Author Topic: Sex and the Modern Chinese Lady  (Read 5865 times)

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RE: Sex and the Modern Chinese Lady
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2009, 01:02:36 pm »
Hmmm, this sounds like yet another survey, and most of the surveys on any subject that I've ever read aren't worth the paper they were written on. It doesn't sound like a recent survey, ...either that or they haven't been reading there results very well!!

Some of the reasoning/statements do have a ring of fact behind them, but this sole object of everything leading to marriage in the woman's eyes is long since passed. These points should now be read as ''exclusivity' rather than you being chosen purely as a spouse.

The last paragraph about meeting the parents as a tantamount to being formally engaged is just so out of date in modern China unless so informed by the lady herself!! The first time i met my father-in-law, it was nothing more than meeting the man that his daughter was seeing on a regular basis. Nothing was mentioned about engagement or marriage. In fact i met her parents several times during our initial months together. When the time came to talk about engagement/marriage i was put though the ringer, and it was conducted throughout in English, so no translation get-outs from Lucy for me!!...hahaha!!

As far a the intimate relations from the second or third date, yes, this is, or can be quite true. If a Chinese woman likes what she see's, and can tell you are genuinely interested in HER, she like you will want to take that relationship further. But it has nothing to do with being taken as said, ...that you are going to be her future spouse!!!

It should be noted here, ...that those of you that have gone to China to meet a lady, and she has shown absolutly no interest in any form of physical closeness towards you, should be looking elsewhere. And i'm not talking about just jumping into bed together, as the typical Chinese woman, will always want to show her man that she is ''Interested'' in ''YOU''

So Yes, there are truths in this survey, but there mixed with too many myths or out-dated
belief's and half truths to be meaningful. If anything this survey could confuse rather than enlighten.

Now, .... I am, and can only really talk about Chinese women from around the ages of 40ish onwards, it maybe a little different from Girls or Ladies that are younger, say around the 20 to 28ish mark that have never been married or had serious boyfriends. Although, from what I've witnessed from younger colleagues dating this sort of age range, i couldn't see that much of a difference...

Well that's my outlook on this survey and my Euros!!


Paul Todd

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RE: Sex and the Modern Chinese Lady
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2009, 10:13:40 pm »
This is from the  "Men and women ?? Erotic" section of general forum pages of  the Yibang rose/msvipclub dating agency in Nanning, I'm not sure if this is a Chnlove agency or not.  

? sex tips: When men and women how to do the upper ?This is the most commonly used sexual position?Commonly known as the "normal position" refers to this position Men are men used to attack the upper position, while the women's use of the passive position of the most natural position.
 Men Host (1) - open women's lower limbs, his feet hooked male feet, this time can use the thigh of the lower limbs to the inside of the male hook, so the foot more outward-opening, and so can easily shrink the vagina.:blush:

 Men Host (2) - Women will be erected feet, female Ruoqiang hook under the legs from the inside out, then the degree of genital's Tightlock higher vaginal contraction strength also increased. ?This position is the upper part of the position to stimulate the female sexual organs.:dodgy:

Male upper (3) women will be more lower extremity elevation, so that the combination of genital deeper degree of female upper genital stimulation is also stronger. This position applies to no patience and the pursuit of the clitoris pleasure women. As for the combination of three kinds of the clitoris and the vaginal angle, which is the best location because of the female genital vary, but (1) for the more commonly used.:-/

Male upper (4) - women will lead to eight-character-type open, so that men's waist on the meantime.  This is a (1) position without having to hook the next leg of Li Fang, this position also applies to the wedding, when, in addition, is a man in sexual intercourse movement of the basic prototype of posture, known as the "saint of the position," but, because there is no lower limb to contribute to hook, so the vagina will be to lower the contractile force. :icon_arrow::icon_arrowd::icon_arrowl::icon_arrowu:???

 Male upper (5) - is (4) - the location of the foot is more elevated, cross-shoulder position on the men. Thus become the genitals protruding from under the down position, women will be hand placed in the neck to the shoulder. The combination of genital sense of deep and sexy is changing. Sexual intercourse is not only in the piston movement, also free to circle movement.:idea:

So sexy in this technology in Korea is very good, but the position is rather reluctantly, they therefore have to work hard to learn.  Better to wait until after the adoption of sexual experience.This body potential over time, then it is very hard for women in terms of weak erection, the right of women feel less intense are very effective.
I'm just confused now!:huh:
They also have pages titled:Underwater sex, OK?, Husband and wife must learn the "bed-speaking" and Woman sex with men are crazy tricks.These are all  posted by a mod's over there called "Cath" she sounds scary to me!. My question is why did they choose these ? There's 62 topic's on this page! are they relevant to sex with a modern Chinese woman?  Here's a link to the site, you can make up your own minds!!!! and a link to the translated pages  You have to click on the "business case" button to get into the forum!
Apart from that, it's always interesting to see what information and advice the ladies are receiving.:icon_biggrin:
« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 12:06:48 am by Paul Todd »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Sex and the Modern Chinese Lady
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2009, 11:00:13 pm »
The initial page that I started the thread with was taken from advice given by an employee to satff going to work in China.  I made no comment on it accuracy or otherwise just thyat some of teh pointsb raised were one sthatI found relevant.

But I much prefer Pauls entry but beware of No.5 - I pulled muscles trying to work that one out !!!!!!

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Sex and the Modern Chinese Lady
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2009, 11:10:54 pm »
Willy,  That was a very interesting script.  I don't suppose you could exspouse a little more on that one, a very interesting, and educational script, in otherwords write more on this subject, not that I need an education on sex, but am curious about chinese ways of life over there and what to expect when I go over.  Do the chinese girls commonly pick you up like Rob experenced? and go for the throat right away? Since I do a lot of scuba diving the underwater part could be
« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 11:13:12 pm by rockycoon »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Sex and the Modern Chinese Lady
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2009, 09:42:47 pm »
Quote from: 'rockycoon' pid='24622' dateline='1259986254'

Willy,  That was a very interesting script.  I don't suppose you could exspouse a little more on that one, a very interesting, and educational script, in otherwords write more on this subject, not that I need an education on sex, but am curious about chinese ways of life over there and what to expect when I go over.  Do the chinese girls commonly pick you up like Rob experenced? and go for the throat right away? Since I do a lot of scuba diving the underwater part could be

When I am out on my own then I do get approaches.  Of course I no longer follow up on these  and have long since stopped taking telephone numbers.   Good way of getting contacts for anyone wanting to teach English privately though.  

Anyway since meeting my angel I am a changed man.

 I would hate to see the result if any lady came on to me when she was with me.

A whole battalion of the womens brigade of the PLA would end up second best with her.

I am thinking of putting a full synopsis of my first 6 months in China on paper.  By time it was finished may have to go for first year and so on!!

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Sex and the Modern Chinese Lady
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2009, 11:43:10 pm »
I for one would love to read it, if anything for the insite you will be giving me.  Thanks Willy make it a novel....By the way, then what your saying is that a person WILL get hit on by the lady's. Does this include the hottie's or is it just the overweight, cross eyed ones?  By the way, I got a admirer letter where the girl brags about her cooking, then says she is looking for a man to cook for (her).  Ok, so I hate shoveling horse pucky, and am looking for a lady who does not mind using a shovel...tit for tat....snicker
« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 11:47:00 pm by rockycoon »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Sex and the Modern Chinese Lady
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2009, 01:40:53 am »
Not sure where you will find a overweight one.  

That's the beauty of China it is only us western men that are overweight here.   Just as Rob found out they ladies are there on the street (and I do not mean street ladies) and they do not mind talking to foreigners.  

I find that you can strike up a conversation with the most beautiful women.   Strange thing is the majority of the really beautiful ones consider themselves quite ordinary and they need a lot of convincing - but they are also quite flattered when you compliment them with does give you a opening if you so desire.

They are mostly good cooks - I would imagine she wants a man to good for not a man to cook for her!  And they are not afraid of any kind of work.   If I was so inclined I would not have to lift a finger at home.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Paul Todd

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RE: Sex and the Modern Chinese Lady
« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2009, 11:28:33 pm »
Of course for those of us less skilled in the subtle art of picking up Chinese girls than Willy [retired] and Rob [Wo Shi Su Ge Lan Ren], thank the lord for
:heart: "Dr Love" :heart: and his Beijing dating tips :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:
Remember for "Dr. Love", it is only " HUNT AND CONQUER!" and nothing else.:icon_cool:
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 02:07:26 am by Paul Todd »