Author Topic: Maybe it was too good to be true after all...  (Read 10158 times)

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RE: Maybe it was too good to be true after all...
« Reply #60 on: December 12, 2009, 04:48:38 am »
Shaun when you arrive look us up here in guangzhou


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RE: Maybe it was too good to be true after all...
« Reply #61 on: December 12, 2009, 07:54:47 am »
Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='25284' dateline='1260611318'

Shaun when you arrive look us up here in guangzhou


I will contact you when I have the time firmed up.

You are on my list of people to see. First one is Peggy of course. :icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Maybe it was too good to be true after all...
« Reply #62 on: December 12, 2009, 08:23:57 am »
Quote from: 'Hans' pid='25051' dateline='1260385960'

Unless something happens very suddenly once again, I will be making my trip to Zhanjiang on December 27 according to plan.


I think you're doing the right thing. If your air tickets are non-refundable, then it would seem to be a crying shame to throw all this money away. Once you have paid for the tickets, it is possible to do everything else (accommodation, eating, getting around, etc) very cheaply.

In my humble opinion, I think there is no way of knowing whether it's going to work out. Some things suggest it's going to work out, and other things, suggest that there are a real problems in the relationship.

So I think what you're doing is best. You go, looking forward to seeing her and spending some time with her. If it works out, great. But if not, then you just need to flow along with that too.

Have a think about what you might do if it doesn't work out.

When I heard someone here suggest that it is worthwhile thinking through what you're going to do if it doesn't work out, I thought to myself that this sounded really cold and heartless. So the first time I went to China, I had given no thought at all to the possibility of it not working out. When it didn't work out I remember lying in my hotel room in the dark for a few days in Macau, during the Chinese New Year Festival. God they were a hard few days. It seems like the end of the world at the time, but it isn't, and life goes on, and you're sadder but wiser.


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RE: Maybe it was too good to be true after all...
« Reply #63 on: December 12, 2009, 11:48:48 am »
Yes, Danny, it's probably a good idea to have a back up plan. And I will. Life offers no guarantees. The flight tickets are refundable since I bought them with my VISA card. But right now I have a much better feeling than I had before I had the serious conversation with my lady. I've decided to go for it. I have MSN contact with a girl in Guangzhou (just friendly contact, I'm not interested in her in any other way) and we've talked about meeting if I have time. I'll call her if it comes to that. I'd much rather stay in a big city like Guangzhou than in Zhanjiang if it doesn't work out between me and my lady.

I can understand what it must have been like for you during those days at the hotel. Not a happy experience. But I also know that we take our experiences with us and learn from them. Bad experiences are experiences too.


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RE: Maybe it was too good to be true after all...
« Reply #64 on: December 13, 2009, 04:55:52 am »
looking forward to it see when you get here

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RE: Maybe it was too good to be true after all...
« Reply #65 on: December 16, 2009, 05:05:43 pm »
First off brother she is proud to be with you, or she wouldnt have ask you to join her. And if say you were the Best man at your best friends wedding you would'nt want to miss it. And you would be proud as hell to have her with you. One thing I have learned about these women expect the unexpected, you gotta be flexible. And I would think the fact that you will change you plans to accommidate her need, You will be her hero.
And also a big Chinese wedding sounds like it would be very cool. But then I like soaking up all I can when I go to a place I have never been.
Jimmy Henson

Offline jeffm

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RE: Maybe it was too good to be true after all...
« Reply #66 on: December 16, 2009, 07:55:05 pm »
Quote from: 'Jimmy' pid='25682' dateline='1261001143'

First off brother she is proud to be with you, or she wouldnt have ask you to join her. And if say you were the Best man at your best friends wedding you would'nt want to miss it. And you would be proud as hell to have her with you. One thing I have learned about these women expect the unexpected, you gotta be flexible. And I would think the fact that you will change you plans to accommidate her need, You will be her hero.
And also a big Chinese wedding sounds like it would be very cool. But then I like soaking up all I can when I go to a place I have never been.

I will second that
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