Author Topic: insecurities  (Read 4833 times)

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Offline David E

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RE: insecurities
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2009, 03:35:09 am »
The problem I've got is that I dont think I could EVER talk about love to a woman I have never met........dont seem right to me !!

Maybe that's where I'm going wrong ?? :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


ps'll get no arguement from me...I am sure most women prefer a Man of confidence....but sometimes its a fine line between confidence and arrogance :):)

Vince G

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RE: insecurities
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2009, 08:31:00 am »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='24047' dateline='1259224509'

sometimes its a fine line between confidence and arrogance

I think I am both? :icon_cool:

Offline maxx

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RE: insecurities
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2009, 10:52:11 pm »
Danny it's worth alot to me.It means I'm doing the right thing.


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RE: insecurities
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2009, 12:23:24 am »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='24102' dateline='1259293931'

Danny it's worth alot to me.It means I'm doing the right thing.

So o great wise one when will you start your thread giving us the rules for this?


Offline maxx

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RE: insecurities
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2009, 01:22:15 am »
I didn't know there was enough material to start a thread on this.I would just be going over things that you guys probably allready know.My only suggestion is to really apply it.And like BB said.Be confident about it.Don't be arrogant about it just be confident in yourself and what you want.It will get the message across to the lady.If your not connfident in yourself the lady will know it.Then she will not beleave in you.

Confidence and the right attitude when you start this little journey will get you farther down the rd.Then all the Emf and web chats,and phone calls.Could ever even begin to do.

Somebody once told me that you can bluff your way threw most anything.And that is true.Except for a Chinese woman.They are very inntuitive.And about 3 steps a head of everybody else Ive ever met.There is exeptions to the rule of course.I have met a couple of Chinese women who were just giggly girls.But they are few and far in between.So theese ladies can smell your hesitation your fear.So if you don't beleave in yourself.How are they going to beleave in you?

Something else I was going to add about the confidence thing.You guys need to watch Nik's wedding video.Pay close attention to Nik this time.Quit stareing at his wife.Nik has no idea what the hell is going on.He is wondering around like a lost puppy.But watch Nik when he is talking to somebody.or when he is passing out the ciggerrettes.He is looking the other guests in the eye.Nik has got his head up.He doesn't look like a whipped pup.Nik has good body laungage going on.It shows the guests and his wife and her family.That he has got it under control.It shows confidence.It does translate real well.

Rhonlads letters. We all know Rhonald can write like Hemmingway and  Stienbeck.Why Rhonald is not a published auther  is beyond me.He used the letters to start this.Then he went to China.And showed his wife what he was all about.If he had ben faking this.His wife would of caught on quick.

Everybody knows Robs story.Lost the girl.Went to China fell in love.How much confidence in one self.Does it take to go to a foreign country.By yourself.You don't speak the laungage real good.And if you get in trouble.You are not 100% sure that the guy who told you to contact him if you got in trouble would really help you.

WHen Rob made his little journey.He was stinking in self confidence.Anny picked up on it right away.He may of looked like a frightend pup.But he was there there was no girl on his arm.And Anny could see that.And obuuvisly she liked what she saw they are engaged to be married.

So allot of this comes down to confidence what you project.How you handel yourself if it goes bad on you.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 02:19:54 am by maxx »

Offline Danny

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RE: insecurities
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2009, 05:25:55 am »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='24102' dateline='1259293931'

Danny it's worth alot to me.It means I'm doing the right thing.

I was just pulling your leg, as though their good opinions didn't count for much. It's a really good post. But you need some cheek from time to time *laughs*