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« on: December 06, 2009, 09:54:00 am »
Gentlemen I think it is time to introduce you to

I am completely satisfied with the site.  There are still pitfalls and translators to deal with but an intelligent man can find his way around them.

You will find women all around the world here.  You will get smiles from them.  The two you will get the most will be from will be young Filipino and Russian women.  When you set up your profile you can filter them out so they do not see you.  You can also block individual women from seeing you.  I've had a couple I needed to block.  I have been playing with this site since April but did not commit to it until I severed my relationship with Pinky.

You will find that many of the women that are on blossoms are also on  If your were wanting to talk with them but didn't because of the EMF fee this site will alleviate your fears.  You pay one monthly fee and that is all.  The women pay nothing. Almost everyone is with some sort of agency.

Most all of the women will tell you they are not with an agency. Many will used a translator and will deny it.  It is easy to find out;

1. compare with other sites.
2. send them emails daily. If they consistently do not respond on the weekends, then you have found a translator.
3. if they are only available during very limited hours then they could be using a translator.
4. if they do not answer certain questions, then again they are using a translator.
5. if their responses are very short, then you are using a translator.  I am finding if it is the actual woman they will have many many questions.
6. if the background is changing between each visit you are more than likely talking with a translator. (not completely sure about this one because of internet cafe's)
7. if your webcam conversations are 15 minutes or less; you got it translator.  The woman will sit in front of webcam but translator is typing.

I will update this list and some of you comment.  I was unable to be more specific because I found Peggy very fast.

What I did was I decided what my parameters were for the kind of woman I wanted to talk with. The first was attractiveness.  Now you may think this is strange but the second component to me search had to do with the Chinese zodiac.  I really do not believe in it but when I was challenged to look over my life in reference to women it really seemed to apply well. My ex  had the worst possible sign for me.  So the women has to be with 4 of the Greek Gods and the year thing. Peggy is June 1, 1963 and is dead perfect for me according to the horoscopes.  I put them into my favorites.  Third height, Fourth natural photo.

Then I just watch them for a while to see when they were on.  I eliminated a few with that one.  Then I started in blocks of 10, I had selected about 50 women.  I had a pecking order who I wanted them most to who I wanted the lease.  I never made it past the first 10.  In fact Peggy was not on my list at all but she sent me a a few smiles.  I liked what she said and my 10 had shrunk a little so I added her.

Some of them eliminated themselves.  Some of them were liars. The others were with agencies.  You have to spend a few weeks with them because it takes a while with the more savvy woman.

Now I talk with Peggy and plan B who by the way is with P218 in Changsha.  Talking about a glutton for punishment.  But good grief she is absolutely gorgeous and unbelievably rich and she still likes me.  I feel a little guilty about plan B but I do not intend to go to China and leave empty handed.

Give blossoms a try with the parameters I suggest.  You will be pleasantly surprised.  Tell us of your experiences.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2009, 10:09:20 am by shaun »

Offline RegnisTheGreat

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« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2009, 01:45:04 pm »
Can you elaborate on the filtering of the Russian and Filipino?

Offline Robertt S

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« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2009, 02:51:17 pm »
Quote from: 'RegnisTheGreat' pid='24792' dateline='1260125104'

Can you elaborate on the filtering of the Russian and Filipino?

You just  go to " my Account" and select edit profile, then you will see a box that allows you to select Countries you do not wish to receive messages from. You can select multiple countries to block by holding the control key down when selecting countries to block. Then save!

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« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2009, 02:57:04 pm »
Thanks. I get that a lot on Chineselovelinks too. What is with the 20 year old Filipino woman that will love you long time and marry you and sex you up if you marry them?

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« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2009, 04:58:54 pm »
Nah, Philipino woman ain't for me. I've always know its going to be a Chinese lady for me. After all I am Chinese.

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« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2009, 05:33:05 pm »
I will endorse what Shaun is saying about Blossoms.

If you dont ruthlessly work the filter system, you will get bombarded with rubbish.

Russians we all know about, but the Filipinos are going to come at you in their thousands !!!

In answer to the question, The Philipines is basically a basket case Country.

Corruption is endemic at the highest level (it is said that up to 40% of their GDP is syphoned off by corruption). Add to this the total domination of Catholicism, therefore NO birth control, that leads to very large families that their parents cant support and thus there is a mountain of single girls with no chance of ever finding a husband.

Of course, there will be some good ones, but the search will be difficult and dangerous !!!

You will see many women you recognise from CHNLove when you visit the Chinese Ladies on Blossom. You may get "smiles" from many of them (a "smile" is an invite to contact, same as an admiration letter from CHNL.)

Its not difficult to spot the translator driven responses, the English is better and they only come to you during normal Business hours !!!

One point to watch, is that unless you tick the NO box, your monthly fee will be charged automatically....

Other than that, all the same issues apply, be careful, watchful and look for the jewels !!!

Maybe you will get lucky like Shaun and me, without the attendant Bull#*^*T that we are used to with CHNL.



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« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2009, 06:56:09 pm »
Hey guys.

I am glad to see people talking about this. I was afraid this might stir up a storm and I do not need any storms right now.

I wanted to clear a couple of things up quickly.  I mentioned blocking Filipino and Russian women and did not elaborate.  I do not have anything against them. The do not fit the profile of the woman I am looking for.

I went to school with a friend whose father was one of Marcos' right hand men.  His father has been able to work under each regime and stay alive. I have kept in contact on facebook with my old college buddy.  His goal is to be president of the Philippines one day.  He tells me it will take a miracle from God to resolve all of the issues and bring all of the factions together in agreement.

I am not discriminating against these women, well I guess I am but not in the vain one might think.  I am only interested in Chinese women.  I can't explain it.  I have Korean and Japanese friends and cherish all the friends I have.  The only reason I filter is to keep my focus on what I am looking for.

David E said,
Its not difficult to spot the translator driven responses, the English is better and they only come to you during normal Business hours !!!

One point to watch, is that unless you tick the NO box, your monthly fee will be charged automatically....

Other than that, all the same issues apply, be careful, watchful and look for the jewels !!!

Maybe you will get lucky like Shaun and me, without the attendant Bull#*^*T that we are used to with CHNL.

David thank you for your input and filling in some of my gaps.  Good info bro.  With your permission I will insert the points into the beginning of this thread.

Anyone else have good information to add please for the newbies that might read this post.


Offline RegnisTheGreat

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« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2009, 01:02:05 am »
Just a thought. Since there is no revenue for the translators per message, its actually in their interest to end communication rather then drag it out if the lady isn't interested. FTW!
« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 01:02:17 am by RegnisTheGreat »


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« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2009, 04:53:23 am »

There has to be a hook somewhere in all of this.  I could be in the fees once a person gets there.  It appears that most of the women covertly communicate from the agency via web cam.  If they can speak some English a man might be none the wiser about it.  But if the cannot then they sit close enough to the camera that you cannot see their hands looking at you on their monitor while the translator does all of the typing.  When this happens I imagine that the agency show the communication and gets a portion of the money you pay to be on their site.  Understand of course that this is all speculation.

I noticed that there were a few rogues who appeared to be on the site without an agency. Again this is speculation but if at some point I discover she is in an agency I will not be surprised.

We are all still too new with blossoms to understand what is going on.  Once a few of us go to China then things will be a little more clear.


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« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2009, 11:22:25 am »
The wowen on chnlove talk to their translators all the time on qq and the phone.
While some agencies are affiliated to chnlove, it doesn't mean they the they don't advertise their client on other dating sites too - they get the extra visit and marriage etc cash be it on chnlove or blossoms or whatever one the girl has indicated she wants to be advertised on.
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« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2009, 11:38:02 am »
As I've mentioned here many times before, the translation costs form part of the ladies initial agencey sign-up fees. That how they have a an agencey email address, to cater to all these other dating sites such as ''Blossoms'' and the like.

The fee's you pay for EMF's from chnlove are just a bonus to all these agencies, and should be side stepped as soon as possible. So if you need translation between your lady and yourself, ...try and get your ladies agencey controlled email address, because from that moment on, there will be no EMF fee's to pay to chnlove....

« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 01:36:13 pm by David5o »

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« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2009, 01:22:03 pm »
I used the site for a few months, made some interesting contacts ... some profiles on there that I found on Chnlove too. Yes some translators, some real individuals.

Since I wanted a Chinese, I blocked all other countries ...

Good site, cheap, just their photo system is pretty bad, the quality of pics is hurt by their over compression.

I can only recommend it otherwise, no bad surprises for me there, just the population is not that large if you limit yourself to Chinese only ... there is a sign up bonus which discounts subscription to 19.95 USD I think. Write it down, it works permanently.
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« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2009, 06:05:36 pm »
I sign up just to check out the site and i already found a profile using a chinese actress pictures. The profile in question is C01449875. If they don't have any non-studio pictures I would stay away.


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« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2009, 06:11:03 pm »
I realized that I forgot to mention something.  You can chat with a woman on blossoms.  

The site does a real time translation.  

The process is a little slow and you can get way ahead of the translator easily.

The will tell you to slow down if you leave them in your dust which isn't hard to do.

You need to be patient because they will reverse words.  You say love they may say hate.

It is a lot of fun though.


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« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2009, 06:44:22 pm »
Okay, this is a dumb question: Under education there's Technical Degree, Vocational Degree, and College Degree. What's the difference? I have a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from a major Canuckistan University. Which one do I pick?

And another courious thing. I just tried all the people 25-31 in Canada. Every single female is Philipino!

Also, what about this 100% guarante? Does it actually work? :)
« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 06:56:57 pm by RegnisTheGreat »