Now let's get the record straight here.......
The "Tree Bear" to which your refer Mr Kiwi is likely the Koala

First, it is not a Bear, it is a Marsupial, same as a Kangaroo.
Second. Koalas are smelly, bad tempered critters who live exclusively on Gum Tree leaves which gives them massive indigestion, huge gas and makes them smell terrible.
Koala dumplings would probably be the most revolting concotions imaginable.
Crocodile, on the other hand is delicious...tastes a bit fishy, with the texture of good steak.
But the best dumplings of all would probably be made from a mixture of Wichetty grubs and fire ants for a bit of extra zip !!........
Of course, we do have pigs and cattle here, so conventional dumplings could be made if we are so inclined