Bravo DavidE!
You have undertaken a gigantic and complex task and I applaud and deeply thank you for doing so. There is no doubt in my mind that the issue of fake EMF's, fake and photoshopped photos and ladies who are nothing like what we expect them to be when we arrive at the airport in China, lies at the very heart of the problems we experience with Chnlove and (some of) its agencies in preventing and perverting true relationships and loving relationships from developing, blossoming and coming to fruition. In my opinion, this one issue is fundamental and essential when we seek to surmount the abject dishonesty and cynicism of some of Chnlove's agencies, because it is through the EMF system that most corrupt practices occur; the others all spring from it. The most blatant form of this dishonesty and cynicism is perpetuated by the agencies facilitating and encouraging the two-way flow of EMF correspondence with a lady who, at best, is disinterested or uninterested and who, at worst, does not even know that you exist. It is a self-evident truth, therefore, that EMF's are at the very heart of the problems we are faced with when seeking to build a trustworthy and meaningful relationship with a lady in China.
I do not pretend to even begin to know the answer to this problem or how to proceed to address or redress it. That resides with those who possess a sharper insight and keener intellect than I. However, I am inspired and excited by the excellent quality of the many posts that different members have made on this subject and I believe that therein, in due course, given the right commitment, will the answer be found.
I have not posted on this topic before now because I have had some very urgent and pressing work issues to deal with; in short, I employ people and some of them are threatened with redundancy due to the continuing recession that is apace in the UK. They have families and mortgages and my first loyalty has had to be with them and not my own heart and its China-sought desires. I have however been coming-and-going on the Forum and reading all the fantastic thought-provoking views and opinions that have been posted. That said, I would like to take this oppportunity to comment on them and to add my simple contribution.
Firstly, as I understand it, this debate is about whether there should be a 'rule' for when members depart from using EMF's - and what the variables, givens and principles that drive and govern that rule are. There have been many opinions expressed about this, particularly in correlation to Maxx's 24 hour golden rule. My own opinion is, that with an issue of this nature, it is virtually impossible to impose or formulate a 'rule' that accommodates all the many excellent views and thoughts that have 'been brought to the table'; and I prefer to think of it as a guiding principle (or principles) or guiding advice. However, if the majority view is for a 'rule' on this topic, I am comfortable with that, as I am more concerned with achieving the outcome than I am with the semantics of the proposition.
On this, I am in total greement with Shaun's point that: "Most of us want to chart our own territory", and would add to that - in our own good way and time. For me that is another fundamental that can not be interfered with, on the premise that what works for some may not work for others. Moreover, it is almost impossible to put a time-frame on a developing relationship, as each individual relationship develops in its own way and has a life of its own. Just as it is extremely difficult to put a number on how many EMF's are written/received before concluding that the arriving correspondence is dishonest or that, at the very least, something is wrong.
Conversely, I completely disagree with Maxx that: If you are not going to visit the lady you are writing to in 3/4 months then don't write the letters." Just as I disagree with his imperative that: "When I did it that was the rule", ie going to China to meet the lady after 2/3 months. That is only his personal opinion of what worked for him; it may not work for others. I, for example, could not possibly go to China for some while, even if my heart was crying out to do so - largely for reasons that I have explained above - but also because I hold a position of resposibility and trust and people rely upon me; the only way I could follow what my heart dictates, is to abandon all of that. From my reading of this thread, I see that Vince is in the same position and can not go to China for personal reasons either. I am therefore not on my own and suspect there are many others who face similar dillemnas.
On the question of 'risk strategy': I believe that going to China to find out the real truth, without first being convinced that it is the truth, or at least bears a close resemblance to the truth, before going, is the highest risk strategy of all! And, David, on this, I would particularly refer to your #Post 22, which says it all! Furthermore, on the question of agency ladies' high and low risks; I found Proteus' post on this to be very enlightening but not something that should distract from the main objective for establishing the criteria of how to deal with the agencies panorama of duplicity and dishonesty in relation to EMF's and the criterion at hand for when to cease using them - interesting and useful though the ladies' risk assessment information may be.
On Proteus' contribution. Rob, I, unequivocally, do not believe for one moment that Proteus is a "Chnlove plant." How could he be when he has given us such priceless information and advice, as has been testified to by so many members of this Forum? I respect you Rob, and you know from our PM's that I respect you, and, like Proteus, I admire your Scottish lion heart. But I do really think you have got this wrong. In fact, I believe the problem arises from different conceptions: we function with a Western perception of intellect, whereas Proteus has an Oriental intellectuality, and I am convinced that many of his analogies and metaphors are misunderstood. He is undoubtedly a highly intelligent and sensitive man, and if he were indeed a Chnlove plant, he would have conducted his business on this Forum in an entirely different and deceitful way. It is, however, an incontrovertible fact that much of what we know about Chnlove agency practices and duplicity, particularly in relation to EMF's, has been given to us, gold-plated and gift-wrapped, by Proteus. And, as he is a former agency translator - and was an agency translator at the time of giving us these gems of information - his information is invaluable. Consequently, his kneck was also on the block should his true identity and the agency he worked for have been discovered and maliciously (by whoever and for whatever reason) conveyed to Chnlove. I know you have been deeply hurt and have every reason and justification to feel very aggrieved about Chnlove, and believe me, I really do feel for you. But credit where it's due Rob?
Ah, Jim (Mr Big), I am perhaps the fish in your metaphorical post, and much has been written here about using common sense and life-experience in our search for true love. Unfortunately, I had neither as I had never been on an Internet dating or marriage site in my life and stumbled on Chnlove when I was surfing the net one night. And it was just as you described it, pages of beautiful, exotic women - and then, out of all those thousands, my eyes fell on one woman who, to me, was utterly beautiful and I was totally captivated. I was not in love with the photo, but I was absolutely infatuated! And the rest is history, as they say. But enough of that, as I am in danger of going off-topic, so I won't go there... ....well, that's my excuse anyway. I merely make this point to confirm that you are completely correct in what you write, but also to make the point that when I started out I had neither life-experience or common sense in matters of this nature; now I have a fair degree of both, but only since becoming a member of this Forum. That fact alone exemplifies the value of DavidE's Rule 2 thread and why we need an overarching guiding priciple, guiding advice or 'rule' in relation to EMF correspondence.
Similarly, David50, posites the advice of using common sense and life-experience to guide us through our journey to find that special one. And my response is the same: unless you have gathered that life-experience and formed that common sense from involvement with something like Chnlove, you just have not got a clue about how to go about things and how to avoid the pitfalls and heartbreak - unless you are extremely fortunate enough to discover a Forum such as this. However, I do not think that I could add to David50's other 5 points of excellent advice.
Again, as with Rob, I think Alex has misunderstood the point Proteus was trying to make about asking a lady why her past relationship failed, or how many men she was writing to. I think this was posed by Proteus to try to establish some idea of if she was a 'mulitple writer' or 'player' who had little or no interest in forming a lasting relationship but was merely being deployed to fill the agency's coffers with EMF revenue. I may be wrong about this and I'm sure Proteus will correct me if I am. However, I completely agree with Alex that these are virtually impossible questions to ask and, apart from the potential damage they would cause to a genuine fledgling relationship, there is almost no way of knowing if the answers are true! I also totally empaphise with Alex on the other thorny aspect of this in that, like him, I have no interest in previous relationship postmortems and I firmly believe that two people's history starts when they become involved with each other; what happened, was said, or done before, is of little concern or interest to me - unless she wants to tell me about it, and I will be a generous and patient listener. More to the point, I find Alex's posts enthralling and full of 'must take' advice and in my frequent coming-and-going I have absorbed and assimilated many of his valuable and worthy thoughts.
I also think that Ted has made some excellent points, and I believe his suggested route is one that we should be taking. I have actually posted previously that, in my opinion, the thing Chnlove fears most (along with its conglomerate agencies) is bad publicity - and plenty of it! Chnlove and its agencies are inured to the complaints made about EMF's, fake ladies and translator scams, but they do not like their dirty washing being aired in public! Perhaps we should give some thought to appointing a press officer for press releases? I have frequently read posts here where it is said that our membership is too small to make a difference or to worry Chnlove, but I do not buy in to that on the premise that any bad publicity is unwanted publicity and tends to focus the attention of those receiving it. Also, there is a different perception about the morality of dating/mariage agencies in China to that of the Western world, and I think the Chinese authorities would be reluctant to catch some of Chnlove's bad publicity fall-out. Just a thought to be considered.
Lastly David, I would personally dismiss out of hand any suggestion that this thread is pointless, a waste of time or a hopeless cause. It is none of those disingenuous negatives. it is unbelievably empowering! And I believe that what comes from this thread will become one of the most valuable weapons in the Brotherhood's armoury for surmounting chnlove and the agencies dishonest practices - especially for newbies like me, who arrive disheartened, bewildered and fractured and suddenly find that there is life and hope and an impossible dream to dream after all!!!
I can not begin to thank you, and all those who have given their time, thoughts, experience and aspirations here, enough. I believe you have enough. And let your guiding advice be: "If she is interested, she can not wait to meet you too." (Chen Yan)
Avanti! And go well!