Author Topic: Mr Anonymous in Changsha  (Read 11398 times)

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Offline rhoodtsao

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Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« on: November 21, 2009, 09:06:26 pm »
Well after 30 hours of flight I'm finally here, I don't have a laptop so I'm posting this from internet cafe in my hotel lobby, excuse the mispelling, I don't have my word processer, I got here about 3:00 pm here on nov 21st, in her last emf she said to call her as soon as I got in the hotel, which I did, she said she will come to my hotel with her translator after work, which was about 9 pm, since her work is not too far away from my hotel I expected her to be here about 9:30 pm, I waited for her in the hotel lobby all dress up and gifts ready, I waited in the lobby until about 10:30 and she's a no show, I don't have a cell phone, I just need a sim card, which I'm going to buy today, I went back up to my room to called her, of course no answer,I call a zillion times, still no answer, I call this morning nov 22nd. still no answer, but to my suprise there is a emf from her, she made some excuse about her having to work late and she thought I might be tire from long journey, she said we'll meet today, so stay tune guys, there's not much happening here, I'll hang around for another day to give this  a chance, I might have to go into plan B.
Mr Anonymous


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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2009, 09:13:43 pm »
rhood...ouch sorry mate...;-((

Wait til the morrow comes, she will show:icon_biggrin:

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2009, 09:25:59 pm »
Robin , do not know which agency you are dealing with , but if stuck Agency 218 will always look after you , regards Ying and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline maxx

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2009, 12:25:34 am »
Hang in there.See what she 's got to say.

Offline Neil

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2009, 01:18:56 am »
What's your plan B?  Good luck man, I know I would be feeling pretty frustrated if I were you.  Also, we're all friends here so the more information we have, the better able we are to help.  Which town are you staying at in China?  If everything goes sideways, maybe someone could suggest an alternative plan B for you.  Anonymity doesn't really help anyone here. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2009, 03:29:03 am »
Yes my friend I can see your problem.  I went to China but soon had to go to plan B, then Plan C then plan  hell- i gave up with the plans, stayed in China and just enjoyed myself for 10 weeks and eventually meet the lady I have been with for the past three months.  

Plans are like rules - they are meant to be broken.

Whatever happens in the next 24 hours enjoy your time here.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Danny

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2009, 06:33:23 am »
That was the thing I feared most, that when I arrived in China, that I would come all that way and I would not even lay eyes on her. But it's not nearly the worst thing that can happen, and life goes on.

Sometimes it really feels like the end of the world. It really feels that way at the time. You feel abandoned and ashamed and disgraced. But it's not that way at all. You have to live the dream. If she fails you, it is not you who have failed. I can remember a line from the one of the characters in a Chinese novel, about the three kingdoms: "better to be betrayed by the whole world, than to betray another". You have acted in good faith. If she has acted in a faithless way, then that is not reflection on you. Maybe she had a good reason for what she has done. Maybe not, but regardless, you know in your heart if you have acted in a good and proper way.

The first time I came to Zhuhai she was about an hour late and I thought what a fool I was. During my second visit to Zhuhai, she explained how nervous she was, and so she spent so much time doing her hair and choosing her clothes and putting on her make-up and that was why she was so late. When she told me this, I wasn't so sure about it. But I remember my own good wife, and the way she would fuss about clothes and appearance, and she could easily spend an hour or two getting ready to go out, so who is to know, maybe it was the truth. I will never know.

The woman I was visiting might have decided not to come at all, like the woman you were visiting. I was fortunate. But in the end, it is best to know as early as possible what someone is like. She has let you know, in a way that is more reliable than anything else she could have told you. Watch what people do, more than what they say.

I am really sorry to hear what happened. There is not much to take consolation from. I suppose when there is the chance of great happiness, there is the corresponding chance of great disappointment. I don't think it is possible to have the one without the other.

Good luck.

If it does not work out, don't sit around in the hotel room like I did. Make yourself get out and have a good time. There will be time to be sad when you get home. A lot of guys have started their trip with a disaster like this and they have bounced back and had a real adventure. So if it doesn't work out, make yourself enjoy the rest of the time. Maybe go to an agency, or just have a blast and get wasted . . . whatever will make you happy.

Good luck and take care!
« Last Edit: November 22, 2009, 06:36:49 am by Danny »


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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2009, 06:50:41 am »
Rhood I am guessing your name is Robin,

If you need to get in touch with the P218 the agency managers name is Kangjian Tang.  I hope things turn around for you real soon.


Chet Sams

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2009, 10:05:34 am »
Oh jims fav hangout agency. Seems to be getting worse with them isnt it.

Chet Sams

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2009, 11:29:52 am »
On both sides of the world.

Offline JimB

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2009, 12:55:58 pm »
Give her the benefit of doubt.  Their work ethic is second to none.  She should have called the hotel to tell you of course and she is probably nervous to meet you and just chickened out the first time.  IF she misses the second time, then I think it would be time to cut bait and head to the agency. Spend a day searching and meeting.  What city are you in? Some of us have friends that would like to meet a good guy.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline Peter

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2009, 01:00:04 pm »
Robin.. DonĀ“t forget the 24 hour rule..
Keep you head cool until tomorrow and if nothing happens get in contact with the other agency in Changsha. They could help you..
Best luck

Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove

Offline rhoodtsao

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2009, 08:48:11 pm »
Well gents sorry about late posting to my sitution here,I could not log in yesterday, no. My plan B doesn't involve jumping out the window, haha let me pick up the story from nov 22. I got an emf from my girl saying that Toni our translator will come and pick me up at my hotel and we're to meet at her school, where she teaches, sire enough Toni show up at 5:30 and we went to her school, man the school was just let out, and some of you know how crowded changsha is,there's a million people on the side walk outside the school, but there she was I pick her out of the crowd before Toni even did, I walk up to her, offer her a single red rose I brought with me and man I'll never forget the surprise look on her face. We exchanges greeting Chinese style, no hugs or kisses, that's cool man no problem, we went to a restaurant named wings, the same restaurant that she had mention in the eariler emf, she was very surprise that I remember that restaurant, I told her I remember everything about what she said. We had a nce dinner there, the girls even told the waiteress not to put too much spice, but still it's heck of spicy. We had a nice conversation having a translator is a big help it's also help that the girls are friends, I feel like I have k ow our translator for a long time also, heck 70plus letters that's a long time right? After that we went back to my hotel, no don't jump the gun here, we had a couple of drinks And talk some more. Ok here's the killer guys, I ask my girl and the translator about the meeting fee, they were very surprise, didn't know what the meeting fee is, I had to explained it to them, they both said there's no fee for that, so I don't know where some of you guy got that outrages meeting fee. The translator cost is 100yuans an hour, or I can hire her for a whole day for 400 yuans. I have to sign a discloseur state ment from love bridge agency, thT said they don't gurantee marriage, I'm on my own as to how much gifts I want to give my girl, yadee yayada blah blah. Ok on to the next day, my girl's day off yipee right? At last night at the hotel lobby she said she'll come by in the afternoon after she finished writing some papers for her class, there I go again assuming that she meant around noon, I really can't sleep any way, I wake up about 6:30 went down stairs to eat brakefast and went back to my room to wait for her to call, waited and waited some more, now I am bore to death, I waited for her to go to lunch, I called her several times no answer, now I am getting inpaitence, waited the whole day, no call or nothing, oh last night I told her I run out of emf credits, so don't write emf, I can't read them anyway, at about 6:30 I went down stairs, where I can get wifi, wrote her an emf after I get more credits I wouln't say nasty letter but it was kind of edgy. I should obey 24 hours but after what I went thru the he'll with it, after that I went to dinner by myself, got back to my room, sure enough message waiting light is flashing. Damn it the message came in 10 minutes after I gave up waiting for her, also there was an emf from her saying she finished writing her paper, and we can meet now, she ask Toni to call me several times, looking for me, I still don't have a Chinese cell phone, must get one, but I finally get my us IPhone to roam here. Man f:;"@up I already send the edgy emf. Anyway I called Toni back Toni came to my hotel to pick me up and we went to a KTV place to hook up with my girl, I was almost to my knees apolozing, and to my surprise she too is almost to her knees apolozing for not being able to meet eariler. Alrighty then we're even on that department, the rest of the night we sing, well they sing mostly, they are very good singers.after a couple of beers i got enough courage to take the mike and belt out a couple of songs, hehe. We had a great time, well i had a great time, I think she did too hopefully. Well after that I found out that the phone number I have of her is no good anymore, she got a new number.
Tuesday here she got a presentation at her school with the head master today, I will go pick her up for dinner at her lunch break.
Excuse the rumbling, I'm typing this on my iPhone with my thumb, can't go back and redifine this post it's too long. Thanks to all the guys for all the encouragement.

Offline Danny

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2009, 04:59:17 am »
Hey, that's a great story.

I'm glad you kept away from the window. I tried not to think about that plan *laughs*

It sounds like you're having a good time, whatever happens, you take back a pile of memories.

It's a bit of a roller coaster ride, but it's a wild one!

Thanks for writing about it. I am really enjoying it. Good luck!

Offline rhoodtsao

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2009, 09:46:57 am »
Well gents, tuesday We , Toni come pick me up at my hotel, and we went to meet Julia at a restaurant near her school for dinner break at dinner we decided to watch 2012 after Julia finished with her class, we then went to the movie later, walk around the shopping center a little bit waiting for the movie to start, at the movie she lay her head down on my shoulder and we hold hands, hehe feel like I was back in high school, movie didn't end until 2 am, after the movie we took a taxi home the girls drop me off at my hotel and they went home. On to the next day, Toni came to pick me up and we went to meet Julia at her school, she got a couple of hours of free time between her class, we then went to a restaurant/ coffee shop talk for a little bit, and Julia ask me do I have any thing to ask her????? I don't know what she meant by that, so all you experts out there, what she meant by that? I ask Toni what she meant by that too when Julia went to bathroom and she doesn't know by that either. Both girls are so. tire from being out so late last night they almost fell asleep, old man has worn them out, haha since they are so tire we just call it a day, maybe I'll drag them out to go clubbing tomorrow.