Author Topic: Qing's arrival and beyond .  (Read 150449 times)

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #225 on: January 29, 2010, 03:01:54 pm »
Sorry if i've upset any of you guy's here, it wasn't my intention ....It's just a bit of!!!

When i was talking about Metric above, i was really only talking from an electrical stand point. Like as been pointed out here, in the UK several things are still sold in Ibs and our auto speedos are still in MPH (dual with KPH). But it's been years since i've seen anything sold, or have used yards, feet, and inches. though i still convert in my mind back to those sizes, when i need to imagine the size of an area! ...haha!!  To be honest, Lt/100Km still means nothing to me, i still only understand Miles per gallon, which i always set my car fuel computer!!


You have more voltage bands than any other country i know!! Have a quick look in your NEC if you don't believe me!!...haha!  Your 110/115v  (220/115v) supply voltage is probably one of the most inefficient for a general power supply. (That voltage (110v) is only used in Europe as a temporary safety supply voltage on building sites) Required Cable sizes alone would prohibit its use, let alone the losses incurred on cable runs. Supply Transformers Need to be 2.3 times the KVA size of an equivilent European Transformer, Who's Supply voltage is 380/230v. And UK/Europe uses JUST that supply voltage system, not the half dozen or so different voltage bands you have in the States.....

So, ...Nah i think we'll stick to our system, your more than welcome to your 220/115v, Oh, and the rest of them ..haha!!


Offline Josh Markley

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #226 on: February 09, 2010, 06:23:12 pm »
Arnold, Sorry so late congrats brother.  Reading all your stories really teared me up.  You sound so happy, and look very happy in your pictures.  Hey and if you need any help at all with english I am willing to help, I have been taking classes and have a korean client so I may be able to help a bit if you get your skype up and going.

Qing, Congrats sister, and welcome to America!  Look forward to getting to know you.
QQ 859407630


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #227 on: February 09, 2010, 08:44:23 pm »
Contrary to belief, I've been doing electrical for a very long time.  Now that I am retired, I could care less.  However, on an upbeat
note.  I had every tool that you could possibley get, but because of the metric system, I got to go to the "CANDY" store and buy all
metric also.
I guess other than football and a cold beer, a man's favorite place is the tool or "candy" store.  I have never seen a man walk in there
and walk out with nothing, even if he's broke and only has a quarter, he will find somthing that he absoulty has to have.  Even if he has
three of them at home, he will get another just in case one breaks.
For those of you in China, you are so lucky as they have so many tool stores there, its got to be like Christmas every day.  The only
other place a man needs is a "shop" where he can tinker and play and find ways to use all those tools he bought.  Even if nothing is
broken, he will invent somthing to fix or repair.  He knows that other than football or baseball, the tool shed is the last bastion of
manhood, where women arn't allowed and he is KING of his castle.  He will buy tools that he has no idea of what they are for
just so he can claim to his buddies he has one, even though he will never use it.  But hey, it's new and shiney and is good for somthing
like perhaps cracking walnuts.
So get off your ass and get down to that tool store and max out that credit card, there is gotta be somthing you just gotta have before
you kick the can....haha :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Offline dude

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #228 on: February 10, 2010, 08:22:39 am »
I've been with a company from Hong Kong, in Las Vegas, the last couple of years and all their material was manufactured in Hong Kong. Being that "we" in The U.S. still use inches, feet, etc. I had bought a stanley tape measure with both standards on it...the funny thing, all my Chinese co-workers had to adjust to "our" measurements when it came to replacing broken lights and such(nobody would call out measurements in metric)! :icon_cheesygrin:  Also once you have everything in ur head you can convert one way or the other very simply! or use a caculator!


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #229 on: February 10, 2010, 10:38:50 am »

I'm a bit like that myself, ...haha!! My indulgence is electrical test and measuring equipment, which tends to be a tad on the expensive side unfortunately. But over the years i have managed to acquire some pretty impressive stuff, mainly from the contractors that wanted to keep me sweet!!

That was one of the first things i noticed about the NEC, virtually nothing about test requirements on completed installations, as i remember just required a megger test (insulation test) In UK/Europe, there is a set procedure and sequence to testing installations, and far more involved than just a megger test....

That's not to say i can't spend hours in tool stores, if something catches my eye, i have to it, and it normally leaves the store with me!!!! Built all my own fencing round the garden and the covered patio, also laid all the swimming pool area tiles around the pool. So you could say i'm very much a DIYer too!!!!

« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 10:39:20 am by David5o »


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #230 on: February 14, 2010, 08:20:57 pm »
As for the ones not being able to go and see my Blog , I brought that last Post here . I thought this would be interesting for all .
Second , I like for you Guy's to keep to the Topic at hand if possible . That is much appreciated of course by both Qing and myself .

Friday, February 12, 2010

A first sign of wishing to be with her Son .

A few day's ago , Qing talked on Skype with her Parent's and using the Webcam . As I ... most of the time sit next to my Sweetheart , I understand very little if anything at all what's being said between them . I just like to listen my LaoPo talking shanghainese and dream ... I some day will be able to speak and communicate to some small level . Anyway , all seemed normal ... till the next day at the Dinner table . When Qing told me of her Son's ( Tianchi ) three day Hospital stay , for a Hernia Operation . For a Child ? This is what came to my Mind ... this only happens to older People , who do heavy lifting . So on it went , I also found out ... he was born pre-maturely . This explained what happened somewhat .
So , after all was said and done ... Qing's next sentence was , what a bad Mother she was/is . Not being there to be with him , was deep down really painful for her and also for me to witness . Something I could easy see in her Face .
This left of course a bad taste in my Mouth , as I felt really somewhat selfish ... having taken her away from her Son . Halfway around the World to boot .
The good thing being , he is back at Home with the Grand-parent's and doing fine . The reason I'm posting this on my Blog , is to make other's realize ... what one can be in store for , bringing a Chinese Lady/Wife to ones home-country and especially one with children that are left behind for whatever reason . Even if it's only for a short time . Remember , Chinese Family's are one of the closest nit in the World .

Offline Rhonald

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #231 on: February 14, 2010, 08:44:48 pm »
Thanks for sharing Arnold. I can only imagine the frustration your wife feels and in turn you share. I am glad her child is back with the grand parents and lets hope the future smiles brightly on your extended family. And with that I also hope your thread is now back on track.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 08:45:51 pm by Rhonald »
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #232 on: February 15, 2010, 01:33:23 pm »
Quote from: 'Rhonald' pid='31741' dateline='1266198288'

Thanks for sharing Arnold. I can only imagine the frustration your wife feels and in turn you share. I am glad her child is back with the grand parents and lets hope the future smiles brightly on your extended family. And with that I also hope your thread is now back on track.

Rhonald , my Wife did calm down now` ... as we had a long talk about the situation , that some things are just unavoidable as we are doing things that we felt are the best for everybody .

You bringing up " Track " and being Valentine's Day yesterday , I thought ... after I made Breakfast for us
(breakfast burrito's which Qing loves ) I took her to the Go-kart Race Track near my House . As you know , I'm teaching her to Drive and this will show how she will handle herself with not only the Kart , but also with other's on the Track as well . So , don't need to tell you ... she had a wonderful time and did not loose it ones as other's just kept racing by her at neck-breaking speeds of 20 to 25 MPH . haha
After that it went on to the real deal . I can see a big improofment in her confidence of having the Car under control at all times . I felt save enough to take her on Roads ( with Cars ) of speeds of 45 and 55 . She did very well ... so I'm still alive and able to write this .
Friday night we went back to the Chinese Buffet , where we befriended a couple of the Waiter's and Waitresses . One of them brought along three MVD written test ( all in chinese ) for her to study . So she has all the answers of the questions they will ask , both in English and Chinese ... which she has chosen to do in Chinese in about a week or so . After she receives the Permit , it's on for bigger challenges .. including Freeway . Guy's please say a prayer for me , that we will make it through this in one piece .
In the Evening , we had reservations at an Persian Restaurant for love couple's .. which I'm sure we qualify for . We went with our closest Neighbor , had Dinner , Music , free drinks from the Boss and all this lead almost everybody there to make room in the place to do some Dancing and Singing ... which I found myself surprising myself how well my Singing took hold of me and shocked Qing as she has never seen me like this before . Just play the right Music ( songs ) and I'm all game . We all had a super time and all this for about $ 100 bucks . Qing did not Sing , but boy did she Dance with all the other Lady's .. when it was all Lady's on the Floor ( as ask by the Entertainer ) I was so proud of her and of course it raised my level loving her more by the minute .  So , hope all that had the chance to be with their Lady / Wife's had a simuliar great time on this special day .
I have some photo's that I will share later ... patience .
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 01:38:57 pm by Arnold »


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #233 on: February 15, 2010, 01:37:41 pm »
All lady's dancing ?  was this individual dancing or like line dancing ? (all lady's at one time)


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #234 on: February 15, 2010, 01:41:49 pm »
All the Lady's together as ask , then came the Mens turn . This was during MO-TOWN sequence . As you know , there are alway's the stand-out's and this was no exception . Great Fun !!


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #235 on: February 15, 2010, 07:27:30 pm »
really sounds like it was a terrific day for the two of you.
and her driving is getting better which will be good for her
when your at work, so she can go out and about and not
have to stay home all the time.


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #236 on: February 15, 2010, 11:26:16 pm »
Exactly right Ted . She was willing already to walk 6 miles home from School . Something I did not like her to do , as she thinks still ... it's as safe here as China ... wrong !!!

Offline JimB

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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #237 on: February 15, 2010, 11:43:22 pm »
I can empathize with you Arnold.  Even though I am here with my wife and Chinese family, I still feel I should be back with my daughter as she is having some problems with her pregnancy.  Her husband being in Afghanistan and me being here there is no one close to help her.  But, I do think that I will be home with her for the final 3 months and after so, I need the time with my wife.  As you said you are doing what is in the long term best interest of your family.  Personally I think you are doing the right thing about the son.  You two need to set up your life together and get it working then bring him in with a settled family life.  He doesnt need to see his mother trying to cope in a strange environment, this way she can guide him through it when he gets there.  Kids adapt to things quicker than we do so it wont take him long once he gets there.
Good going.

Jim & Gina
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #238 on: February 16, 2010, 02:40:24 am »

walk 6 miles home from school. that is just a little piece of the reserve and
determination these ladies have, and what they are willing to do.


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RE: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #239 on: February 22, 2010, 02:06:41 am »
Thank's Jim and Ted for your comment's , alway's value them .

A little up-date over what gone on last week and this weekend . As the Spring Festival is in full gear in China , I've decided I will give Qing five day's off from Cooking Dinner for us both . So , after coming home from Work .. it was to get busy getting a American Meal on the Table . Now honestly , I'm not a Chef Emeril or the like ... but I have picked up some Tips from my late Wife over the many years . The one Dinner that stand's out , after going shopping at Costco ... where we picked up some Filet Migon and a couple of Lobster Tails for a special first time for Qing treat and served with Fettucini Alfredo and a wonderful Salad. Calories yes , but who cares ? She really enjoy's the break and learning new western dishes too .
Saturday (yesterday) we went to Downtown LA or Chinatown to be exact , to see the Chinese New Year's Parade down Broadway . Which is a yearly thing there . Day started out great , as it has Rained all night but cleared in early Morning and did not return till the Parade was over and we had our Dinner at one of the Restaurant's nearby . Thanks for mother nature for being sooo kind .
I have some Photo's to share we all of you .
Today , we did not get out of Bed till about 10 o'clock .. as both of us were wiped out from the long day's all the week before . So , in the afternoon , I was showing Qing some Card games .. she could play by herself during the day , if she get's bored . The answer I received after she she learned how and try'd herself to see if she's got it all down , was ... this is not good . You do not have to use your Brain for it . Now , of course I felt guilty for all the times I play'd Salitaire by myself ... which was quite often when I had nothing else to do around the House and nowhere to go . I tell you , chinese don't like anything that doesn't inproof your Brain-power or makes Money . No wonder they are so smart at a much younger age then many of western Folks . I have to include myself in this group too .
Makes one think , should I be proud of having such a smart Wife or feel stupid for not being at her equal ? haha  waaahhhh .
Anyway , so this Friday ( my Birthday ) I will take the day off and I will take Qing for her written test at the DMV . She decided to take it in chinese ( I had no idea they had the Test in dozen's of languages , some I never heard of ). I know she will do good . After getting the Permit , I think she'll be ready in a month's time for the driving Test .

PS: A little hint I heard today , Germany would be a much better place to live ... she say's . I know she realized that it is pretty bad here in California's Economy , compared to Shanghai ... but I never saw that coming .:-/

Our first Cake together ( Lemon Bandt )
99 Lily's for my Valentine and one Rose
Swinging with my Neighbor at the Valentine Dinner Party
At the Parade , my Uncle and some of his Grandkid's and Us
Qing said , I could pick three Girlfriends for myself from all the pretty Girl's going by . Since it is normal in China she said .
I think , this Dragon has it for me ... if I did this three Girl on the side thing
After a wonderful day , I can't ask for more ... then a beautiful Sunset
« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 02:21:01 am by Arnold »