I am reading your news, Frank, and it reminds me about my first trip in China, thinking about Chongqing, and it wasn't very good for me. Thanks to the brotherhood, I could admit I went on the wrong way.
I tried to not believe I was all wrong about my story over there, but I had to open my eyes and realize how right was the brotherhood to comment.
Frank, as you are sharing with us all your trip and your story, for sure, there are things that need to be done, before you become "heartsicked man"

I mean, how dare can a lady say she loves you when I read that :
Too old, too fat, bald
Too hairy (chest)
My beard is too hard, need to shave twice daily
I snore too loudly
No Chinese culture (and I try my best)
Not rich enough
Maybe not her cup of tea"
For sure, I'd be in the plane right to France, or to the Agency, to meet any other woman..
If a lady would tell me I'm snoring, for sure, I'd be stressed, nervous, and I would also apologize... but... maybe can you have some "medecine" for it, to change it. I know man can snore less, but well, I tried one medicine, and I couldn't sleep for one entire night.. I just thought I could not speak at all... So I forgot about it..

Your chinese culture is not good??? So what? Even if you are doing your best, is she only trying to learn about your culture? My 2 cents that you will reply : "not even a word, except "Je t'aime" )
Not rich enough.... ===> if she wants to marry a millionaire, she can go in tv shows, or asking the agency to modify her profile on Chinalove... "i want to marry a rich man". "Eat my $$" should be a very good food for her each day?
Your beard is too hard? Well... ok, maybe you can shave it a bit, or leave it for a few days, then it can become sweet. Anyway, I agree that man can not shave everyday if his skin is not very good with it...
too old, too fat, .... ===> please run.
"My private parts are too big." =====> did you try to use Winzip to make it smaller??
Well... just tell her you didn't ask to have a spaghetti instead.... Haha
I don't know how you can do to act, or to stay over there, honestly. I admit anyway you seem to want something...
But please, I hope that love won't make you become blind if she is really as you are describing her, over here.
Sorry to be so "negative", but I think it is one of the best advices I could say to you, Frank.