Author Topic: Mr Anonymous in Changsha  (Read 11399 times)

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Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #30 on: December 02, 2009, 02:31:19 am »
Congrats man. Let me be the first to say that. She is a truly beautiful lady.

Tell her when you call her "wo mei tiang shang ni" (bad phonetic but she'll get the idea). It means I think about you everyday.

Why condo? Do you want to live there? Or are you planning to move back to the US? I'm confused? or is she wanting you to buy her a condo?
« Last Edit: December 02, 2009, 02:32:56 am by RegnisTheGreat »

Offline rhoodtsao

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #31 on: December 02, 2009, 01:48:05 pm »
Thanks Regnis and Jim
I want to go back as soon as I can but I don't have anymore vacation days left, it'll be cool to meet you there, and all the other guys in Changsha and have a big party maybe wedding party, haha,
wo mei tiang shang ni huh? thanks Regnis I'll tell her that next time, as to why condo, I don't know, out of the blue I wanted to go take a look at it, maybe in the back of my mind I wanted to move there someday.


Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #32 on: December 02, 2009, 02:23:11 pm »
Changsha is nice city but I've never been there. I may go next year when I go back to China -- who knows? I may meet some cutie from there. I'm an Chinese-Canadian (born in China but mostly raised here). I speak and understand mandarin but can't read and write.

Offline heckerd

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #33 on: December 02, 2009, 08:06:56 pm »
Don't want to ruin your trip but I would be wary about her intention since he's half your age. She might be just looking for somebody to get her out of the country. I heard enough stories about people marrying someone a lot younger in China and once they got their citizenship  they left the person or found somebody else during their time in your country.

Offline mustfocus

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #34 on: December 02, 2009, 11:20:12 pm »
Quote from: 'RegnisTheGreat' pid='24376' dateline='1259739079'

Congrats man. Let me be the first to say that. She is a truly beautiful lady.

Tell her when you call her "wo mei tiang shang ni" (bad phonetic but she'll get the idea). It means I think about you everyday.

Why condo? Do you want to live there? Or are you planning to move back to the US? I'm confused? or is she wanting you to buy her a condo?

I think that's supposed to be "wo mei tian xiang ni" (?????)

Sorry, just want to make sure that it's correct so there's no confusion.
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Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #35 on: December 02, 2009, 11:32:24 pm »
Close enough. My pingyin isn't that great. I can speak it though. :)

Offline mustfocus

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #36 on: December 03, 2009, 12:32:12 am »
Quote from: 'RegnisTheGreat' pid='24450' dateline='1259814744'

Close enough. My pingyin isn't that great. I can speak it though. :)

Nothing wrong with that.  I speak fluent minnan myself. My only concern is that if you type out improper pinyin (and I've done this myself), you can get a bad translation that could cause a lot of problems.  I'd hope others would correct me if I make a mistake as well. :)
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Offline rhoodtsao

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2009, 02:59:44 pm »
Jim,you're the man, I wish I can stay in Changsha as long as you,
Regnis, Changsha is a beautiful city, I wouldn't be afraid of P216, go for it, if there's some one you're interested in.
Heckerd, I'm aware of that possibility, I did some research about it, it'll take two years for some one to get permanent citizenship after they are married and get over to USA, don't get me wrong, I'm doing it with serious intention, but she can leave anytime she wants after we're married and she gets over here,if we can get to that stage, it's still too early to talk about marriage I just have to do it again.

Offline rhoodtsao

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #38 on: December 04, 2009, 03:58:50 pm »
you're right, every body should have a plan B, when they visit their woman for the first time, I was very disappointed about the first night I got there, but things turn out very well, I would not have sat there feeling sorry for myself, people in Changsha are very friendly, I made some friends with hotel staff, I got their phone numbers, they offer to take me around Changsha, some of them speak a little english, I think they want to pratice their english, it's ok I want to pratice my chinese too. I didn't have time to go out with them though. I would love to meet up with you in Changsha in the future too, looks like the earliest I could go back will be march/april.

Offline Peter

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #39 on: December 04, 2009, 06:02:11 pm »
Robin... If you are thinking of buying something in Changsha it is the right time now.. The prices are going up and the apartment are just getting more and more expensive..
Me and my wife just bought an apartment almost in the center of Changsha, 10 minutes cab ride from the  pedestrian street in the center.. The price was about 4000 yuan per square meter when we bought it in August.. now it is 5700 yuan pr square meter in December.. The price will go up and down but I know that we will get out money back when we use the apartment in an exchange to another apartment.. It is a way to invest our money for the future, 6 years from now...
I think you will agree with me that Changsha is a great city and the Ladies are just great.. I can only refer to my wife and her friends..
I guess we will have a reunion in the future for all he people that in some way are connected to Changsha.. I know a great pub to have a beer or two.. I think Martin will also be there ...

« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 06:03:33 pm by Peter »
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove

Offline rhoodtsao

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #40 on: December 06, 2009, 02:08:18 pm »
Hi Peter
Congrats to you and your wife on getting an apartment, we are still in very early stage of our relationship, barely pass the getting to know each other stage, still haven't meet mama and getting her approval yet, if we end up getting marry, we'll probably buy and apartment in Changsha. If you don't mind I like to ask you a few question about how the process of buying an apartment go in Changsha, how did you put down payment? Did you transfer $$ to your wife account? Did you bring a suit case full of cash? Did you open a bank account in China first? How did you guys obtain a loan? Did you guys even need to obtain a loan, or did you guys bought it with straight out cash? Yes let's have a reunion of sort party in Changsha, it'll be fun, thanks.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2009, 02:10:00 pm by rhoodtsao »


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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #41 on: December 11, 2009, 04:40:33 pm »
as of right now someone not from china cannot buy a house here so you will
have to buy it in your wifes name. although when i was nosing around at the
PSB building Guangzhou will soon implement foriegners can buy a house in
Guangzhou as long as they use it for their own residence and not rent it out.
thats good news for us as soon it will be all of china were you can do this


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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #42 on: December 11, 2009, 07:43:37 pm »
so bottom line, how much in usd is 4000 yaun? and how much in usd did your apartment cost?

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #43 on: December 11, 2009, 08:43:46 pm »
4000rmb would be about 400 Euro or 560 USD
Go deep or don't go

Offline Peter

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RE: Mr Anonymous in Changsha
« Reply #44 on: December 12, 2009, 12:59:18 pm »
We have bought it but it is in my wife's name even if I would be registered as living there in the future. We used some of my wife's savings and also got a loan in Bank of China. The apartment cost us about 3 000 yuan per month in loans and maintenance fee. We will rent it out in the future so hopefully it will pay for itself when we are in Sweden.
Funny thing is that when we bought it there was noting in it.. We had to buy wallpapers, floor and so on. This is something I am not used to in Sweden.. The only thing is the phone on the wall and the contact and switches
« Last Edit: December 12, 2009, 01:02:50 pm by Peter »
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove