Author Topic: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!  (Read 22430 times)

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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2009, 05:10:54 pm »
David E.   Wow!  Am glad to hear of the news.  Just back from my trip and will post a summary next week.  The questions from the family are very direct and very demanding.  I thought of it as a job interview where you can be ready for the questions, you just can not give insincere answers.  My adivce to you is "forget the rules" and "discover your heart".  Am in the 40% group with a return already scheduled for may.  Have fun because we all know that big iceberg is going to take Australia off the map anyway but you will be safe in very lovely arms in China.  


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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #31 on: December 11, 2009, 04:55:06 pm »
as they say   "one closed door opens another" seems
  seems like that happens a lot here and with good results

Offline David E

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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #32 on: December 15, 2009, 08:01:36 pm »
Quote from: 'Danny' pid='25132' dateline='1260473637'

Quote from: 'David E' pid='25054' dateline='1260391884'

No probs Danny....I'd better fill in the blank bits about the Surgeon.
When she realised that it would mean a complete re-qualification process before she could do Plastic Surgery work in Aus....8 years !!, she decided it would be best if I came to China to live.

I dont want to live in China, I never even suggested that this was an option all through the relationship. Maybe that is a selfish view of the future on my part, but I never said or even hinted that it would be an option.

From that point of "learning", it went slowly downhill for both of us.

"not with a bang...but a whimper " !!!



Thanks for the update on this.

It is sometimes good to compare one's experience with another.

When I was my dear woman in Zhuhai she told me that I was a good man and that she loved me dearly, but there were many reasons why she could not come with me to live in Australia. Part of it was that she would have had to leave her twelve year son behind and the other part was having her medical qualifications recognised.

I can remember when she told me this. I didn't even attempt to persuade her. There are ways of persuading people, to make them do what they do not wish to do. But I did not have the heart to do this. I saw that all the reasons she had for not going were good ones. It is a big risk to throw up everything she had, for life with me. It is something she had to decide for herself.

The one thing I think about in this relationship, setting aside a few small misunderstandings, I always treated her as well as I was able: with love and honour and respect. I think back fondly of her and will always wonder how life might have been with her.

I sometimes wondered, after my dear woman in Zhuhai left me back in September, whether you had had any more success. I thought to myself that David E has probably worked this all out and he is probably in her arms at this moment. If it wasn't for my own stupidity I could have persuaded her somehow.

Well between the two of us we didn't manage it.

I think there is something to be said (if one is ever in the position of having to start again, from scratch) for choosing someone who has a dream to emigrate, for whatever reason. Without this strong desire to go, it is hard for people who are successful and happy to take that jump.

Best luck for your new relationship!



It seems we both came to the same "persuade" someone to do something that they are not comfortable is a dangerous play. Reality must eventually bite and one or the other is going to be disadvantaged...not what I want for my future relationship...and you either.

By now you are in the arms of your lady, so you are well ahead of me....but I'll get there soon !!!!...I am sure you can look forward to a wonderful Xmas and New Year. is an update on the David/Ming story, although I have nothing dramatic or earth-shattering to report :icon_cheesygrin:

We continue to QQ every day, from somewhere between 2 and 3 hours.

Never once has she been late, and even when she comes home late from work and is tired, she still is as happy and cheerful as ever. We talk about everything under the sun now, I am very impressed as to how quickly she develops better English. I am sure that it is the situation of trust, familiarity and comfort with me and my words that enable her to learn quickly and to begin to remember many words from her school days.

Big Sister pops up from time to time and says hello, but Ming is rapidly overtaking her in the English department !! Funny, whenever Sis comes on the chat, she always has some deep and meaningful question......about my work, about my divorce, about my financial situation. It seems that there is a small conspiracy afoot, the family must sit around thinking about tricky questions and Sis is chosen to ask them....Ming meanwhile keeps out of the firing line !!!...its all very clever and I am happy to enter the spirit of the whole process.

We keep away from the "love" bit, because I have told her that i would never speak these words unless it was face-to-face , but I am sure I have convinced her that I am not fooling about here.

Our countdown clock is running and Feb 10th will come around very quickly. By this time, with my coaching, her lessons and squillions of hours on QQ I am sure we will have a reasonable level of verbal communication. As for the non-verbal part...I dont got any problems with that...period !!!!

I still remain somewhat bewildred as to how such a woman came into my life...and I never want to take it for Shaun once said "when it just know it is right"

Cheers all from a very happy...


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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #33 on: December 15, 2009, 09:58:02 pm »

Even though I had a problem today, ain't life grand with a good woman?

I am real happy for you.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 09:58:38 pm by shaun »

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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2009, 06:13:35 pm »
Hi David,
Glad it's working out for you ... hey you're lucky, only one deep question a day? I had some QQ sessions with my love that would make the Roman Catholic Inquisition look like beginners, but at least I knew she was taking things seriously, still is actually.

We met in between of course, and will spend 10 days together starting next week, but now we're in phase two, collaborative decision making, source of fun as well, we're really getting to know each other well by that. So I'm not getting my new TV just yet :P

If somebody can teach me some romantic things to do on QQ, please don't hesitate, I'm worried about routine on there ...

Go deep or don't go


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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #35 on: December 20, 2009, 10:35:14 pm »
I guess ... I'm a little late , but what the heck ? David , I can't say more than I'm sorry I didn't read your HAPPY Story sooner .
You deserve a good Woman and you sure found one and a gorgeous one on top of that . Keep the Romantic stuff for Ming and send the Flower's to her Sister .. to keep her happy and at arms length at all times .. hahaha .

Offline Danny

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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2009, 08:23:02 pm »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='25599' dateline='1260925296'

Our countdown clock is running and Feb 10th will come around very quickly. By this time, with my coaching, her lessons and squillions of hours on QQ I am sure we will have a reasonable level of verbal communication. As for the non-verbal part...I dont got any problems with that...period !!!!

I still remain somewhat bewildred as to how such a woman came into my life...and I never want to take it for Shaun once said "when it just know it is right"


Thanks for the reply.

It sounds the way you are going about this is just fine.

I think it is important to let things proceed in the way you have worked out. It is easy to rush things. But there's a saying I like: only bad things happen all at once, good things take time.

I think waiting until February is the right thing. It takes time for love and trust to develop.

Meeting with her for two or three hours every day, it all begins to accummulate and build into something. She becomes part of your life, part of your ongoing conversation with your self and the other people in your life.

So I think you're right to be patient.

I could have got married during this visit. But taking things slowly, letting the tofu cool, as she says, lets things happen in its own time, makes things feel much real and natural than they might have otherwise.

In the time I have spent with her on my visit, I am so much more sure about what we're planning than if we had just rushed into it. It's wonderful to find consistency from day to day, in her words and actions and plans.

The collection of shared experiences and discussions, which build up, day after day, is part of the way trust is formed.

There is no way of taking a short-cut for this sort of thing, at least for me. It has to take time.  

Which is all a roundabout way of saying good luck for the future. Enjoy the journey and yes, February isn't so long away at all.


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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2009, 09:27:06 pm »
Danny, great story.  Thanks for letting us share.  buzz

Offline David E

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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #38 on: December 22, 2009, 05:21:50 am »
Quote from: 'Danny' pid='26159' dateline='1261444982'


Thanks for the reply.

It sounds the way you are going about this is just fine.

I think it is important to let things proceed in the way you have worked out. It is easy to rush things. But there's a saying I like: only bad things happen all at once, good things take time.

I think waiting until February is the right thing. It takes time for love and trust to develop.

Meeting with her for two or three hours every day, it all begins to accummulate and build into something. She becomes part of your life, part of your ongoing conversation with your self and the other people in your life.

So I think you're right to be patient.

I could have got married during this visit. But taking things slowly, letting the tofu cool, as she says, lets things happen in its own time, makes things feel much real and natural than they might have otherwise.

In the time I have spent with her on my visit, I am so much more sure about what we're planning than if we had just rushed into it. It's wonderful to find consistency from day to day, in her words and actions and plans.

The collection of shared experiences and discussions, which build up, day after day, is part of the way trust is formed.

There is no way of taking a short-cut for this sort of thing, at least for me. It has to take time.  

Which is all a roundabout way of saying good luck for the future. Enjoy the journey and yes, February isn't so long away at all.


Danny, I am reading your posts with a very keen eye !!! I am vicariously enjoying your trip...hoping I will get something similar :icon_cheesygrin:

So far everything for you is turning up roses, and how lovely to have your daughter "on side".......if she had been opposed, life would have been a tad more difficult !!

I have had enough false starts to know that I must take this one VERY slowly and carefully...I have found a treasure and I want to make certain everything is done properly and for the right reason.

You are dead right...after many, many hours on QQ where we both can see, speak and learn about each other, she slowly but surely gets into my bloodstream (haha). It is beginning to feel just right, getting hard to remember what it was like without the daily "happy" sessions on QQ.

49 days and counting....time flies.

All the best to you and your new family


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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #39 on: December 22, 2009, 06:30:27 am »
Congratulations David! Besides the obvious reasons, I also have some personal ones to be especially pleased to hear about your fantastic story. Do you still remember once I asked you the question, 'why still chnlove'? Now we both find a satisfactory answer.

I hope more brothers can find their love in a larger variety of ways.

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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #40 on: December 22, 2009, 02:51:03 pm »
Congrats Dave, another one will soon join the ranks of very very lucky men here.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline David E

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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #41 on: December 29, 2009, 04:06:15 am »
Greetings to everyone....I hope you all had a great Christmas and I also hope that 2010 is a wonderful year for all of us.

The "Chengdu Romance" continues with growing enthusiasm on both sides :icon_cheesygrin:

We are now settled into our "habit" of nightly QQ sessions and I am always amazed how we can spend 2 hours each night talking and yet not get bored !!!!

Ming is taking English lessons with a Chinese Man and I begin to see how some of these women get very daunted about learning English. Much of what we discuss on QQ is about correcting all the wrong English she is getting taught. It sure makes me very aware that there must be a major role for native English speakers in China...and for all those Bros who are over there/going there to teach English. I am convinced your services are desperately needed.

She gets a bit frustrated when she wants to try out some of her new learnings on me and I have to be very careful and gentle about correcting her.....poor English seems to a major factor in the "anxiety Department" so I think it is necessary to tread very carefully, I sure dont want to demotivate her...but we do OK because we have established and easy and trusting communication and I know she is fully aware that I have strong feelings for her.

I have had several "web-cam tours" of her tiny apartment...although it is very small it is neat and clean as a new pin and a charming little place. It make you think about our Western obsession for big homes that can probably house 10 Chinese families !!! Her apartment is about the same size as my laundry...(but of course I would NEVER mention such a thing ) !!!

She teaches me some Chinese words and phrases and she tells me that my accent gets to be like a person from Beijing !!(dont know if that is a compliment or not ) She is pretty tough about me getting pronunciations exactly right and sometimes makes me repeat words and phrases dozens of times until she is satisfied that I have got it right !

If there is any small cloud on our horizon, it is about the potential to have child/children together in the future...she brought this up a couple of weeks ago and I said it was not my plan to have any more children because I am too old. She insisted that Men can Father children until they are 80 and in China it is seen as a big deal for an "old" man to father a child late in life. I remained very neutral about the idea and more or less shut the door on further debate....but it keeps cropping up "gently" in her conversations....I am sure I have not heard the last of this debate yet !!! doubt the next move will be Sis asking me about my plans for future children :icon_cheesygrin:

I think Jim B has faced this issue and if any Bros got any advice about how to deal with it, I would welcome some input...I thought I would sneak off and get the "snip" and not say anything...but that sails very close to deceit and I hope there is a better way.

It is totally surprising and very beautiful how my life has taken on such a new and great dimension since this Lady came into it. We are both going full steam ahead and cant wait for Feb 10th.........the countdown continues......................

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:08:28 am by David E »


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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #42 on: December 29, 2009, 09:00:05 am »

I was thinking about you last night.  Wondering how you are.  I am happy for you, my friend.  My experiences are quite similar to yours.  

There is a chance that I will be in China about the same time you are there.  I should be able to set a date in the next 30 days and it will happen rather quickly when I set it. My goal is to get there before the new year comes in.  Peggy tells me she does not want to be alone for another Spring Festival.  I will let you know when it is set.

The investment of time on QQ adds so much to the building of your relationship.  It is funny to me because I do not think they have had a man so willing to spend time with them.

Again, happy for you mate.


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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #43 on: February 07, 2010, 07:17:56 pm » I am, poised on the next adventure in China !!!

The countdown clock is ticking rapidly and I leave for Chengdu on thursday evening.

Passport is current, I got a 12 month unlimited entry visa, the Hotel has confirmed the booking and air tickets are paid for and complete.

This is my 6th trip...and this time I am not nervous...I am bloody terrified !!!! Ming and I have had over 50 QQ sessions of at least 1.5 hours and I am sure that I know this lovely Lady very well........but I am trying VERY hard not to get too euphoric about it all...but it aint easy.

Such a very different feeling this time compared to the others.

We have talked about everything under the Sun, she has taught me a lot of Chinese but she still gets savage sometimes about my pronunciation....tough Teacher !!!! Her English has improved out of sight and we dont need a lot of typing any more so I am sure that language wont be an issue...any way, I will have my lap-top with "Transwhiz" on it and also my Yishen and Besta hand helds.

She appears to have organised every minute of my visit...there are so many lunch and dinners arranged with friends and family that I dont know where I will put so much food !  ....lets just hope that I will be burning so much energy in other departments that I need the calories to keep going :dodgy:

Been a bit of a struggle to get some warm clothes for the trip...not much available in this land of Sun !!...but I have a 4 hour lay-over in Singapore and there are so many shops in the Airport that I can get something there.

She has a car, so we will be mobile Ok...I will sit in the passenger seat (on the WRONG side ) and keep my eyes closed when we are driving about. I will always have a clean pair of jocks with me when we are in the all know about those "moments" that convince you that you are about to die !!!!...and with a Chinese WOMAN driver...well we wont go there.

I just want to say guys, that this trip to meet this lovely Lady has been made possible by all the help and advice I got from you...especially after so many heart-breaking false starts.

Win, lose or draw...I owe you all big time.

I will try to post and send photos while I am in Chengdu, and I hope that we can arrange to meet up with the other guys and gals in Guangzhou.

Cheers for now



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RE: Chengdu....The story begins...... !!!
« Reply #44 on: February 07, 2010, 07:31:32 pm »

Best of luck to you ,...hope everything goes tickerty-boo for you on your trip...  

Why buy warm clothes in Aussie when you can buy there at a fraction of the cost, i'm sure you have something somewhere in your wardrobe to get you through your first day!!!
