Author Topic: Re: Watch out.  (Read 9933 times)

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Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Watch out.
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2009, 01:08:18 am »
Bummer reading all of the negative stuff lately about the scams being uncovered! I received a great letter from a lady this morning and was all excited. Then I woke up a little more and realized that it was probably too good to be true, or at least heavily embellished by the translator. Contacted customer support for a review of the translator and agency. I sent a nice reply to the letter anyway, but asked for the full range of personal contact info. I also added a note to the translator expressing appreciation for his efforts, but requesting that he not embellish any letters. I'll see how it goes. I can let this simmer for a spell before I consider it a scam, it's an interesting ride and I'm getting the rust off my emotions either way - opening more to the experience I want to ultimately share with a Chinese woman. But I'm beginning to think Shark has the right idea. Just go there and find a match. Hope I can pull that off.

Offline victor-hills

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Re: Watch out.
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2009, 01:33:16 am »
Mike i know what your saying mate but you have to remember you get good and bad no matter were eaver you are and eavrey woman is diffrent in the way they talk to you,with my ex g/f she was veary shy at first would not open up to me but after a bit of time she found she could trust me she neaver hold anything back,but with your young lady she my be more confordent as i say no women is the same,lets face it if we took note of eavey thing that go,s on in this world we neaver leave the house for fear of getting hurt,and the other thing is if you dont give some thing a go you neaver find out what could be just my pennys worth mike.
Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.

Offline Neil

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Re: Watch out.
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2009, 03:43:01 am »
Quote from: "victor-hills"
lets face it if we took note of eavey thing that go,s on in this world we neaver leave the house for fear of getting hurt,and the other thing is if you dont give some thing a go you neaver find out what could be just my pennys worth mike.

I like what you're saying there Victor.  This is important stuff, finding the scammers and sorting them out from the real thing.  But once you've settled on one girl and you're pretty sure she's real, you've got to have some faith and trust.  There was times for me when I had some doubts.  We all have.  Reading all these negative stories can really bring you down and makes you start to think it's not real.  I know my girl's real and she's the one.  It was awesome writing to her when I wasn't sure, now it's even better.  Even the girls that are real aren't above throwing a curve ball just to see how you react.  All I'm saying is don't drop the ball.   ;) irresistible as chocolate


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Re: Watch out.
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2009, 07:59:51 am »
Mike ... you did the right thing by asking the translator not to embellish the letters. As others have mentioned, their first few letters had lots of 'flattery'. As soon as you ask specific questions about her life, family, work, hobbies, city, friends, etc etc ... there'll be more 'substances' in the letters. Depending on her responses, you can then determine if she's for real.

For each scammer, there's a honest lady. Unfortuately, it's a time & numbers process. I went through 12 to find my current one. Of the 12, many were honest ... but no chemistry.


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Re: Watch out.
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2009, 09:53:38 am »
To all that are in daught , my two Sister's are for real and are the most beautiful on the inside as their are outside . One is 41 and the other is 49 . Love these Women , even Qing my Wife likes them like her own Sister's . Anybody interested , let me know .

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Watch out.
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2009, 01:21:14 pm »
Arnold, 41 is the age I am looking for. If you think your sister could go for a frog, please let me know how I could contact her.  :lol:  Or better yet, we could talk and you could get to know me before you divulge any info. I wouldn't make any contact before I determine if my present lady is real, or not. I should  have that issue resolved within a day or two, I hope.

Victor, and everyone else who lends support here, thanks for the words of encouragement and support. For those of us who are sincere in our efforts here, and who have gone through disappointment in past relationships at home, bumping into scammers abroad is an unfortunate road bump - but one that we should expect. We just can't let it lessen our determination, or our optimism. It sure does hurt though - going from a great high to a miserable low in an instant can knock the wind out of you. But as that great philosopher, Rocky Balboa once said about the measure of a man, "It's not how hard you get hit, it's how hard you can get hit and still get back up." My words of wisdom for the day.

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Watch out.
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2009, 06:59:28 pm »
I like Chnlove's new policy, any women posting after March 10 have to have a vreified cell number. At least it should be easier for them to check on potential scams, if that is why they set that policy. Unfortunately, my lady beat that deadline by 10 days or so, so I'm still waiting to find out if she's real.


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Re: Watch out.
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2009, 09:35:00 am »
Quote from: "Mike Moore"
Arnold, 41 is the age I am looking for. If you think your sister could go for a frog, please let me know how I could contact her.  :lol:  Or better yet, we could talk and you could get to know me before you divulge any info. I wouldn't make any contact before I determine if my present lady is real, or not. I should  have that issue resolved within a day or two, I hope.

Sounds good Mike , let me know when you ready . The 41 year old is from Baoding and I do know our translator personally by E-Mail and by Phone . Almost got to meet him , but he was out of town ( Beijing ) when I was there in Feb. He got back the same day I left back to SH .

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Watch out.
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2009, 04:05:12 pm »
Arnold, Thank you very much! I hope to be able to have some personal contact with you some time so we can get to know each other. This sounds like a much less scary proposition than going in cold through the EMF process, given my resent experience. Thanks again!


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Re: Watch out.
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2009, 11:18:47 pm »
Mike , when you need to get in contact with me , just give my a note in my inbox at the old forum and I will give you my E-Mail or Phone . This way it's private and between us . Well , anyway the one you have now , sounds like a winner already , so not to take away from her . Either way , hope it will be as easy for you as possible to find your Soul-mate .

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Watch out.
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2009, 11:29:46 pm »
Arnold, Unfortunately I think the lady I was writing was a scam. I should know more in the morning, but it isn't looking real good now. This process can take you up quick, then dash your hopes just as fast. I feel like I've been put through a ringer. So I'll gather myself, dust off and take it slow.