Author Topic: Qing's arrival and beyond .  (Read 150444 times)

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Offline Kiwi303

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #570 on: November 13, 2011, 08:12:56 am »
Maybe dumplings would not taste as good being made with crocodile meat.  ;D

I'm sure if the taste is not quite right, something else would substitute. Maybe tree bear?

Offline David E

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #571 on: November 13, 2011, 04:19:22 pm »

Now let's get the record straight here.......

The "Tree Bear" to which your refer Mr Kiwi is likely the Koala ???

First, it is not a Bear, it is a Marsupial, same as a Kangaroo.

Second. Koalas are smelly, bad tempered critters who live exclusively on Gum Tree leaves which gives them massive indigestion, huge gas and makes them smell terrible.

Koala dumplings would probably be the most revolting concotions imaginable.

Crocodile, on the other hand is delicious...tastes a bit fishy, with the texture of good steak.

But the best dumplings of all would probably be made from a mixture of Wichetty grubs and fire ants for a bit of extra zip !!........

Of course, we do have pigs and cattle here, so conventional dumplings could be made if we are so inclined  ;D ;D ;D

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #572 on: November 14, 2011, 10:15:35 am »

Koala dumplings would probably be the most revolting concotions imaginable.

so my 'haggis' does taste better than something ;D ;D
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Offline shaun

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #573 on: November 14, 2011, 12:03:12 pm »
David didn't say that.  ;D

« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 12:12:10 pm by shaun »


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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #574 on: November 14, 2011, 03:47:45 pm »
Yesterday , after the Rain subsided and gave our Sun back .. it was time to try out our new bought Bicycle's . Matching of course , seven speed Beach Cruisers .
So off we went on our first Ride around our Neighborhood for about 5-6 miles to start . I ask Qing if she was Physically Fit for the up-coming Ride ? Loved the look I received asking that of her ! :o 8) I think she most likely thought , are " You " ready ? haha
After a couple of Blocks , there came the first Complain my way ; What's wrong with my Gears ? As she could not keep it in " First " . Oh .. all it needs is a little Adjustment . This is what I thought , is all it needed .. ones we get back Home . She had other things on " Her " mind . We need to take it back .. it's under Warranty .. let them Fix it !!! >:( . I convinced her though to let me handle this Heavy Duty Job and she finally did agree , but under a watchful Eye ! ???
Couple minutes adjusting the Cable all was well and I safed myself a round-trip to Walmart's . Otherwise , they are very nice Bikes ( Schwinn ) .. but made .. where else but in China .

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #575 on: November 14, 2011, 05:12:11 pm »
Green lawns, Sunshine, Warm weather - way to rub it in Arnold as we are at the start of a snowfall here.

Thanks for the update and happy Biking on a bicycle built for 2.
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Offline Kiwi303

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #576 on: November 16, 2011, 11:59:50 pm »

The "Tree Bear" to which your refer Mr Kiwi is likely the Koala ???

Well, Actually I was thinking about the Possum. The NSW Brushtailed possum was released here in the late 1800's and gone completely feral, there are more of them in any one NZ forest than the entirety of Aussie.

At one point before widespread poisoning campaigns they were live trapped and sold to the Chinese market as "Tree Bear"

Quite nice tasting, just be VERY careful not to get the white goo from their scent glands on any meat, and make sure the scent glands are cut out without puncturing the surface of the gland! A nice large buffer of meat is best taken out around the gland just to be on the safe side.

A dark, lean, gamy and tasty meat, very rich in the needed Omega fatty acid compounds. Not too dissimilar to venison.

Maybe you should try it next time one claws its way across your roof, making itself at home in the attic under the eaves and munches on your garden, instead of calling the wildlife ranger to carefully coax it out and "relocate" it 15 meters away, where it will promptly head back to your roof space to resume it's interrupted nap


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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #577 on: November 17, 2011, 10:56:30 pm »
Maaaaan .. I could just load up my Truck with Fertilizer and drive it right to the nearest DMV . What Idiots !! >:( >:(

After one month of sending them Copies of Qing's Passport and the "Official" document right from the Immigration Office where we went for the Permanent Green Card . So here they send a Letter back ; The Application was received without PROOF of Legal presence Document . WTF .. more Proof do they want ? Oh .. They also say .. please send an " Acceptable " document that establishes such proof . No explaination what Paper excatly I would satisfy them A***es . Arrrrgh !
Now I have to explain to Qing whats going on and she'll properly think it's my Fault for sending the wrong Doc. Ohhh .. give me Patience  :(

Vince G

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #578 on: November 17, 2011, 11:10:34 pm »
Arnold can you call them and ask what they want? I get mail from gov. agencies asking for proof of this and that? I call them direct and ask (WTF is this?) and most times it's just an automatic letter sent? (waste of time and money as far as I see it) but mostly just write on it the answer and send it back. Worked so far.


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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #579 on: November 18, 2011, 11:11:29 am »
Arnold can you call them and ask what they want? I get mail from gov. agencies asking for proof of this and that? I call them direct and ask (WTF is this?) and most times it's just an automatic letter sent? (waste of time and money as far as I see it) but mostly just write on it the answer and send it back. Worked so far.

Yes Vince , that is exactly what I'm going to do today . I just weigh if I should be calm or let them have it over the Phone ? Like I have said earlier , Qing thought "I" must of send the wrong Document . haha love her anyway .


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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #580 on: November 18, 2011, 12:39:04 pm »
Well that Phone Call started out good . Those darn People that we Pay for  >:( >:( >:( .

I can't talk to "YOU" without talking to your Wife first Sir ! By the the " Time " I get Home your Closed !
quote : This is NOT " My " problem and hangs up on Me . Believe this ? On top of this , they STILL don't have Qing's name right .. unbelievable these People in our Offices . It's like ever Person I speak to about the correct Name .. says YES YES we got it . New Person/Dept. comes into play .. it's back to the wrong Name .

This is going from worse to stupidity here .. but what can I do ?


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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #581 on: November 18, 2011, 07:38:16 pm »
So now , I have talked to my Lawyer and he said this is now a common problem here in America with Foreigner's License's . He also told me , what I had send should have been good enough . He added , to go now with same said Paper into a DMV and they should handle this via PC .. also change Name ones and for all . Sounds easy enough , but I'm not holding my Breath .
I will give them a 70% that QIng get's her Lic. ( in time hell no .. need to have an extension ) and 15% to have her RIGHT name on it . What do these People make an Hour ? Either way , it's way too much !!!

Vince G

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #582 on: November 19, 2011, 09:04:05 am »
Well if you remember I had sent for a copy of my file from the state office, in the state capital, from one of the State attorneys. Well I did all that and got the file, it's in my lawyers hands now, but at first I got a letter of the cost, etc. I noticed they spelt my first name wrong "Vicent" left out the "n" I got a little iffy on the file since I sent no other info (SS#,etc). I did receive it and on the envelope and the letter inside was the misspelt name again but the file was correctly named. I can only come to the assumption this person may be Hispanic? There is a variation in the Spanish spelling? Which is a whole other argument.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #583 on: November 19, 2011, 11:50:04 pm »
Americans spelling things wrong - well I never!

 Like Humour, favour, authorise, theatre etc. etc
Lets hope there is more hispanic influence when it becomes the number one language in USA in coming years. ;D

You guys have bastardtised our perfect English language so we know what is coming to you. ;D ;D ;D ;D


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Vince G

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #584 on: November 20, 2011, 12:28:09 am »