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Offline Danny

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Danny's third trip to China
« on: December 11, 2009, 07:42:04 pm »
Tomorrow, my daughter and I fly from Melbourne to Wuhan. This will be my third trip to China. On the first trip, in January 2009, I visited Lily in Zhuhai. On the second trip, in September 2009, I visited Lily again and YaYa in Wuhan. And on this third trip, in December 2009, I will visit YaYa in Wuhan.

Three trips in one year! It is no wonder I have not saved any money this year.

I will go over some of my history in this post, since I am writing this as much for myself as for anyone else. I think it is important to work throught the stories of our lives, since it helps us understand and reflect on what has happened, to avoid making the same mistakes over and over.

At the end of the second trip, Lily told me that she was unable to proceed with the relationship. She said to me that her twelve year old son did not wish to move to Australia and that even if he did, it was unlikely that the father of her son would give her permission to take her son with her to Australia. She also told me that it was difficult for us to communicate because her English and my Mandarin were still very poor, and that it was going to be difficult to have her medical qualifications recognised in Australia.

These seem fair enough reasons to me. I am someone for whom family and my work and conversation are very important. I was not prepared to move to China and I know that many Chinese women would not wish to move to Australia for similar reasons.

I have made some mistakes in my relationship with Lily, but on the whole I was happy with the way I acted in this relationship. I always treated her with honour and kindness and respect.

There was very little in this relationship that I regret. As I told her many times, when I am an old man, I will remember the pleasure of seeing her for the first time. She was so late to arrive, and I worried that she would not come at all. This moment when I saw her smiling face was one of the sweet memories I will take to my grave. She was such a beauty, it just took my breath away.

However it was not to be and there will be plenty of time to remember this when I am an old man. At this moment in time, I need to leave this behind and move on.

Sometimes things do not turn out the way we wish. It is not obvious to me that such times are truly “failures”. I think this was the lesson I was meant to receive at this time.

Since the moment Lily told me that she was unable to marry me, I have continued to act properly towards her. I have not spoken to her or written to her. That was something that was really hard for me. But it was the right thing to do, both for happiness of Lily and for YaYa.

Towards the end of my second visit to Zhuhai I decided to visit YaYa, a friend of mine in Wuhan.

I had been writing to YaYa for seven months prior to this. For me, and I thought also for YaYa, I did not think that my relationship with her was anything more than friendship – we shared interests in music, poetry, books, and things like that. We never flirted with each other and it was never anything romantic in what we wrote to each other, so I did not feel the least bit concerned about this conversation. YaYa studied English, and so I imagined that our correspondence was nothing more than an opportunity for her to practice her English and to enjoy a discussion with an overseas friend.

When I told YaYa that I was going to visit Lily, she was very upset about it, to say the least.

So when the relationship with Lily ended, I knew that YaYa was interested in me, and so I thought it would be good to visit her and see what she was really like.

We had a lovely few days together in Wuhan. Her family was there to meet me when I arrived. Her father is a charming and educated man. He speaks fair English, and so a little while after I had a finished my meal he sat down with me and had a “man to man” talk with me.

He said that when YaYa had found out that I was going to visit Lily she had cried for about a week. He said that it broke their heart to see her so upset and so he wanted me to be frank with him about my intentions. He wanted answers to three questions .

Firstly, he wished to know whether my relationship with Lily was over. In answer to the first question I said, yes it was over. It felt strange to be saying this, a few days after asking Lily to marry me, and receiving a refusal. Still, I thought at that moment, I had given the relationship with Lily a good go, and that it was time to leave this behind.

Secondly, he wished to know whether I planned to marry her. In answer to this I said, that she was a fine woman and that any man would be proud to have her as their wife. I thought this was an answer that even a politician would be pleased with, answering a question with the answer to another question. However he wasn’t so impressed with my wit to accept this and so her persisted with it, asking the question half a different ways until I levelled with him, that if I had to make a decision today, then the answer is “no”. But if things work out between us, then I would be prepared to marry her in a short period of time, say within three to six months of time.

Thirdly, I said yes, I was able to support her. I explained that I had a responsible position back here in Melbourne, and had worked continuously for the past twenty years.

These answers satisfied him and I had a lovely time visiting YaYa and her family.

It is strange visiting this place. I know in my head that things are done differently here and that the whole family is involved in making important decisions, like marriage proposals. But it is another thing entirely to be part of that conversation and to be the subject of that discussion *laughs*

So for the past three months, since I got back I have been having a lovely time with my Yaya.

We speak to each other most days for an hour or two on Skype, we send each other about half a dozen emails each day, and we send each other a few mobile phone text messages each day. So I have all the conversation I wish for, and I no longer feel lonely, as I had been before she came along.  

She is a good and kind person, gentle and soft hearted, caring and considerate. She always makes an effort for me and she always wishes to please me in everything.

In some relationships, one is led by one’s desire. But in this relationship I do not feel that way at all. She seems to me to be a very good friend, but I still find it difficult to think of her as anything more than this.

I am not too worried about this. I think that this will happen by itself. It has been such a long time since I have been with a woman, that in some ways that part of me seems dead. I just think that I am so used to keeping desire in check, like a dog on a leash, that I think it has given up hope and that it’s not even trying to get away anymore *laughs*

The only other reservation I have with this relationship probably boils down to nothing more than that Groucho Marx line: “Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member”.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 07:50:36 pm by Danny »

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: Danny's third trip to China
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2009, 08:42:44 pm »
Good luck Danny, I followed your epic thread about the last visit ... hope you will find your feelings! Just don't get married just for comfort's sake. All the best!
« Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 08:42:55 pm by Voiceroveip »
Go deep or don't go

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Danny's third trip to China
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2009, 08:45:08 pm »
Well Danny,

What more can I say.  Just think how close you came to missing this great opportunity.

Ok you feel strange but this relationship has slowly built up from being penpals, to friends, good friends, best friends, lover and hopefully wife.

These things happen and having met you I do know you give all decisions a great deal of thought.   I am sure that you have made the correct one here.

Best of luck on your next visit - how long are you away for this time?


P.S.  I knew that you could not bear to be in a different country from me for too long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Danny's third trip to China
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2009, 01:21:36 am »
Danny , you have yourself a great Trip and knowing your thinking with the right Head ... you are not getting in any trouble , that you will regret later . I will look forward reading about your upcoming third Trip with much anticipation . Go with the speed .. your comfortable with and Ya-Ya will also appreciate it in the long run . Good Luck and have a safe Trip .

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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RE: Danny's third trip to China
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2009, 02:51:51 am »
Have a safe and enjoyable trip Danny , will look forward to the postings , if you have time that is , regards Ying and Robert .
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Offline David E

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RE: Danny's third trip to China
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2009, 03:57:15 am »

The strongest houses are always built on the firmest foundations.
I am sure that the path you followed with honesty and ethics has finally led you to the correct destination.

Very best wishes for your journey and the treasures at the end of it.




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RE: Danny's third trip to China
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2009, 04:58:23 am »
best wishes it sounds like everything is going in the right direction
 for the two of you


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RE: Danny's third trip to China
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2009, 06:25:38 am »

I think the others replying to your last post have said just about everything. They like myself can see from the outside looking in, that this Lady (Ya Ya ) is going to make you a very happy and fulfilled man. I don't think for a second that they are just sending you off with a good luck wish. They genuinely want you see what you have in this lady, and luck doesn't come into it, it's already there waiting for you, .... and they can see it!!!

I'm a strong believer that things happen for a reason, and the way your relationship has developed from pen-pal to lover/future wife isn't something that happens over night. As David E said, this is a real basis for a strong foundation to both your futures together...

I have probably got a reputation for a ''doom and gloom'' poster here, mainly because i point out the pitfalls of racing into things with little thought about being in the real world. I have no such thoughts where your relationship is conserned, not from what you have written in your thread and posts here... Your feet are firmly on the ground, and your head isn't in the clouds.

You have a genuine keeper in Ya Ya Danny, so be a keeper for her. I promise you won't ever regret it....

All the very best to you Danny...



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RE: Danny's third trip to China
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2009, 07:40:41 am »

You have found your happiness.  Now is the time to build on the future.

Good Luck,



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RE: Danny's third trip to China
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2009, 08:08:09 am »
No regrets? I'm going to get that put on my gravestone.

Good luck with the trip, I hope it works out with YaYa. Miss Wu and I are great friends. Will it ever become more than that? I'm not sure. But friendship does seem to be a good basis for building a marriage.

I hope the air's better in Wuhan at this time of year! Say hello to the naughty monkeys in the zoo for me!!!

Offline Danny

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RE: Danny's third trip to China
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2009, 08:37:20 am »
Thank you for all your kind wishes, one and all. I leave in a few hours. I am sorry for writing so much in my initial post. I just started writing and I could not stop until I got to the end of my story. It is one of the good things of this place. That sometimes you can just take your time to say what you wish to say. Often in my life here in Melbourne, there is not a chance to just say everything that's in your mind. One needs to show consideration for the time and place. People have their own worries and concerns and interests, and so sometimes one is not able to say everything one wishes to say. So this place is special to me and I do appreciate your kind wishes. Knowing the people I have come to know here makes me want to be a better person. I am not sure what will happen, but I will certainly enjoy the journey. Thanks again.


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RE: Danny's third trip to China
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2009, 08:42:37 am »

You might not know what will happen, but there are plenty here that DO!! ...hahaha!!!!

We all wish you a trip of a lifetime Danny


Offline Danny

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RE: Danny's third trip to China
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2009, 09:34:18 pm »
This will seem a little dull this post. However it were incredibly interesting, with twists and turns, then I suppose things would not be turning out as wonderfully well. It recalls to me that (supposedly) Chinese curse, that I wish that you live in interesting times.

Anyhow she was at the airport, like she promised and while I did not get a hug and kiss like she promised, I was very pleased to see her smiling face.

She took us back to the hotel she found. If anyone needs a hotel in Wuhan I would warmly recommend it. It's just 168 yuan per night, but it is newly renovated, all the furniture and fittings in the room is brand new, there is a computer with internet access in each room, a very good free breakfast, a good size room, etc

We had lunch with her parents and that was really good. They are so friendly and warm. We sat and ate and laughed. We feel so welcome and we really feel at home.

We have received so many presents. I feel so touched by their kindness. Gift boxes of tea for my parents and sisters, two jumpers for me, knitted socks, knitted pants, mobile phones to use in China, a shirt, candy . . . a lots of other things. I have no idea at all how I am going to get all of this home. I was happy when I had handed over my presents because I thought I would have some space left in my bags. I think now I have twice as much stuff as I brought. And this is right at the beginning of my trip, before my daughter goes into a shopping frenzy.

I bought a some presents too. I will write them down in case the ideas are useful for anyone else: some books written in Mandarin and English, candy, chocolate, vitamin pills, iron tonic, and royal jelly capsules, hand cream, and perfume.

We are going to have dinner at their parents each night we are visiting, so that's a lovely thing.

We have done some shopping and sight-seeing. Everywhere we go arm in arm, the three of us. She has really made a fuss of my daughter. Last night my daughter was looking at some bags in a shop and my dear YaYa bought her not one bag, but two of these fashionable bags for her. Mind you, she spent almost two weeks salary on the bags. I was so embarrassed that Emma had received such an expensive gift from her, but it is important sometimes to receive as well as to give.

It is cold here, it is on the verge of snowing. My daughter keeps saying how she wants it to be warm like the Melbourne summer she left *laughs*

I have taken all my documents to the marriage registry and they have finally given them the okay. The statutory declaration I prepared (declaring that I have not remarried since the death of my wife), together with the death certificate and no result certificate, appear to be sufficient. We will get these translated and return them to the registry. The plan is to be married in February 2010.

I would be just as happy to marry now, but I do not want my family or friends to think I rushed into this thoughtlessly. Also my parents asked that I spend some time with her and then marry an another visit. My mother is in not such good health, and so it is good to do something to reassure her and please her in this way. I have no doubt about my parents and family and friends loving YaYa. She really is a good and kind person.

I have explained this to YaYa and her family. I said that in Australia, people do not mind if you live together, but if you rush into marriage, in some ways you lose face and the marriage begins under a cloud. You never want anyone to be surprised that you were married, and the reasons for the marriage. YaYa and her family were happy with this explanation. I said that I do not know much about Chinese people, but I do know how Australian people think and talk amongst themselves.

Each night we end up the night by having a massage. It is so cheap. An hour massage costs about 30 yuan. In Australia, the cheapest you can get it is 360 yuan.

Last night, my daughter fell asleep after her massage and so we finally had sometime together, and I got my first kiss. A sweet moment.

There was a little game that she played at the end of the night. She said that she wished to have one of the hairs on my arms, and as she took it I had to promise to be "unchanged for a thousand years" and then she took one from the other arm, and made me promise again to be "unchanged for two thousand years", and then one from my chest, and I promised to be "unchanged for three thousand years". I thought that was so sweet.

I am so pleased with the way things have turned out. I feel like I'm drifting along down the river. I could not be happier.

Thank you again for all the people from the forum who have helped me along the way and made this all possible.

Offline Buzz

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RE: Danny's third trip to China
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2009, 10:39:31 pm »
Quote from: 'Danny' pid='25602' dateline='1260930858'

We have done some shopping and sight-seeing. Everywhere we go arm in arm, the three of us.
I am so pleased with the way things have turned out. I feel like I'm drifting along down the river. I could not be happier.

Danny, great start, I was very happy and surprised when my lady would grab my hand when walking down the street.  I was prepared to walk side by side, but not holding hands.  It was great to have that bond and the first kiss, well that is just majical.  Glad you are having a great time.  buzz

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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RE: Danny's third trip to China
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2009, 02:49:05 am »
Great,Danny , a great read , and awaiting the next installment , regards Ying and Robert.
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