Author Topic: Qing's arrival and beyond .  (Read 150274 times)

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #120 on: December 27, 2009, 08:37:19 pm »
Jim , actually Qing did not show any signs of being nervous at all . It must have been all the prep work I have done , to let her know ... there was nothing to worry about ... meeting them . If I had any suspicion of them NOT liking her for any reason , I would not have put her through this . As with my Step-children , that is another thing . I will thread very carefully ... as some of them do not fully agree with me having found a new Wife sooo soon after my late Wife's death . Well , as I'm concerned ... they can jump you know where ? I will not let anything negative even near my Sweetheart ... coming from ... whoever ?
As you know yourself ... these Women are so special , I still lay awake next to her and wonder ? How do I ever deserve this ? My worry is , how much will she change here in America ? Maybe it's selfish , but I would just like her to stay ... just how she is now and not change at all . But , we all change as we get older and I only wish it is alway's for the better not worse .

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #121 on: December 28, 2009, 03:37:34 pm »
Reading you is always nice, Arnold. I am reading about your Step-children. Even if I don't remember how old they are, I think anyway they could/should understand your point of view. Ok, you found a new love after your ex Wife's death. But... do they "need" or "have to" judge you for it? I think they can understand that one day, man needs to love again and to be loved, and you did absolutely nothing to be blamed, be sure about it. From what I've seen when talking with you and meeting you and Qing, I think I am right about commenting right now over here. Maybe (and I hope for it) they need some time to "accept" your situation. I know you want all the best for Qing, and you are doing very well. Even if sometimes, a few grey clouds can be around you, you know you live with a rainbow that can "chase" it away ;)
maybe will she stay as she is, maybe will she "adjust" a bit with US habits, who knows? ^^'
Eh Arnold ! Please don't keep all dumplings from Shanghai, with you :)
- Let's Rock -


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #122 on: December 28, 2009, 06:37:58 pm »
Thanks Sly , appreciate that .
Yesterday , we moved to another milestone . Our first Web-cam (through Skype) meeting with Qing's best Friend from Shanghai and her Husband . I'm so relieved , that this is now working . So , now Qing's brother will set up the Web-cam at Qing's Parent's home and she can do the same with them and her little Boy . I had to call Norton Internet Security to Un-do their Program and set up Skype and then give me the updated version of their Program . After Qing bugging me for weeks to get Skype and have three People trying to get it done without success ... finally that is out of the way . As many times , I was real close of throwing the darn thing out again ... had it not worked out this way .

Offline Danny

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #123 on: December 28, 2009, 07:10:16 pm »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='25996' dateline='1261292454'

Arnold buddy I think you misunderstood me.Or I didn't write it clear enough.If the border control agent had a hard on that day for Asians.He/she could of denide access to Qing just because she is traveling on a visa.

In Australia the phrase "hard on" has quite a different meaning from the way you appear to be using it, and so if the agent had a hard on for Asians that day then she would have had no problem about getting that stamp of approval *laughs*

Offline JimB

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #124 on: December 28, 2009, 08:41:43 pm »
Arnold, I know you would never intentionally put her in that situation.  It is just that sometimes things can happen that we do not forsee.  I can see how she could be nervous thats all.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #125 on: December 29, 2009, 12:35:07 am »
Very true Jim . I tell you when she is nervous , I can see it on her Face and she will let me know in most cases that she is somewhat uncomfortable with certain situations . She is very open about those kind of things and I am so thankful for that . It beat's keeping it in and let it brew before mentioning it . Funny thing here , I think ... I'm the one more nervous ... just to want everything to go perfect . But on the other Hand , she is not made out of Glass . Thank God or I'd be a wreck for sure .


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #126 on: December 29, 2009, 11:50:55 pm »
For the Guy's who don't have the opportunity to see my Blog , I will Post here my 14th Poem . The one I have promised Qing for her arrival here in the States . I finished it today and you'll be seeing it before she does . She is out with my Neighbor's Girlfriend shopping , so she will have to wait till she get's home . Hope you like it ?
I guess the upload did not work for Printed stuff ? I'll write it down again .

A Flower comes Home !

Flower's bend in the Wind
freeze in the Cold
some need to be in plenty of Sun
other's are afraid of the Rain
so to have it all told
Flower's,to blossom can have no Pain .

Certain tall and lengthy Flower's
can reach for the blue Sky
filter the Love out of thin Air
only to find light shower's
seeking someone that truely cares.

Being planted in a foreign place
the Love away by oh so far
hoping,wanting and wishing
one Day to be able to touch that Star.
Having found one with a smile
only to cross a Distance
of oh so many watery miles
to where this Love can be shared
never to leave this Dance
in the warm Arm's of Romance
so nothing more can be said...
...The Flower is Home .
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 12:07:05 am by Arnold »

Offline Rhonald

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #127 on: December 30, 2009, 12:06:39 am »
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='26643' dateline='1262064907'

But on the other Hand , she is not made out of Glass . Thank God or I'd be a wreck for sure .

Maybe not glass, but instead, she is all Class. :icon_biggrin:

I am jealous of you Arnold. But then you did pay the price of waiting one long year for her to finally arrive. Now it is my turn to suffer and wait.
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #128 on: December 30, 2009, 12:23:25 am »
Rhonald , just tell Yan to send you some CD's of her playing that beautiful GuZhang for you . That would keep me from suffering , as Qing's Song's did .


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #129 on: December 30, 2009, 03:19:34 pm »
Well what's up for this New Year's weekend ?
On Thursday night , Qing and I are invited ( yes People acually invite me sometimes ) to a friends birthday Party . There will be of course Salsa Dancing and whatever Latin's can muster up on the Dance floor . That should be interesting , as this is really the first time we will Dance together ... other than the Bedroom  . On new year's day , after watching the Rose Parade on TV together ... we'll head up north to my Uncle's Cabin in the Mountains . Spend the afternoon there and head home again in the evening . On Saturday , we will go and check out the Float's in Pasadena . That should be exciting for Qing to see for the first time and after seeing them on TV the day before . Our Neighbor's will most likely go with us too . So we will do Lunch in old Town , which Qing loves by the way .. after the last time with my Sister in-law .

Ps: As my Uncle and Family at the Cabin alway's play Games , I had to tell him ... Qing does not play ANY games just for the Fun of it . It's alway's for Money , just like in China . They do not waste time on Games if there is not something to gain . haha

Offline Danny

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #130 on: December 30, 2009, 04:20:37 pm »
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='26550' dateline='1261964239'

I will thread very carefully ... as some of them do not fully agree with me having found a new Wife sooo soon after my late Wife's death . As you know yourself ... these Women are so special , I still lay awake next to her and wonder ? How do I ever deserve this ?


It was good to read this. It spoke to my heart.

Now that I have announced my engagement it is strange all the advice you receive, about doing things differently. Like: "why don't you find someone in your own country, from your own background, blah, blah, blah, etc". I feel like thumping people when they say this to me. I have been alone for such a long time. In all that time I was alone, I never even came close to even having a coffee with a single woman from my country. It is not like that they're lining up at my front door to ask me out or anything. Now that I have found someone I love and who seems to love me too, there is no chance at all that I am going to give her up for the vague possibility of meeting someone else. I know the bitterness of life, what it is to be lonely and what it is to lose someone. I am going to do my very best to make this marriage a happy and good one. Whatever it takes, like the way you're doing it. Well said, Arnold.



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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #131 on: December 30, 2009, 04:59:28 pm »
Danny , is that not the truth ! I got my Ear full of this too . Why there ? What's wrong with a Woman from here ? Felt like just telling them ... go look in the Mirror ! Yeah ... why not ? Oh they had answer's to everything , why we shouldn't look in China . Makes me laugh if I even think of it .

Thanks Danny , word's coming from the Heart .. will alway's reach other Heart's and then come back to you . Makes one feel good as a Person .


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #132 on: December 30, 2009, 05:40:37 pm »

Arnold Wrote....
I still lay awake next to her and wonder ? How do I ever deserve this ?

For exactly the same reasons why Qing deserves YOU!!  You both have your own worth, so don't belittle your own worth, it is just as valid as Qing's..... Just ask her if you don't belive me!! ...hahaha!!



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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #133 on: December 30, 2009, 07:06:10 pm »
Haha , don't belittle my own worth ! That is something so easy to do , when married to such sweet Woman . Maybe I have a quilty concience that she's too good for me ? Haha But that is my secret .
Anyway , your very right David ... we do deserve each other ... no matter what .

Offline Danny

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #134 on: December 31, 2009, 01:21:07 am »
There's a balance, isn't there . . . between thinking on the one hand that you are not worthy of someone's love, and on the other, of taking it all for granted.

In my humble opinion, it is worse to take her love for granted, that to feel a little unworthy of the love you receive.

To love a woman properly, over many years, she must be desired and loved, pursued and won many times, over and over, through your life.

If you're lucky enough to receive the love and affection of a good woman, don't ever think that it is something that can be taken for granted. If you neglect and discourage her for long enough, you can turn the fire of her love to ashes. It happens all the time.