Author Topic: On Defence of EMF,s  (Read 1786 times)

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Offline Rhonald

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On Defence of EMF,s
« on: November 25, 2009, 11:34:38 pm »
I thought with this title of my thread to share a thought I had. Of course it is easy for me to have this stance since I was, like Brian, one of the fortunate ones. My journey was also contrare to the stated wisdom on this site. I agree with most of the advice found in the Rules...take 2 thread. I wrote for almost 6 months before ever meeting Yan in person. Except for half a dozen personel emails exchanging some music files and a few brief paragraph messages, I stayed exclusively on EMF's

I get to most days now see my wife on Webcam and I love this moderen technology. But I have to also admit that part of me misses the old days of sitting down and seriously thinking on how I would craft the "today's letter" to her. It was tough to everday be creative but every now and then I had a creative spark. This letter I wrote about a month after my 1st one to her. Except for one other cupid note, I never wrote to anyone else. I never pushed to have a more direct contact, and she only willingly gave me her phone number the day before I left for my 1st trip to China last December.

I was inspired because writting to her was my medicine. I was going through my divorce and having found out that my ex-wife had not only been cheating on me for maybe the last 3 years, but it was also with my best friend, well I hate to think that if my trip had fallen on misfortune how I would have reacted.

It was only one month later that a co-worker around my age with a wife and child had gone and hanged himself, that I reflected that only a year before I had had the same dark clouds engulfing me.

I have had many brother praise my writing so I choose this EMF to show how I am still sitting on the fence.

I hope your are grabbed by my prehensile Tale.........(please someone get my Pun since I had to explain it twice to my co-workers)
My Dear Lily,

For almost a year my soul and my spirit had been trapped upon a nameless ship with a damaged rudder. I could not control the direction of my boat. Many storms threatened to sink her and strong emotional winds pushed the craft into unknown waters were hazardous rocks threatened to rip its hull apart. Fatigued and battered, and near desperation, my ship finally came to rest on a distant shore.

My starving spirit needed nourishment if it was to survive, so I bravely ventured forth to see what I could find. Many beautiful creatures came into view. I was spellbound by their exotic features. I was indeed in a different land. Up on a hill overlooking the bay I spied a beautiful violet lily gently dancing in the breeze. I smiled and felt my strength returning. I climbed the hill to get a better view of such a remarkable flower, and as I approached, the violet flower blossomed into a lovely woman. She smiled at me and I felt my cold harden heart soften and warm to her charms. I was indeed in the presence of a wonder.

She spoke to me, but I could not understand her words. Suddenly a lovely moonlit parchment appeared in her hands. Strange symbols were drawn upon its surface. She rolled the parchment, and when she unrolled it, the symbols had changed into words that I could read. I nodded in understanding. A majestic peacock walked by, and she plucked a colourful plume from its tail. Handing me this feathered quill, she pointed at the parchment. I proceeded to write upon its surface a message to this woman. When done, she once again rolled up the paper, and when she unrolled it, my words had changed to those strange characters I saw displayed before. While scanning the characters, she smiled and I knew she understood me.

Through this magical means, we communicated to each other. She understood my needs, and carefully she nursed me back to health. With my spirit restored, she helped me gather the materials needed to repair my ship. With the boat's rudder repaired, I could now proceed on my way knowing that finally I was the captain of my ship. With control of the helm, I could steer safely around any future hazards. Now I could change direction to avoid any approaching storm.

With my boat fully stocked with food and cargo, I set sail to return home from the sea whence I came. I promised to one day to return to repay her for her kindness. With my ship heading into a glorious sunrise, I turned and waved goodbye. I suddenly realized I didn't even know her name. I yelled my question to her departing form. She clapped her hands and a giant boom filled the air. A bolt of lightning struck the prow of the boat. A magical blue flame danced momentarily upon the figurehead. I raced up to the bow to see its result. The figurehead had been altered and now resembled that beautiful maiden. And alongside the elegant bust was carved the word YAN.  Now I know the name of the angel that guides and protects my boat and my soul.

I hope you enjoy our story that I transposed to a different time and era. You inspire the bard in me. I hope the translation agency does not have problems with my word selection, since I used a variety of older terms. It would be interesting to see how the above story gets translated to see if any hidden meanings are lost. Maybe one day if my Mandarin is strong enough, I will be able to read the story from your point of view. So I apologies to the agency if I give them undue difficulties. And please accept my thanks and my attempt at hinting at the company's name in my story.

I just found out today that your sister's name Weiwei means little sister, and that Wei means pretty. Also for your knowledge, I included my last name in my story. My dutch name translated into English means ' from the sea'. My zodiac sign is pisces - the fish. I wonder if when I go to Shenzhen, that I should fly into Hong Kong, and then take the ferry to Shenzhen, so that I can come from the sea ; )

My story is my gift for your last letter. You were not bold with your suggestion, you expressed the same thoughts that I have. Yes when I arrive, it would be to make you my bride. Until we meet, we won't know for sure but I am also filled with great confidence that you are the one to complete me.

I wanted to send you a special message since I know tomorrow the agency is closed. Also, until I can write again to you, be happy, because you have made me happy : )

With Love,
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances


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RE: On Defence of EMF,s
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2009, 12:28:45 am »

You have mastered the craft of writing in a most wonderful way.  I am absolutely amazed at the ability you have to allow a story to come out of the depth of your soul, weave it together with Yans and yours life experience and it lands on the paper, or the monitor as it is, with such apparent ease. I know it took years but even after the investment of years hours to craft such a tale. In the humble but eloquent words of an actor whose name I do not remember, nor the name of the movie, he said, "I stand here beside myself."  Ron you should turn pro because you have the gift.

You are not only an excellent wordsmith but a master weaver too.

Thank you for sharing,


Offline David E

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RE: On Defence of EMF,s
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2009, 03:40:18 am »
Your prehensile tale slithered around my neck like a friendly serpent and grabbed me gently while I read your EMF....:):):)

After reading it.....I will go back to washing dishes, my prehensile pretentions to be a modest scribe just went down the toilet !!!!!



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RE: On Defence of EMF,s
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2009, 05:08:41 am »
Yes I still send my lady EMFs sometimes as I love the care and attention that goes into writing each one. I've also failed miserably in talking about important stuff on QQ.

I'm not sure how a translator would cope with the ship letter though, that would be an epic undertaking to translate that into good Chinese :icon_cheesygrin:.

Offline victor-hills

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RE: On Defence of EMF,s
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2009, 07:19:03 am »
Wow ron you sure have a way with words mate i would give my right arm to put how i feel into words like you do.
Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.

Offline Rhonald

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RE: On Defence of EMF,s
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2009, 12:42:34 am »
Shaun thanks for your compliments, likewise I appreciate your words of encouragment. You have sharred on your thread - and as I have said before - WOW you made my heart beat with excitment at your challenge and dilemma.

Mr Derriere Grandes you have posted words of caution and wisdom. I totaly agree that it is not always about the "me" but about the "her" as well.

David I once before emailed you on how I enjoyed your postings. I am glad that you remained on this site to enrich it with your wise council.

Brett yes your remark has got to the point of why I also liked EMF's. I sometimes wish my wife had an active profile just for my chance to surprise her with another romantic story. But I guess I will suffer no pens and needles when viewing her on webcam.

Victor I have always noticed how you are quick with your compliments. Very encouraging that you are supportive with positive feedback

I remembered this morning after reading the compliments that I did have a strategy when writing my EMF's.

A couple of years ago I read a book by Robert Greene entitled "The 48 Laws of Power". I enjoyed it so much that I read another book of his "The 33 Strategies of war". After this book and at the beginning of my EMF writing campaign I searched for and read his other book "The Art of Seduction". This book gave me an insight on the ways to seduce and I used some hints in my writings.

Make no mistake, I also had doubts and wondered if I was writing to a real person. At the time we did not have this form. That would be later with the birth of Grand Master Martin's idea. I googled Chnlove scam and other search parameters but at that time only came across two warrnings about the site. So I took the plunge.

My writing was based on the premise that if I was being scammed, then dam them that if any of the scammers was a woman, I would write so elequently and romanticly that she would, maybe by chance, wonder that she had missed a chance at True Love. They would have had my money; something that could be replaced. But the dream I had painted upon parchment would for ever ellude them like a midsummer dream.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 12:44:06 am by Rhonald »
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances