Author Topic: Qing's arrival and beyond .  (Read 150385 times)

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #150 on: January 03, 2010, 10:03:57 pm »
Hey Arnold,

here is a suggestion for the two of you. if i remember correctly
the Hot Air Balloon Race is in Reno NV  in may. that might be
something she might really enjoy and during the 3 day event
you can even go up in one if you want to pay for that. that
is a really neat experience   just thought i would throw that


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #151 on: January 04, 2010, 01:07:18 am »
I don't know sometimes it's scary Ted , how people read or think the same we have been talking about just a day earlier . From seeing the Float's we got some little Booklet's from New Mexico and myself having been there many time ( Albuquerque ) I talked to Qing about this Event in that City every year . But then ... here in Palmdale we now have a yearly Balloon Festival of about 10 to 20 Balloon's going up from the Park just a mile away from our Home . So this of course I ran across Qing , if she would ever do this kind of thing ? She is very afraid of Roller Coaster's , so she said ... that she would try this . She is after all not afraid of height's .
Anyway Ted , much appreciated and thanks for the Tip .

Offline chen yan

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #152 on: January 05, 2010, 12:02:33 am »

Great photoes ! I watched the Rose Parade from newpaper,now I watch it again.
Do you have plan to come back to your wife's hometown Shanghai to attend EXPO ?

Chen Yan
Love ,Joy ,Peace~


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #153 on: January 05, 2010, 09:59:24 am »
Chen Yan , I would love to ... but Qing can not travel out of the Country for two year's , till she get's her 10 year Green Card . But then again , too many People are expected there . Qing and I have enough from that at the Float's showing , three hour's under a bright Sun and hardly any shade . So , this will be it for a while ... where large Crowds gather for us .
I will move to Shanghai , when it's time to retire though . Love that City and it's People and the FOOD of course .

Offline maxx

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #154 on: January 05, 2010, 08:06:00 pm »
Arnold somebody is pulling your leg.Does your wife have the temporary green card? If not go talk to that no account lawyer and tell him to do his job.You payed him money right?All Qing needs to get is called permission to travel.I will look and give you the form number.When I adjusted my wife's status that form was part of the package.It didn't cost me anything.

Arnold I just went to the official government website.The only thing it said was that.If you are in the process of Adjusting Qings status.That they would not consider it as abandonment of her visa.So in short check the web site see what you think.Second kick that no account lawyer upside his head.For telling you those kind of lies.

Me and my wife went to China and came back to the states on the temporary green card.2 times didn't have a problem either time.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 08:20:16 pm by maxx »


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #155 on: January 05, 2010, 09:54:05 pm »
yes mine traveled with me also with no problem
 sometimes thats the problem with some of the
 lawyers and people who help with immigration
 they also have mis information


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #156 on: January 06, 2010, 12:45:15 am »
Thanks Maxx and Ted for clearing that up for me . I still will not go back to China till some time next year . After what I have spend so far on all , I need to recuperate somewhat first . Haha
Qing and I had actually made plans , to have her Son ... go to School for about two year's to learn some chinese reading and writing before we bring him to the States . So we plan on going and all three of us coming together then ... . This is how we thought it is best in his interest later , if he ever want's to go back to China when grown up . It is also in Qing's best interest , for her to adjust here first and then we can concentrate on Tianchi ( Son ) for him to adjust to the new life .

Today , Qing got out of Bed early this morning all excited . Not because the night before , because ... I was going to sign her up for ESL classes . But as it has it , we need to wait till next week ( 11th ) to sign up for the Jan. 19th starting classes or if over-crowded she will be put on a waiting list . This of course kind of dampened her day somewhat and I got to work late for nothing , only to do it again on Monday . Hope we have better luck . She is really looking forward to them and I want her to meet some People . Hopefully ... from her Country , at least a couple of them .


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #157 on: January 10, 2010, 03:25:29 pm »
A little up-date of this past Saturday . After having Breakfast with you know who , we headed down to Marina Del Rey . From there we walked over many Bridges over the Canal's there and on to Venice ( no not Italy ) . As some of you here ... know what goes on at Venice Beach here in LA , I thought ... I take Qing there for a wonderful fun filled day . People watching , being close to the Beach .. which is alway's Romantic and of course Rent some Bikes and ride them all the way passed Santa Monica Pier and back again . This was such a great time ... as it reminded us both of the Bicycle ride we had in HangZhou around West Lake ... way back on my first Trip in May 2008 after our first Face to Face meeting . Anyway , after the Ride and some rest and some Drinking ( Water ) we walked down the length of Venice Beach with includes Muscle Beach and of course we had to Meet my good Friend ( Harry Perry ) which has been skating and playing his Guitar since 1974 , ever since I came to California . Of course we took some Photo's and I will share some here .
To top this great afternoon together ... we went to the Happy MArket ( 99 Ranch Market ) on top of that . I think Qing can't be much happier , as to be together and share this quality time as a Couple so much in Love .
Today , it's back to her Driving Lesson's ... as I like to have her perfect her Turn's and Yield's and now her Parallel Parking which is on the list of today .
What I also like to mention , last night was the first time .. both of us got to use the Webcam and actually saw both of Qing's Parent's and her Son on Skype and it was just like being with them . I could just look at my Sweetheart and see .. how happy this made her and in turn me of course . As most of you know , Qing and I did all of our Chnlove meeting and through all the waiting period's without the benefit of a Webcam ... not that we regret it at all . But , we could have a added bonus there or all could have turned the other way .. if Qing saw me life before meeting Face to Face . hahaha
« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 03:42:27 pm by Arnold »


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #158 on: January 10, 2010, 06:17:42 pm »

she should and will probably meet a few chinese people in her english class. i dont know about you
but i dont think people really realize the sacrifices these ladies make to be with us. they basically give
up everything they have grown accustomed to in their life to be with us and take care of us. they work so
hard to learn everything they can. i am from california also (northern part) and sometimes they run across
some narrowminded people who dont understand the chinese culture and make some rude remarks and
they take it all with a grain of salt. could you imagine a california girl making these same sacrifices???
i dont think so or at least they would be so far and few between. its funny after all these years now i am
doing in China what your lady is doing in california. And now that my face is being seen everyday here so
so many chinese people are talking with me eating with me and we are learning from each other. anyway
just wanted to share that. when we move to USA in a few years to live there parttime i dont think i will
teach the driving though. i think it would be better for my peace of mind if i have a school instruct her.
otherwise i might have to start drinking i the passenger seat :icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #159 on: January 10, 2010, 07:28:37 pm »
Yes, but think about this, she is with you every day now and is probably very happy!


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #160 on: January 10, 2010, 08:23:30 pm »
Quote from: 'rockycoon' pid='27904' dateline='1263169717'

Yes, but think about this, she is with you every day now and is probably very happy!

Rocky , you are obsolutely right there . I happen to ask her right now and she quoted me ... that she is indeed very happy here with me . As I could and would be the same , if things are reversed . To be together is after all the most important and the rest one works on and ajust's as needed .

Ted , I teach her because it is after all the first time she has ever driven a Car . So , I do not want to put her into a Car with a stranger just yet .. only if it would be needed later . I do have Life Insurance . Hahaha

Offline Jimmy

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #161 on: January 11, 2010, 04:44:56 am »
Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='27895' dateline='1263165462'


she should and will probably meet a few chinese people in her english class. i dont know about you
but i dont think people really realize the sacrifices these ladies make to be with us. they basically give
up everything they have grown accustomed to in their life to be with us and take care of us. they work so
hard to learn everything they can. i am from california also (northern part) and sometimes they run across
some narrowminded people who dont understand the chinese culture and make some rude remarks and
they take it all with a grain of salt. could you imagine a california girl making these same sacrifices???
i dont think so or at least they would be so far and few between. its funny after all these years now i am
doing in China what your lady is doing in california. And now that my face is being seen everyday here so
so many chinese people are talking with me eating with me and we are learning from each other. anyway
just wanted to share that. when we move to USA in a few years to live there parttime i dont think i will
teach the driving though. i think it would be better for my peace of mind if i have a school instruct her.
otherwise i might have to start drinking i the passenger seat :icon_cheesygrin:

A California girl making a sacrifice. Now that is funny. You would be hard pressed to find one that even knows what it means.
Jimmy Henson


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #162 on: January 11, 2010, 09:11:19 am »
the only sacrifice a california woman would make is for you not to
 give as much money or do for her this week. you could always double
 up the next week   hahaha


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #163 on: January 24, 2010, 02:08:04 am »
So today I learned something new . As I invited a good Friend to come to our House and later I will take him to a Chinese Super Buffet close to where we live , I found out this ... to me surprising news . This is the same Restaurant Qing befriended some Waitress and Waiter ( Chinese ) that told us about the ESL classes here in Palmdale . Well Qing and the Waiter got talking for about 15 to 20 minutes , of which I did not know what it was all about ... till she told me later at Home . These People work from 10 in the morning to 10 at night seven day's a week at "NO" Pay ( except the Cooks ) . They receive Board ( a small Apartment ) and their Food is also Pay'd . The only Money extra they get , is from the Tip's People leave . Which can be quite small here ... we are talking a Buffet place , not a fancy Restaurant . This is really taking adventage of these poor People , they can work for many year's and receive nothing what S.S. or any other benefit's concerns . So they work all those hours and are still like a part-timer on paper . On top of that , they say ... this is pretty much the way at all chinese Restaurant's here . Of course this makes me think of "other" national's that work here in the States ( especially in southern Calif. ) . Also , they find with this arragement of course no time to go to School and better themseves and get out of this ... at the Owner's convienence of course . This is just aweful to see .. in any Country , using People like this . This of course makes Qing think less of America very quickly , if you ask me .

About Qing's driving lesson's ; I took her on two of our busy Street's today ( 55 Speed Limit ) with other Car's around . This .. I only did , because I felt 100% comfortable with her driving by now ... to do this . She did great , but was a little afraid of the Speed ... but she need to learn some of our Calif. way's of driving . Which of course is not the slowest by no mean's anywhere . Oh , I also found out that the written Driving Test can also be done in Chinese . I still have her , study out of the English version though . I think , she'll be ready for the written and driving Test's in about a month to a month and a half's time .

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #164 on: January 24, 2010, 02:17:42 am »
So this restaurant is some sort of legal sweat shop?  Is this legal?  I don't know if I cold continue to go to a restaurant that treats its, employees so poorly.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 02:18:29 am by Martin »