began again...with a different Agency.

To cut a long story short....with exactly the same result. !!!

Being as I am persistent as well as stupid, I tried for the third time...yep, you guessed it !!!

Now, each of the 3 women (I wont go into the fourth because she was an out an out gold-digger) would have married problem..because I presented EXACTLY as I had described in my letters and photos.

So who was at risk...ME. The only risk they and the Agency had was to feel my anger. I paid all the money in good faith, I entered the relationship with honesty and integrity, and I got the practical and emotional blast when it came to reality.

So, Proteus..there is NO risk for the Ladies...either they meet a Man who will marry them, or they dont, but they can just go ahead with the next bloke on the list. The Agency has got all the money, both from me and they have NO risk.

So who got shafted , the Ladies or the Agencies ?????? Who took all the risks and who paid all the price for taking too many HIGH risk decisions....??? Your response is awaited with interest.

Quod erat demonstrandum !!!!!!!!

« Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 10:39:38 pm by David E »

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2009, 11:34:13 pm »
Just to add my piece on this.  Recently I actually met one of the ladies that I had originally been in contact with on emf.

Having gone through the forums and bearing in  mind the comments I decided that she was too good to be true.  

How wrong I was - she was as beautiful as she looked on the website.  Her level of English was good and the flowery words that I put down to the translator following advice gleaned from these pages, were in facts her own as she used this style of English in everyday speech.  

Although I am happy with the lady I have been seeing for the past three months there was of course - the 'what if' thought that crossed my mind.  

This lady is now in regular correspondence to an Englishman from another site so I cannot introduce her to anyone here but are the members fears giving a negative impact to newbies to this site?

« Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 11:35:04 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline David E

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2009, 11:51:35 pm »

Fully agree with your caution....we tread a fine line here now between informed decisions and sheer fright !!

Newbies could well be thinking that the whole thing is an impossibility, too complex for anybody to make work.

I hope we can get the balance right, where the issue of definition of risk does not squash the whole idea of finding a Chinese Bride...but rather points out that it is not so simple as may be thought by reading CHNLoves "blurb" !!

On the evidence of Bros like yourself and many others who have got through all this and found your Beloveds....we can easily present the other side of the coin...despite the risks, it is very possible


« Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 11:52:24 pm by David E »

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2009, 03:28:36 am »
We need both sides. Both the happy endings and thr failures. Both the stories of great ladies and honest agencies and those of BS ladies and fraud agencies. The thing about stories like David E's is that it makes at least me question my relation to my lady based on David's experiences. Maybe that is an entirely good thing because none of us should live in a fantasy world here, go to China and get ripped like that. None of us deserve that kind of behavior after all the energy, time, effort and money we have put into this. To cut it short: I'd rather be suspicious and careful than naive and foolish. We should calculate with the possibility of complete failure. So one of the rules should be: Hope for the best and plan for the worst when you go. That is my plan for December at least.

Offline Proteus

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2009, 11:11:53 am »
Thank you everyone. You made me realise the untimeliness of my opinions. I'm trying to sell umbrellas on a brightly sunny day, while risk of scams are obvious and major, and risks of losing a real lady is only potential and minor. But please allow me to stick to my stubborn idea. Repairing the atmosphere will help us avoid ultraviolate ray while wearing sun glasses can do less. So I perversely hope the thread started by Peter (pr1969) can win more popularity than it has now.  

Jim, your topic is beyond my wisdom of love to discuss. To advance or to withdraw is a very subtle decision to make at some equally subtle points of a love affair. And you are being too tolerant to translators.  They are doing much more than overlooking.
Alex, about risk rating. I just want to point out one word, interactive. I will explain it later more detailed when replying David.

Rob and David, first I want to discuss the topic of effort you all mentioned. You and the ladies are on equal status since you are both clients to some business orginisations, on your side, Chnlove, on the ladies' side, different agencies. Yet the peculiar mechanism of chnlove determines efforts are not equally laid upon each side, otherwise the fees of EMFs would have been paid by both sides, such as in the case of This seemingly unfair effort distribution is successful so far with chnlove and a lot other sites, such as cherryblossom, comes from this fact, it is generally accepted for men to pay more, in terms of money, in trying to build a relationship with a lady. But at least we can expect women to devote equally as we do in some aspects with no concern of money, such as prompt and decent response of EMFs, genuine interest in establishing direct contact? Surely they should. It is when they plan to pursue an overseas relationship painlessly and rewardingly, they fail to do so. The most seemingly painless and rewarding way for a woman, is to keep two or three men on her hook at the same time and meet them one after one to choose the best. I am not sure how often this method is practiced, but after stunned by your unfortunate experience David, I think I can let my speculation go a little wilder and say, more often than not. It is dishonest but indeed logical a way. Most women who joined an agency would as least be mentioned about it, I suppose. If on our side, we are keeping driving on this "painless and rewarding" road, what an end will we head for? Of course I'm sure our moral overrunning governor will function soundly. Just another untimely warning.

Now let's come to risk. I managed to find something to illustrate the rating system I mentioned before. I found some stuff from 14 articles which experienced colleagues of my agency wrote to ladies and new translators to read (by the way, Rob, I no longer work there or in this trade since mid-June).

In one article,

Types of different foreign men.


a. gentleman,
b. naive, very casual and even careless,
c. men with frenzy for love
d. interested but unable, in other words, poor or not willing enough to overcome the barriers between languages, distance and cultures.
e. men with a lot of doubts, in other words, he doubts motivation of the lady, doubts the possibility of maintaining a long distance relationship and has other specific doubts in every letter.
f. arbitrary men

The woman who wrote these concluded that the former three types are low risk targets, and the later high risk and should be tested as early as possible or simplly given up.

In another article, another woman further listed some types of men to be warned against.


1. business men
2. men with great bias of China
3. men not legally divorced or just divorced
4. men who jump into intimate topics too soon
5. men who say love too soon
6. men with a lot of doubts
7. men with little self-confidence
8. very self-oriented men
9. men who have never married when they are already over 40
10. men who are unable to visit China
11. very busy men

Some of the options make sense and some not. We can also see the two lists overlap in some options, especially that of doubts. On the whole, I myself disagree with them as much as or perhaps even more than you do. Ironically, the absurdity of their criterion comes from their own doubts. I only want to point out that, if we let our risk rating system be filled with many doubts too, ours might seem as ridiculous to ladies or bystanders.

Now I would like to return to the word interactive. A major difficulty of finding a satisfactory product from chnlove is its difference from a second car market. In the later one, we can bargain bargain and bargain, with shrewdness to win a trophy, perhaps despite even slight resent of the car dealer. But here, in most cases, to offer is a gesture to proceed and to start bargain untimely may serve an opposite aim to what we expect.

About your claim that much more risks, if not entirely, are placed upon men, I agree with you generally, otherwise I should have devoted more effort in helping ladies. But as long as ladies don't agree with us, our opinions make little sense. To let you have a glimpse of their psychology. In their opinion, their age is a diminishing value while men's is less likely; they are more vulnerable after moving to a totally strange country and if being abused, little can they do with little legal knowledge or kinship support, etc.  

So let me ask this bold question, especially to you, David. Why still chnlove? I feel as much humiliated as you do for some people of my country have some such loathy deeds to you. Do Chinese women really possess that irresistible attractiveness? I understand and totally support your willingness to do something after endured such misdeeds. But what is the best policy to us? No certain answer comes to my mind easily.

Again, I insist in my opinion, the effort we are making so far to sort out scams will be very effective, maybe too effective, to serve its aim. But as to help us find a true love, I am not sure of its efficiency. Let me make another bold warning, start a chnlove adventure armed with a lot of caution and doubts may be a costly hide and seek game with no truly rewarding trophy at last. Using chnlove with more or less information from here means little. It’s like lottery rather than a chess game. Discouraging thought it might sound, luck is the most important. And my hope it to bring virtue and effort back to the top position.

It sounds harsh, whenever you try to think of some method, I pour cold water, yet I myself cannot propose a better idea. I feel most guilty for this impotence. This sense of impotence and guilty makes my thoughts fragmented. But I come to realise my words as a jigsaw piece of the whole picture. Now matter how tiny it is, I hope to contribute to the grand plan for more happiness and less sorrow.

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2009, 11:21:18 am »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='23546' dateline='1258779095'


Fully agree with your caution....we tread a fine line here now between informed decisions and sheer fright !!

Newbies could well be thinking that the whole thing is an impossibility, too complex for anybody to make work.

On the evidence of Bros like yourself and many others who have got through all this and found your Beloveds....we can easily present the other side of the coin...despite the risks, it is very possible

Whenever trying to navigate uncharted waters, we will always collide with unkown rapids. The only safe way to avoid high risk is to stay on known rivers. Unfortunately, just the thought of finding a new love in such a strange environment shows that we will sometimes throw caution to the winds. I am not saying that we should always burn our boats as Cortez did, after all his bold gamble did topple a nation, and some of our bretheren are florishing in their new lives in China; but our decision to find True Love in China is to live with that Risk. We need to embrace it if we ever wish to climb the heights.

After reading Freakonomics, and now SuperFreakonomics; the jest of the Authors' message is that Economics is not the study of the scarciety of resources, but rather Incentives. There will be dishonest Agencies, women, and men because there is a cent to be made - ie Incentive.

As to Risk - sure at first term we are the ones at risk because of the financial burden because of the immigration rules inplace that requires us to do the travelling to China for the 1st meeting. But even after this, your woman could be the golden egg. But once married and arrived, maybe the egg will crack to reveal a different omelette. So the risk never ends.

Man has been the Hunter bringing home the protein(bacon) while woman have been the forager. The act of the Hunt entails increased risk to aquire the entrails. High risk = High reward. This is how I view Chnlove and any long distance match making service.

The women also suffer from high risk. Maybe not short term as you pointed out, but once moved from their country and family, they run the risk of maybe a fake Romeo. I often hear stories of exploited foreign workers hired as nannies. I am sure some new brides have suffered similar affairs, just as many men have had gold diggers empty their pockets.

No, the Risk will never go away. With my first marrage I thought I played safe, but still got burned. Even when technology gets so good that we can craft the perfect wife, some hi-tech company will find a way to use threaded fasteners on us because they have an incentive to take our pennies.

Just my two cents worth :idea:

Quote from: 'Proteus' pid='23603' dateline='1258819913'

It is dishonest but indeed logical a way.

Yes they have an Incentive so very logical but as you pointed out Harsh.

Great post Proteus and thanks for the information, although it is easier reading from my side since I have found my diamond while others still have yet to find theirs. And without realising it, you were posting your reply to David as I was penning my response. I see a similar response, especially in regards to your metaphor of a used car lot. "The Undercover Economist" by Tim Harford had a chapter dealing with why it is hard to buy a decent used car. I know guys - yes I have been reading many Economist books lately
« Last Edit: November 21, 2009, 11:42:05 am by Rhonald »
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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2009, 12:49:49 pm »
Proteus, you have no need to feel impotent. In my opinion the excellent information contained in your post adds to our awareness, so it is a good thing.
We can have a philosophical debate about whether using EMFs at all is a good thing, considering the different agendas of the parties concerned.
But the simple advice for guys going to China has been to read the posts, keep your eyes and your expectations open, watch for red flags, have a plan B and have the time of your life. Oh, and remember Maxx's rule. Coming up with a risk guide does not conflict with this good advice. Does this mean we should go with a lot of caution and doubts? Well, that is largely down to attitude. I had some caution, (well, I'm a cautious person). I had a few doubts (Well, you do, if you haven't met the person yet). But the most important things I took with me on both visits were (in no particular order) 1. a sense of adventure, 2. flexibility, 3. my faith and trust in people, 4. my positive attitude and 5. advice (positive and negative) from this forum. The main difference between the 1st and 2nd visits was I had better advice about the risks second time. Not more caution and doubts, just better advice.
Personally, I have no intention of getting interactive with some of the strange risks attached by translators to foreign men. It's interesting to know about them. It's all good information. But I would prefer to deal with the risks I can have some control over.
Get to direct contact as soon as you can.
Get some natural photos of you lady.
Find out about her family and their feelings about Western husbands
Find out about Chinese customs and culture.
Do all the above with subtlety, not like a bull in a china shop

I'm not saying anything radical with the above. We all know this. It's not rocket science. But, for a newbie, having these suggestions in one place might be a GOOD THING. And it can be put in a way that doesn't have them running for the hills with mountains of caution and doubts.


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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #24 on: November 21, 2009, 02:07:22 pm »
Quote from: 'Proteus' pid='23603' dateline='1258819913'

.  Rob ...You and the ladies are on equal status since you are both clients to some business orginisations, on your side, Chnlove, on the ladies' side, different agencies.

I am only going to take this one point up (at the moment) seeing as you CANNOT SEEM to answer any full question put to you...

I will start with this quote above....Equal status...THIS is totally FALSE.

Chnlove is on ONLY the ladies side.  And here is WHY!!!

Out of the people that has been MISUSED OR SCAMMED...HOW many have been REIMBURST FULLY BY CHNLOVE?....I would stake MY life on it, there has never BEEN ONE.

The reason Chnlove IS on the ladies side is VIA the agencies, the lady pays a joining fee, some of which, I do NOT know the percentage...WILL go into the coffers of Chnlove.  The reason this is so.  Is because Chnlove would not open an agency without getting a CUT OF THE TAKINGS.  So that brings me to the AGENCIES, who are of course going to be on the ladies side.

To ME that is 2 for the ladies and NONE for the gentlemen.  TALK your way out of that point.

The reason I am using capital letters is twofold.
Firstly, in this thread you have NOT addresss my POINTS.
Secondly, in your original thread, you AGAIN did NOT answer my VALID points

"...An agency is expected to fulfill a certain amount of credits for chnlove and themselves per month, with monetary encouragement ( about 11 HK$ per credit).
Then a translator is expected to fulfill a certain amount credits for agency and him/herself, with more pressure than encouragement, by all means..."

Does this statement from your own mouth, NOT tell you that this is BOTH agency and Chnlove being in cohorts against the gentlemen...

This question I want you to answer in one word................... YES ....... or......... NO...

No fluff, no explanation, yes or no???  It can do you NO harm, you no longer work for any agencies...

.......................ARE CHNLOVE FRUADULANT ???....................YES ....... or......... NO..

I await with interest your comments.

Mods please keep this in.  I am not trying to offend him with capitals Letters which make me seem angry.  BUT he has to take the good posts with the bad ones, after all he was the one who came to us in suspicious circumstances...
« Last Edit: November 21, 2009, 02:34:28 pm by Scottish_Rob »

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #25 on: November 21, 2009, 04:49:48 pm »
Lessons learned over the years have brought me to the chinese women. I was never one for flowery wording. I've always been a straight to the point kind of guy. Wife number one? I was young and stupid. Thought I was changing the world? I only screwed up my own. Second marriage I thought I was smart enough not to be conned? Covered everything, checked everything twice and still? Got screwed. Not in a good way. :dodgy: :icon_biggrin:

The reason I turned to the chinese women was for the way they are. I see everyday here women doing things they shouldn't be doing. The thing that gets me the most is some women remind me of men? Doing things that were for men to do. Tattoo's, beer drinking, bed hopping, you all know it. What's the chance of meeting a woman here that acts and lives like a lady? I mean without having to pay her for it?

So I believe this is what many of us here see and want to get away from. OK There are some women there that have been practicing the western ways. I do believe in the old tale of you don't know them till you live with them? I for one trend lightly when telling any of these guys here what to do. I only read one side of the story. The easiest part is when a woman wants money. That's a big wall to run into. You know somethings wrong from that.

We know most agencies are greedy. I don't understand it and never will. Getting the EMF's flowing is pocket change to the amount they can make letting the relationships actually happen. I don't know if it's a generation thing? But it's throughout all business practices everywhere.

Make a course and stay with it. Find what you want and don't change to accommodate another.

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #26 on: November 21, 2009, 05:38:25 pm »
I am sure we dont want to stop any meaningful input here....there has been some real serious and fundamental stuff raised.

But Proteus, we are getting very esoteric and theoretical and the key objective of this thread was to try to develop something as a  fairly simple guidline for newbies to consider.

The issue of risk seems to me to be a good concept...but us guys want to see it in a more definitive sense, reference to our own decision process, as we embark on this "journey"

In many ways , for us, it should be VERY simple......

After we have shared a lot of information with a lady, and decided that the relationship is worthwhile to move to another dimension, we will go to China and meet her...and fingers crossed...marry her. At the same time, if she has learned the same about us, then she will be at that stage too !!

If we had complete, accurate and realistic information about her, and her about us....... appearance, attitude, personality and everything else, 90% of the job is already done and we go to China in the positive hope that the personal chemistry when we meet, confirms for BOTH of us, that we should be together.

It is that simple...period.

The flaw in the model is the artificiality...and even the deception, that CHNLove and/or the Agency introduces into the free exchange of Accurate information between the couple.

Hence we are saying here...get off EMF's and on to real life communication as a method of minimising the risk to BOTH parties prior to a meeting.

However long the EMF correspondence lasts, whether it is 5 EMF's or is the most risky stage....prone to errors and misleading/false information from poor inputs/outputs.

If BOTH parties, during the EMF exchanges feel that there is something good happening, surely BOTH parties will want to move ahead.....but surely that can only happen when more and more understanding is developed between them......thus the next step MUST be to get off EMF's...and get more personal..........this results in reduced risk for BOTH.....before the air ticket gets to be the logical final step in the process.

We know that this "getting more personal" next step is strongly resisted, in the main, and we dont know why....nobody has satisfactorily told us why this simple and logical step is as difficult (mainly) as pulling teeth !!

We feel uncomfortable, in the main, to jump straight from EMF's to an air ticket, because we are still in HIGH risk.

The information we want to give to anybody contemplating this wonderful adventure is also relatively simple:

"If you rely solely on EMF's as your mechanism to get to know each is a high risk situation".

"If you are comfortable to go to China with this risk...then do so.

"If you are able to get onto a more personal communication prior to your visit...this will reduce the risk".

"If your Lady will not agree to a more personal communication...for whatever reason..then you remain in a high risk situation".

At this point, all we have done is to give the opportunity for an informed decision for BOTH parties.......this is NOT complex, it is NOT daunting and it is NOT IS fact.

Our concern always is that CHNLove in particular seem not to be able to recognise the value to them in the long term to assist in the reduction of these known risks.....the quicker they can facilitate a mariage, the quicker they get their fees.

Whatever category, by your definitions, the Man (and the Woman) fall into...that is irrelevant...all we want to do is to make the risk to both parties as small as possible....knowing full-well that the risk can never be Zero.

And you ask...why CHNLove still........because the "free" sites add a LOT more risk from gold-diggers, predatory Agencies, identity theft, financial scamming...the whole nine yards.

Generally in get what you pay for. The free Agencies cost almost nothing, you get almost nothing.

When you pay for a service, you should get your money's worth. CHNLove tread a fine line here...and we know it !!

« Last Edit: November 21, 2009, 07:38:52 pm by David E »

Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #27 on: November 21, 2009, 06:28:27 pm »
Quoting Proteus for the ladies the low risks are:

stable and frequent EMFs exchange,
high quality EMF writing,
eagerness for meeting,
confirmed air-tickets before meeting ( to make sure the man is coming only for her),

Each of those is a positive income for the agency. So low risk for ladies is the same as more money for the agency.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2009, 06:28:58 pm by RegnisTheGreat »

Offline David E

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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #28 on: November 21, 2009, 09:48:34 pm »
Quote from: 'RegnisTheGreat' pid='23642' dateline='1258846107'

Quoting Proteus for the ladies the low risks are:

stable and frequent EMFs exchange,
high quality EMF writing,
eagerness for meeting,
confirmed air-tickets before meeting ( to make sure the man is coming only for her),

Each of those is a positive income for the agency. So low risk for ladies is the same as more money for the agency.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking ?????:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: RULES.......take 2
« Reply #29 on: November 21, 2009, 10:19:02 pm »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='23665' dateline='1258858114'

Quote from: 'RegnisTheGreat' pid='23642' dateline='1258846107'

Quoting Proteus for the ladies the low risks are:

stable and frequent EMFs exchange,
high quality EMF writing,
eagerness for meeting,
confirmed air-tickets before meeting ( to make sure the man is coming only for her),

Each of those is a positive income for the agency. So low risk for ladies is the same as more money for the agency.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking ?????:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Please read between the lines of POST 29...:huh: