Author Topic: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??  (Read 8724 times)

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #60 on: February 24, 2010, 12:33:43 am »
Neil, according to my sources at intel, the Celeron chip was just a fancy 486 with wifi installed from the R&D department. It was not
any faster nor was it a move up, just somthing they had to come up with quick.  It quickly lost popularity due to the hard ware installed
in it, that would automatically report to intel every key stroke you made.  When people found out about this, the R&D department (even
after a lot of advertising) dropped the chip in favor of the first pentinum.  I would assume that they still produce them, as they are
small and put out less heat than the pentinum does.  Since then, they have made many versions of the pentinum, all bigger and faster
and with more goodies built in.  They have stayed away from the reporting part of it, as even Computer Shopper was sniffing around
for a juicy artical about it (they are the ones that broke the news about the celeron).  Where does Intel get there ideas for better
From you of course.  My friend works in the R&D department and he says that they get most of the great idea's from people like you
and me.  They are idea-less, and so pick the brains of others and incorporate it into the next upgrade of the chips.  Makes them
look good to the boss I guess.
I used to work there, but for another company.  Still have my Intel ID card (for show and tell) as it's a "green card" and allowed me
access to anywhere in the huh...:icon_cheesygrin:  Just thought you'd like to know.  By the way, they do have a huge
room full of line printers that are for "logging" users wherebouts,  I know it logs more than that.  Probably still there.  The company
I worked for was building a huge add-on plant for more chips to be made in.  Anyway, like I said, just thought you might like to

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #61 on: February 25, 2010, 08:39:42 am »
Ted, you can get a decent laptop for less than 3K RMB in GZ. If you don't plan to move it, get a large display (17") and that will give you a full sized keyboard, negotiate warranty with the shop and know the Chinese brands are actually quite good, I wouldn't pay the premium for HP/Toshiba/Sony's unless you fall in love with one of them, they're all made in China as well. The shop should be able to install Win7 in English for you, a fake but which will update. Ask the sales guy for a quiet model, some CPU coolers will drive you nuts, at least they drive me nuts. 3-4 Gig of RAM is standard now, and a 320GB WD hard drive costs under 400RMB with external USB enclosure (a 2.5" model powered over USB) for backup if necessary. Any dual core will be fast enough for Web and the likes.

We can have a look together in April if you like, I should be there then ...

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #62 on: February 25, 2010, 05:34:11 pm »
Great Frank  see you in April. I can take you to the electronics area in GZ were people come from all over
the world to buy items in quantity. very large and would take 2 days to completely go thru if you were
buying for a large store that you had.  maybe we can spend the afternoon there looking and talking to
them. right now i have an HP laptop with a large screen but it is 4 years old so i am looking for a newer
version laptop with more of what i dont know a lot about on it.

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #63 on: February 26, 2010, 04:14:59 pm »
I see what you're getting at, I saw the clone area in Shenzhen ... quite impressive! Looks like I need a new laptop for my love too, so we can do some bargain hunting :icon_cheesygrin:
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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #64 on: February 26, 2010, 04:16:30 pm »
buying 2 laptops at the same time will reduce the price in
the bargaining

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #65 on: March 01, 2010, 09:06:41 am »
yeah like 1.5% ... margins are low in that business, except for the big shots like Intel or MS (or Apple who manage to pull off double prices on the same hardware as PCs :D)
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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #66 on: March 01, 2010, 01:27:57 pm »
Frank,  What are the dates in April?  Maybe we can get a group discount.  Peggy would like a new computer too.  I have been reluctant to get her one until we meet face to face.

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #67 on: March 01, 2010, 01:54:44 pm »
Shaun, I think first half of April is the plan, depending on how I progress with the single certificate.
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