Author Topic: Beihai Report  (Read 9054 times)

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Offline Longhair1959

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Beihai Report
« on: December 05, 2009, 03:51:25 am »
Hello guys, i have been in Beihai now sence Tuesday, yea, yea i know i am just now getting around to writing a little here. What can i say there is someone here that needed much more attention than writing the past few days, i think all of you can understand that, heck it was hard enough just to pull myself away from wife while she lay sleeping right now. Yes, you all heard me right i said my wife, the third day here and we made it all final, that is what i came here for and what Juan wanted too. it is hard to explain unless you have lived and gone through the same feelings as we have. From the begining somehow we knew we were made for each other, as Juan always said it was our destiny to find each other and we did, we both joined with in days of each other last year in october and conected through a short cupid note and now here we are happy as can be and can't stay apart for long, the sad part is and i don't think about it but the day i must go back to the US, but we still have two wonderful we to spend with each other.
Here are a few pictures that we have taken, i must say i am pissed at my Cannon EOS right now it keeps giving me an error 99 reading when taking a picture so i will be buy another less expencive one here.

Sorry guys that all for now my little angel is still sleeping so i must get back to her, Juan is god sent what more can i say.

Untill later,
« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 09:03:52 am by Longhair1959 »


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RE: Beihai Report
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2009, 04:39:53 am »
Thanks for the update and I can't wait for the photos. I have an EOS and sometimes get Err 99's - have you got non Canon lenses? I think that's was the cause of mine, unless it's the memory card error, or the lens not being mounted securely.

Offline Longhair1959

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RE: Beihai Report
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2009, 09:17:34 am »
Brett, thanks for the hint on the memory card i will try getting a new one, ya know it just burns the ole ass when things don't go as they should, all that money on a fine camera and it might be the two bit card causing all the problems. The lenses i have are cannon so i don't think that is the problem. Added a few pic's to the post we will be getting out again tomarrow going to the beach and aquarium so i should have some more pictures soon.

Well we finally got up this evening to go and eat dinner and got a great big laugh, we were half way through the meal when Juan looked at me and signeled with her hand "money" i wasn't really woried about it until she found out it was 300 yuan more than we both had together. So we kept eating and laughing about it and had to get one of the waiters to walk with us after we finished to an ATM so we could pay the whole bill, now where in the good ole US would you get this kind of service, no where, I must say the longer i am here in Beihai the more i love it. Hope everyone got a laugh out of that story, don't mind telling on myself some of the time.

Take care,

Vince G

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RE: Beihai Report
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2009, 09:24:05 am »
Another one bites the dust... Congrats! to you both

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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RE: Beihai Report
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2009, 12:09:30 pm »
Congratulations to the 2 of you , another happy couple , regards Ying and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline JimB

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RE: Beihai Report
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2009, 05:36:20 pm »
Great news.  Congrats.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Paul Todd

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RE: Beihai Report
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2009, 10:17:56 pm »
So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole world.
Best of luck to the both of you for the future. :icon_cheesygrin:

Ming Zhi,Paul

Offline Longhair1959

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RE: Beihai Report
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2009, 09:56:14 pm »
Hey guys back for another report.

Scott first, the picture is with our translator in the back ground bu was take asi was sitting behind the computer as Juan and Candy our translater enter our hotel room. As for the agency we have not been there together yet but all our dealings with Candy and all of her help has been more than appreciated, if the agency as a whole is anything like Candy then i will have to give them five stars.

The weather here is just wonderful to me, of cource they all run around in jackets at night time and i am still in a short sleeves, so far i would have to compair the weather here like the summer time in Hermosa beach California, i just finished up a job there before making the trip, 60's at night 70's maybe an 80 or two every so offetn. Now i see why everybody lives along the beach in California, you can't beat the cool Pacific breeze.

Thanks everyone for all the coments, yes to me she is wonderful i couldn't be happier right now. Well yesterday we went to the aquarium and the to silver beach. of cource it is not the time to be in the water so we did not but Juan wanted me to see the beach and to some suprice there were plenty of people out and a few in the water. We left there and ventured off some where else, i don't know, i think she was trying to find something or some place to show me, she eventually gave up and we headed to the stores to by a batterie for my broke down Canon Rebel EOS XS, yes i did, i put the whole model in here. Well they did no good to fix the problem of error 99, so after purchasing a new card trying a new batterie and even going by a camera shop to let some guy look at it and want to charge 400 dollors to fix it, that didn't happen, i don't know what my little angel told him but i'm shure it was not nice, she rambled on about it as we left the store, i couldn't help but say to her "wo bu mingbai" well we both got a good laugh from that and moved on.

A couple of days ago we as allways went out to eat, awe the seafood here is awsome, we meet up with her best friend. now i owe everything to this best friend, you see guy this friend is the reason that Juan signed up onto Chnlove, god bless her. After dinner we all left and we went for a walk and bought some fruits, well from the visit with friends the night before i was sure we were going to visit more, we went to her friends parents house to meet them and had a good time.

After leaving her friends we caught a taxi and were headed back to our room i thought but i was wrong again. We turned up into a small drive and went for another walk between some homes and apartments , i kind of figured this time where we were going as it was getting late and Juan always goes home to change clothes and all before coming back to the room. Well i was right we went her house where her mother and her cousin all live, well i guess you want to know. Mom was all one big smile when she saw Juan bringing me inside, her mother was very excited and with such a warm welcome i take it i am accepted, i have been for some time now as i was told by Juan. Sometime soon we will have a nice formal dinner with all of her family i think this Sunday.

Okay that's all for now guys i will try to attach some new pictures i managed to take, buying a new camera today.

Later, Ken

Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: Beihai Report
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2009, 11:01:17 pm »
Congrats Man. She's a keeper. Put a ring on her before she gets away :)

Offline zook144

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RE: Beihai Report
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2009, 10:11:57 am »
Great photos! She is a lovely lady. From your t-shirt, I take it you are a Harley man?
The Journey Is The Destination

Offline JimB

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RE: Beihai Report
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2009, 04:39:03 pm »
I am glad all is going well.  The guy at the camera store saw a foreigner and saw dollar signs. Was that $400 US or rmb though?
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Vince G

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RE: Beihai Report
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2009, 04:59:16 pm »
Not to go off topic but I had a Sony digital that went bad. The camera cost I think like $170. Just to look at it they wanted $350. plus the repair? Bought a new and much better camera. And NOT a Sony. :icon_razz:


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RE: Beihai Report
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2009, 06:27:01 pm »
he is probably busy with his lady to post here
 will probably give an update when he leaves

Offline Ed W

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RE: Beihai Report
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2009, 06:32:55 pm »
A late congratulations Ken. Dont feel bad marrying on the third day. I married only 4 hrs from getting off the plane. haha.

I hope your trip is filled with soooo many find memories that drive you to return again and again, as mine was.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

Offline Longhair1959

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RE: Beihai Report
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2009, 08:14:47 am »
Hey everyone thanks again for all the comments, yep just been busy enjoying the time with each other and seeing places.

Jimb, I can tell ya when I get the camera back from Cannon it will be sold.

Zook144 yes I am, I ride a 2003 anniversary edition heritage softail classic.

Well just got back from enjoying dinner with twelve of my new family members, I must say I felt very comfortable, warm and very accepted by them all, especially mother, it is the second time this visit we have met with this time as warm as the the first.

As you all have figured by now I have just been too busy with enjoying spending as much time with my wife as possible. She still has to spend half the day running her business or things won't get done as they need to and I understand this and enjoy all the rest I am getting.

Unfortunately I must fly back to the states this Thursday morning, we both try not to discuss this but at the same time we both know the time has gotten much closer, yes guys I am sure there will be some tears shed and no I am not ashamed to say so, besides that love being expressed by the two of us.

Anyway I will post a few new pictures for all to enjoy, I know I have enjoyed my first of many trips to Beihai; I have family here now that has to be visited as well. The last thing to do before I leave is getting Juan's visa papers started, tomorrow will be spent doing just that.

Guy's for the ones who have made their trips and found their love and gotten married or are making the plans, you all can understand, there is no love in this world like the love from a lady from China. Now for those still looking or are not quite sure yet, all I can say is if you’re looking for true unconditional love then China is the place just dive right in guy's it will all be just fine.

Take care for now, Ken
 P. S. Could not get pictures uploaded right now will try again later.