Author Topic: Qing's arrival and beyond .  (Read 150429 times)

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Offline David E

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #600 on: November 22, 2011, 12:57:23 am »
Be carefull with assumptions David. Although you are right in us becoming white as a mutation (probably due to decreased sunlight), also blue eyes, yet you can not assume that what remained in Africa did not also change. We do not know how we originally looked when we first ventured out of Africa and how much the gene pool has changed with those that remained.

Ron, I dont pretend to be any sort of an expert in this matter, but I find the whole subject to be immensely interesting.

My comments stem from an article recently read, about the tracking of the Mitochondrial gene way back to the "first" human. Apparently, this specific gene is only pased by the female to the female, is very robust and does not seem to undergo the level of change exhibited over time as the rest of the human genome. Thus it is postulated, supported by hard genetic evidence that the "proto-human" came out of Africa, because the Mitochondrial gene is so typical of African populations throughout the whole world, Thus  these scientists are convinced that it verifies the beginning of humanity in Africa, and the similarity of the gene suggestes that they were typical African in appearance......but then again....its only a theory  ;D ;D ;D

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #601 on: November 22, 2011, 08:41:54 am »

Ron, I dont pretend to be any sort of an expert in this matter, but I find the whole subject to be immensely interesting.

Yes immensely interesting and curiosity does indeed lead to more knowledge. I momentarily changed my major (failed attempt at University) to Anthropology due to a Fedora clad, Hoolywoodised whipper snapper. Once I realised my chances in a financially satisfying career was limited I changed my Major to a General accounting career.

But back to your remark, I just wanted to caution as most people do assume the current state is/was what was there beforehand, not just in anthropology but in many disciplines.
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Offline Jason B

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #602 on: November 22, 2011, 05:55:35 pm »
Also no expert, but I remember watching a show a while ago and they found a skull/partial skull of an ancient humanoid.  When they did one of those facial reconstruction things it showed that the face had all three main people traits. ie. Africanus, European and Asiatic.  They believed that this early humanoid may have been the precurser to all the races of human now, and as the people migrated and stopped in various parts of the world they evolved to just have one of these charactaristics.  Interesting stuff.  The skull was found in Africa.
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Offline David E

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #603 on: November 22, 2011, 06:22:44 pm »
Yes immensely interesting and curiosity does indeed lead to more knowledge. I momentarily changed my major (failed attempt at University) to Anthropology due to a Fedora clad, Hoolywoodised whipper snapper. Once I realised my chances in a financially satisfying career was limited I changed my Major to a General accounting career.

Therefore you are "The Very Model of a Modern Major General...."  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #604 on: November 24, 2011, 06:12:47 pm »
We all know about Government Worker's and what Speed is concerned . Well , Macy's Employee's are not that far behind .
Bought my LaoPo a nice/lovely Mink Jacket , she was to wear today to the Turkey Dinner at our Friends House . Getting ready and putting her Clothes out , she notices ... guess what ? The security Tack ( or what you call it ) is still on the Jacket . Haha .. all the Mall is closed of course til Midnight . So the only Store I found Open is Wal-Mart , call them and explain the situation to the Lady on the Line .. Oh Sir , we can't do that ! I have the Receipt though ! After trying to make her say yes .. she just jump on me and told me .. "Our" Tack's are different . Oh yeah , the looked the same , the last time I looked .
So now what ? heck , I'm a Mechanic with tools at Home . Vise-Grip , Channel-Locks, Cutter's , Hacksaw .. I think I'm covered to open that little Plastic thing in our way . With one hundred Caution's coming my way form Qing , I had that thing in a 100 pieces . Never had a chance ! 
« Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 06:14:34 pm by Arnold »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #605 on: November 24, 2011, 08:48:05 pm »
Mink jacket eh. Lucky your not in the UK. First time wearing it someone would through red paint over it and her.  Even fake mink can get the same so if you ever travel to UK then leave the jacket in your closet.

Quite a anti fur lobby there.

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Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #606 on: November 25, 2011, 01:58:44 pm »
I hear you Willy !

To mention yesterday's Turkey Dinner , I must say .. we both had a blast into the past and future . Many Shanghainese Lady's with Husbands ( some western ) nieces/nephews . So actually I did have a few "I" could actually talk to . Loved to use my little Shanghainese/Mandarin on them wherever approciate . Of course this made them all laugh , which is as you all know a "good" sign . Say it right .. they laugh , say it wrong .. they give you "the" look .. what in the world is he trying to say ? Well , I did get mostly Laughs though .. which made Qing proud and you could see it on her Face . A little Study does go a long way here and well worth it , not only in China .

I am disappointed though on one count and don't hate me for it , I forgot my Camera at Home  :(  .. as we were in a rush to get there on time . That itself is funny , we're only ten minutes from their House . The other thing strange , I made a "Cactus Salad " ( one of my specialties ) ala Mexicano .. boy did they love it . They even took some Home with them , where I really would have liked to have some left for us later .

Oh .. Qing also came to me and told me , these Women know ALL the best Chinese Restaurants .. with a look .. like I should have known them too . Then , I found out .. there are all 70 miles away in Monterey Park ( east of LA ) . Yeah , I go there all the time .. I thought to myself ? I did take her there ones and we had a great Time and Dinner ( Mama's Dumpling House ) , but no mention of that one . MAybe that wasn't good enough for those "Real " critic's .

Add some Ranchero Cheese and my own Dressing  wolah .
« Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 02:35:18 pm by Arnold »

Offline Martin

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #607 on: November 25, 2011, 05:59:26 pm »
Cactus Salad, and Maxx the Mexican didn't show up?  Ole!

Offline maxx

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #608 on: November 25, 2011, 06:42:03 pm »
Hey I go for the real deal.I wouldn't know what cactus salad was.It sounds like something a German made up.With the help of a Jinadian.And they tride to pass it off as real Mexican food.

Offline Pineau

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #609 on: December 12, 2011, 01:46:43 pm »
So that is what that is. I remember once the ex gave me something like that and said "eat this" I said no thanks looks like some else already ate it.

Just joking. but she got so tickled she couldn't breath and her mon and dad were grinning and trying to figure out what I had said to make her laugh so hard.  I guess you had to be there....

I would like the recipie.
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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #610 on: December 12, 2011, 02:29:56 pm »
I guess I will give out my Recipe for this Salad .

2 jars of Nobales ( Cactus )
1 lg Red Onion
1 lg Wala Wala ( sweet ) Onion
8 lg Tomatoes
5 Jalapino Chilies
3-5 Sereno Chilies
1 bushel Cilatro
3 lg Limes
Salt & Pepper
1 pkg Ranchero Fresco Cheese ( Mex. )
5 oz Red Wine Vinegar
5 oz Olive Oil
2 tbs Sesame Seeds ( Black )

Take out Cactus and clean/rinse very well , put on cutting board and cut into 1-11/2 inch pieces .. put in large Bowl .
Cut both Onions into simular size and add to Bowl
Cut Sereno's into tiny pieces ( as not to make it too hot ) squares .. add to Bowl
Toast Jalapino's , take the Skin off and slice into one inch strips .. add to Bowl
Clean and cut/chop Cilatro ( not too fine ) .. add
Take Limes 3-4 depending on size and squeeze Juice out .. add
Cut Tomatoes into half inch squares .. add
Salt and Pepper to taste
Mix well and put in Fridge over-night ( will taste better the next day )

Now to make the Dressing :

Take Vinegar and Oil , Salt and Pepper , black Sesame Seeds and mix in Blender well ( can add some Lemon Juice ) .. put in Fridge
Take the Cheese and crumble it into 1/4 inch size pieces .. put in a seperate Bowl ( for later ) and into the Fridge

Upon serving , add Dressing ( to taste ) and top off with the Cheese

Looks great and taste even better .. you have my word on it ! Even if you never had Cactus before , this will win you over .
« Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 03:24:49 pm by Arnold »


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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #611 on: December 13, 2011, 11:40:56 pm »
Is this going too far ?

Qing had told me a couple of days ago , that we need to get a Christmas Card for our Chinese Lady friend and her Husband .
While Qing is at work today , I decided to go to the Mall for last minute Gift buying . On the way home , I remembered about the special Card she wanted . as the Boxed ones were NOT good enough . I stoped at RideAid's to look for something nice from the both of us . After reading at least about twenty or so ( I alway's do , I'm picky ) , I settled for one and went Home . Qing hasn't gotten off work yet , so as I start putting things away .. I notice a Christmas Card on our Dining Room table . Quess what ? Yes .. how in the world could this be ? Exact same Card ! Even if she went to the same Store , there were hundreds of X-mas Card .. amazing ?
I know if you live together for years I can expect that we are on ONE wavelenght , but after only TWO ?

I must have found the "RIGHT ONE " ! :)

Vince G

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #612 on: December 13, 2011, 11:47:01 pm »
I find that fascinating and strange at the same time?


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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #613 on: January 02, 2012, 09:39:37 pm »
Happy New Year to all !!!

This day was the first chance we had this weekend to load up our new bicycle's and really go for a nice ride . We drove to Balboa Park , where I played many Soccer Games some year's back .. to get on them and cruise for a couple hours around the Lake / Golf course / Soccer fields . Funny , this reminded both Qing and myself of Hangzhou .. West Lake to be exact . As we had rented Bikes there and rode them all around the lake there . Of course this here is not even close by comparison the two . I have yet to see any Public Park as beautiful as in China .
Anyway , here are a few Photo's from today's excursion .

Offline kenny

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #614 on: January 03, 2012, 05:39:06 pm »
New Years, riding a bike in a t-shirt!

What it must be like living in California?

Always nice to see your photo's
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 05:41:16 pm by kenny »