Author Topic: Mr Anonymous in Changsha  (Read 11397 times)

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2009, 09:51:21 am »
Thanks for the update Mr Rhoodtsao ! 2012 is a bit of a baffling film, but I liked it. I find Chinese women totally baffling at times, so I don't know what she was wanting you to say, maybe she was fishing for an engagement ring!? Have you told her you love her (w? ài n?)? They do want to hear you say that :icon_cheesygrin:!

Offline Danny

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2009, 04:18:02 pm »
Quote from: 'rhoodtsao' pid='23994' dateline='1259160417'

Julia ask me do I have any thing to ask her????? I don't know what she meant by that, so all you experts out there, what she meant by that?

Don't speculate, ask her, not the experts here. When you have some time together, and it's quiet, maybe after dinner, ask her about it, in a light and easy way, say something along the lines that, "you know when we are at the coffee shop, you asked me whether I had a question for you . . . did you mean about the future, or our relationship together?" That's how I would deal with it.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: November 25, 2009, 04:18:23 pm by Danny »

Offline Johnboy

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2009, 08:50:10 pm »

As a relative newbie here, I think that's close to being the most perfect advice I have read on this Forum.  rhoodtsao can speculate until the cows come home about what Julia meant; and members here can speculate for the same length of time with the advice they give him about it.  But he will never truly know the answer to his dillemna until he asks Julia what she meant.    

So, go on rhoodtsao - ask her!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to say nothing.  (Edmund Burke)

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2009, 02:04:24 am »
Robin , do you have an electronic translator with you as you seem to be stuck with a human one , your discussions will never be on a personal level relying on a third person to translate plus the money you have already spent probably would have almost paid for a low end Besta translating machine , regards Ying and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline rhoodtsao

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2009, 08:57:56 am »
Julia is a heck of a busy girl, and this is a slow time for her, my original plan was ro come meet her over Christmas and new year, I have a little more time to stay here, but Julia said she's really busy at that time of the year, so as usual Toni came pick me up after she's done translation at her work, usually about 3 pm, Julia don't want me to be bore by myself, she sends Toni to keeps me company, we have about two hours to kill before Julia get off work. Toni is pretty cool, she speaks very well, ver slight accent, we talk about every thing, oh I forget to mention Toni and I have the same last name, Tsao is not very common, any way as usual we went to pick Julia at school, went to a Korean restaurant, next to that restaurant is a dept. store, one of the advertising on the side of the building said yes I do, I ask Julia to read it for me, and she did, I then said the question was do you love me? Haha I for her there, I'll never forget the lookon her face, turn all pinkish and so embaressed, she hide her face on my chest, we walk around for a little bit after dinner, Julia is so tire from running all day get up at 6am preparing for her class, had a staff meeting and then still have to teach, I didn't have the heart to dragg her to clubing man, the girls then took me back to hotel, then they went home, on the way home on the taxi ride I told Julia I was coming back to this shopping/clubbing area after I have a couple of beer at the hotel, and she ask me why? I told her I'm coming back to watch people, she then pinches me and told me I better not be back here watching women haha I told her I won't have that experience when I get back to America, she still give me that dirty looks, she looks so cute man.
Like I said eariler Toni is cool, she"s almost invincible I can and will say anything infront of her, I don't have a problem with that, I have a language translator with me, but I rather talk to me it's livelier.
Myrtor park is right around from my hotel, I went there a couple of time by myself, Julia has never been there, is she got the time we'll go there, I will also ask her tomorrow what she meant the other day at the coffee shop, tomorrow is the last fullday I have here.


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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2009, 05:12:19 am »
I image the other agency is OK.  Just pray Melody is not your translator. There is proof that others have done very well there.


Offline rhoodtsao

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2009, 07:18:50 am »
Well guys things are going well between Julia and me, I get to hold her hand and put my arm around her, even in public places, I think that's some accomplishment, nothing really exciting, we meet in the morning before work, Toni and I go and pick Julia up for lunch then Julia goes back to work, we then go back and pick her up after work, and we decide what to do after Julia get off work, I don't care what we do as long as I can spend time with Julia I'm a happy boy, tonight I dragged them out to clubbing, afterna couple of beers I started dancing, and I drag Julia with me, we dance for a while, the girls are not really into clubbing or dancing, we stay for a while, some guys are starting to bother the girls, one guy try to put his arm around Toni and she jump out out her seat, I wanted to stay longer but the girls are getting uncomfortable, so we left.
That was supposed to be my last night here. Some of you may know what I am going to do from the other tread, any way I went to Zhuhai the next morning, but I left my heart in Changsha, I try my hardest to have a good time with my friends, but I miss Julia too much, and try to catch next flight back to Changsha, the flight from Zhuhai to Changsha was full damm it. I'm screw, I then ask the travel agent from my hotel, what the next closest airport I can go to catch a flight to Changsha, she check around, found out I can go to guong Zhou which is about two hours by car from zhuhai and catch a flight from there, and I did it, I was going to suprise Julia by not telling her and just show up at her work, but I better not, knowing how busy Julia is, better tell her in advance so she can squez me into her schedule, I called Julia to tell and she's so suprise she thought I was joking, she's really close to me now I guess I show her how much she means to me, well this is it my last night here this time for real, I'm waiting for Julia to get off work to do something. I got some photos of us together, I'll try and post them when I get back.
Jim I don't have any reason to visit your fav agency so I didn't go but I ask a lot of question to Toni, according to Toni, she translate everything the way it was written, some lady calls her on the phone to tells her what to write, some sends her email, the ladys are real, Toni has about 10 ladies that she regulary translate for, so are the other translator, all the ladies have their regular translator, she never block anything out when the guys ask for personal contact, of course she gets pay per letter that she translate, she made 4 yuans per letter, I will continue to use emfs after I get back, I know abot all the online translation, it's all garbage translation for me, I rather have a human translator, but that's me. I have never meet Julia on web cam, even then I was able to pick Julia out of the crowd, according to Toni, it is the lady themself are hestite to meet on the web, and talking on the phone, really come to think of it unless your lady and you can speak a common language, what do you say after ni how! It'll be long silence after that, personal email!!!!!!! Can you really get your message to your woman, using some o line translation?
If you can do all that more power to you. Well it's almost time to go pick Julia up. See you
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 03:07:31 pm by rhoodtsao »


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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2009, 07:44:25 am »
Great update, glad it's working out! Changsha seems to have more than it's fair share of lovely ladies, I think there is something in the air as nearby Yichang was also crammed full of beautiful women :icon_cheesygrin:.

I was so worried about my first Skype session with my lady, yeah, I also thought after "ni hao" what then!!!? But it turned out my lady's English was better than I expected, well they are full of surprises aren't they.

It's worth getting Julia's QQ number, then you can send her messages when you're back home. The Google translations are hard work but when things get tough we just start talking in dancing banana emoticons lol :icon_cool:.


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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2009, 08:16:18 pm »

Try the new and improved Yahoo Messenger Voice option.  It is working very well in more ways than one.



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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2009, 07:15:14 pm »

Well for me the new update means I can do video, audio and type at the same time.  Never could get audio going in China but could talk with mpo Mike in Canada.

I do not know about anyone else's experience with yahoo messenger.   Of course I am not paying much attention to anyone but Peggy these days.


Paul Todd

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #25 on: December 01, 2009, 09:24:53 pm »

When my wife and I first started doing webcam on yahoo we couldn't get the audio to work either, so for some bizarre reason we used yahoo for video and QQ for audio simultaneously! :huh: It took a couple of weeks for her daughter to sort it out,apparently we were using different versions, Don't really know if that was the reason, at the time I was just too nervous to think straight!:-/
Robin, I hope things continue to go well for you both, sounds like your having fun!:icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2009, 10:02:55 pm »

I think that was the problem. I think Peggy had just loaded it up and I had an older version.  It would be interesting to see if I can talk with someone with an older version.

Back to you Robin.


Offline rhoodtsao

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #27 on: December 02, 2009, 02:14:50 am »
[attachment=1102][attachment=1101]About my last day in Changsha, we decided to play badminton, in the morning, I haven’t pick up a racket in a long time, just like sex, once you’ve done it you don’t forget, we played for a couple of hours, man my whole body is sore, on the way back we decided to go look at some condos being built, you can get a 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1000square meters for 447,000 rmbs, go on guys convert it to your currency, we also look at some used condos on the market,  used ones are a little cheaper, but they comes with everything in it all the furnishing, tv, washing machine, all you have to do is bring your clothes and move right in.
Julia didn’t want to go to work since this is my last day here, but I don’t want her to get into trouble at work and get fired, so I dragged her to work, after work I gave the girls choices as to what to do, movie or clubbing, they rather go to movie, so movie it is. We went to watch Mulan, my Chinese is better now,  I saw two movies in Chinese when I was there, Julia is a happy go lucky girl, full of emotion, she laugh so hard at the movie sometime she slap my leg, and she cry when one of the main character die, of course your truly is there to comfort her, hehe.
After the movie we took a taxi back to my hotel, and have to say good bye there, my flight is at 8am, that means I have to leave my hotel at 6, Julia wanted to see me off at the airport but I decided that’s too early for her, since it’s already 1:30 am now, and she still have a whole day of teaching, tears are rolling down Julia’s eyes, so so sad, I promised her I’ll be back as soon as I can, and I will.
I’ve never mention age difference huh? Well I’m 48, Julia is twice as young as me.
I’ll try to attch some photo.
Signing off Rhood.

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2009, 02:24:54 am »
Do you mean 100 square meters? Cause 1000 square meters would be huge (remember 10 square feet = 1 square meters)..

Offline rhoodtsao

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #29 on: December 02, 2009, 02:26:59 am »
haha my bad it's 100.