Some more up-date of a wonderful and happy Life with my LaoPo .
Driving with Miss Daisy ... oh Qing .. I mean !
So , want to update how the Driving and some of the other thing's are going so far .
On a not so bright side , Qing's ESL classes are giving her two weeks off . Not because it's going to be St. Patricks Day soon ( funny .. I chose green today ) , but because the State is out of Money and can not pay their Teacher's for a full year . It's sad , as this Class is a big success , as their are always full with People eager to learn the English language . But it is out of our control and we must live with that for now .
Now , back to Qing's driving progress . As we received a tip on where and what street's the DMV uses for it's driving test , we of course went there and are practising ... to make Qing feel as relaxed and not be too nervous as possible when the time for the actual Test comes . Her driving has improved and made advances just as I have hoped she would . Yesterday ( last night ) I took her to down a Country Road about 15 miles from our home and the way back , I guided her into a Freeway
on- ramp . She of course did not realize , she was on the Freeway .. till I told her to speed up to at least 55 -60 mph . This was as expected a shock , being on the first Freeway drive and at night too . I chose the night time , because much less traffic at that time . Did not want her to go into " FULL "Panic after all . So we cruised back for about 12 miles before getting off .. back into normal traffic . I try'd my hardest to convince Qing , while on the Freeway ... how much easier it really is , not having to worry about all the light's - stop signs and cross traffic all the time . But , she is not very comfortable at higher speed's . Something I saw already in China at a Amusement Park , like the wilder rides .
That brings me back to Sunday's fun filled day at the Family Fun Center . It was Race day again , doing the Go-Kart thing over . This had a really funny start . As the Operator explained the Rules of the Course , Qing just took off ... as she was in the first Car on the Track ... before the Guy gave the signal to go . I guess she wanted a pretty good ' HEADSTART " from the Field . Can I blame her for that ? So it turns out she got overtaken twice anyway . Hahaha .
After that , we went on to Miniture-Golf . This was Qing's first time and I tell you .. after a couple of Holes , she was right up to Par with me .
To continue this fun filled day , we drove to the " Happy Market " for some Food shopping , which Qing alway's enjoy's . She loves that Market , one can see it in her Eyes ! Or maybe it's Love instead

as I am right there next to her .. like a shadow .