Thanks for the info, I am sure you are right but I was wondering if he had some other thoughts after getting back to England that might assist those who want to teach.
Brian Mc, Sure would like to hear from you.
If there are any others and I hope there are, please respond.
Greetings Brothers,
Shaun, ask and ye shall receive.
First I got my job through the recruiting comply linkesl, from a Lady named Joyce. She put me in touch with the school in Wuhu. I did a 5 min phone interview with them and was accepted. When I arrived in Wuhu they took us to our apartment and made arrangements for me to go to the school.
In the afternoon of my first day I did what they call a demo class. The point of this is to see if you can do what they want you to do that is stand in front of a class and talk or teach for an hour.
So since I had my choice of topic I spoke about Canada. I apparently did well as I had the students laughing and asking questions and when it was over the teaching supervisor told me I did a good job. So basically that demo class was the real interview.
As for the curiculum, the school provides this but we also teach what is called an english corner where the teacher picks the topic and also all the info given. Just so you know the students love english corners because they learn stuff that is not in the class stuff and they have a real thirst for knowledge of anything you care to share with them.
Also we can give feedback as to how good or bad the lessons are but since this is a large organization with many schools I dont know if things get changed or not. However a piece of advice i received from a veteran teacher was to take the idea or goal of the lesson and use the plan as far as you can and then add your own stuff to it. As long as the goal of the lesson is met they are flexible.
All in all the school here in wuhu is pretty good and they try to help with any issues or problems you have so I have no complaints at this time. I enjoy the teaching and the students seem to enjoy my classes as I have had students ask the tutors if they can specifically book my classes. Also I get greeted with smiles and such and invited to chat or visit or whatever. So as I say I am enjoying it so far.
As for qualifications I do not have a Bachelors Degree or an TESL or anything like that. However I also do not have an accent unless I let it out. I was born in Scotland but when I came to Canada I had to lose the accent quickly. I have done some training in the military and in a couple of other jobs I have had but no formal teaching experience. However at this time I have had no problems teaching and I do quite enjoy it.
So if anyone is looking to arrive in China to teach IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE, drop me a pm with your email address and I can pass it along to my teacher supervisor who can spread the word among all the schools in the company ( the company Web International is I think the largest private school group in China). However if you are not ready to commit and move do not send me your email as they will expect you to be ready to go within a month at the most.
So anyway I hope this helps and if anyone wants more info just ask, and I will do what I can to help I plan to be here for the next couple of years so I will be around for a while hehe.
Zhen and Brian