Author Topic: Re: How can I tell if she's a fake?  (Read 15188 times)

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Re: How can I tell if she's a fake?
« on: May 02, 2009, 10:59:51 am »
Mick , what Maxx said is for a good start . I want to add , to slow down with your letter writing . Everyday is going to be , to expansive for you in the long run and might not be good for your Lady ,it will put too much pressure on her . Especially if she does not have a Computer of her own . I don't think any Lady will have the time free , to go to the Agency everyday to read and answer your letter's . That sound's fishy to me . They have a Life too , unless of course it's a Scam . Two .. Three times a week is more than enough . This way you can use up all the 6000 character's available and ask many question's about daily Life . This will also give your Lady more time to reply more fully / complete to your's .
If this thing still keep's happening with the repeat's , I would drop her and move on .

Offline Irishman

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Re: How can I tell if she's a fake?
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2009, 11:16:55 am »
I think a lot of people are getting overly paranoid about these so called fakes.
ALL the mods are either married to or engaged to Chinese ladies, I'm going over to visit one for the second time next month...we cant all have magically found the only non fakes out there can we??!!

In fact next visit I'm meeting one of my ladies friends American husband that is visiting to bring her back to America with him as her visa just came through.
Another one of my ladies friends has another American visiting her as it happens when i'm there too so we are going to have a blast and a big meal that's three women i can personally 100% vouch are genuine..beating the odds eh?, i don't think so.
Take it one step at a time and encourage her to use msn/qq or whatever, that way you'll find out pretty fast what's real and what isn't.
Best of luck Mike, you are beginning a wonderful adventure that will be massively rewarding as long as you keep your head together and allow it to develop naturally.
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.


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How can I tell if she's a fake?
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2009, 10:05:02 am »
Hi Guys, I have been writing to a lady over the last 2 weeks  . I read a forum the other day about
agencies putting fake women on the site  and I am concerned about the one I am writing to. I send her letters everyday and she replies everyday
which is good but she has asked me questions she already new, like I told her I was already in china but she asked me see her when I come to
china the next letter and I told what I was doing on the weekend but she asked me again in the next letter and she repeated something in
2 consecutive letters. The photo's she sends me are of  model  material as well. Maybe I am a bit paranoid but if anyone can give me advice,
I would apreciate it.

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Re: How can I tell if she's a fake?
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2009, 10:27:06 am »
Mick ask for the day to day pictures.Send her some flowers.Have her take a picture with the flowers.Find out how long she has had her profile on Chnlove.You will want to get this all straight in your mind before you proceed with this relationship.It really does make for a bad start.

No matter what you do or how you conduct this relationship.Or the next relationship.At some point and time you are going to have to make a leap of faith.And return to China.To see if the women is the women of your dreams.If you let this line of thinking continue.Then you will see a scam.And you will be posting your own tales of woe.Because you have just put the women threw the Spanish inquisition.Then you start beleaving what other people have written.Then it spirals out of control

I think that everybody has ben reading the scam articals lately.There seams to be alot of them out there in the last couple of weeks.But as I said before at some point and time you are going to have to go and see for yourself if it is a scam.

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Re: How can I tell if she's a fake?
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2009, 12:39:19 pm »
Hi Mick, I have been writing with my "new" lady for three weeks now. We write every day to each other, once we two letters a day. Yes Arnold, it is expensive, but I am hopeless  :twisted:  The pictures I have gotten from her are also studio photos, but the letters are very real as far as I can tell.

I had the same issues with my last lady. I told her I had to go to Germany for my passport because I am german living in Denmark. A week later she asks why I had to Germany. She was no fake, I had gotten some pictures but in our case it just wasn't right. Maybe your lady is not as interested as you wish or maybe she is just busy with a lot of things that could make she doesn't always remembers what you asked the day before. I believe if it would be a fake, they would be more careful and try to avoid repeating the same questions/answers.

But as the others told me when I was in doubt, follow your heart.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

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Re: How can I tell if she's a fake?
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2009, 05:54:47 pm »
There is a lot of paranoia that's risen out of what.. 1-2 ladies that have been determined to be a scam in the past few weeks? Maybe 3 women?  The odds of it being a scam are extremely slim.    Most of the ladies have professional pictures taken for their profile, either initiated by themselves, or suggested and taken by the agency.  They like to present their best pictures because they want to be desirable - who doesn't?  I know that if I had professional pictures, I'd be sending those babies out :p  You can simply ask her to take a picture of herself how she looks at work or on the weekend, or as it was suggested with flowers that you send, etc.  I've told the ladies I speak to when I ask for these pictures that I would like to imagine what she looks like on an average day when I think of her, something like that *shrug*

Also, in terms of repeating, I am having that issue with one lady - mostly this is an issue with translation.  When translating english to chinese and vice versa, there are certain things - slang, vernacular, phrasing - that don't translate directly.  This means that the translator then needs to make a "best effort" at making the lady understand the basic meaning of what you are saying.  Sometimes your basic meaning is skewed, lost partially, or lost altogether.  I really wouldn't sweat it too much, but if it helps, maybe you can try to break down your writing into simpler sentences (I'm not sure if that is what's needed, just a thought) or write in a way that leaves little room for error or misunderstanding by the translator.

As mentioned, you may also wish to write every 1-2 days instead.  Writing every day generally means that there is a lot of information being written about, therefore, a lot of things on a daily basis to remember.  Your lady may also be getting confused between the letters - almost like forgetting what you had for dinner the night before ;)  I like to have my most recent letter in front of me when I write my replies so I know what was spoken about, but this may not be feasible or something that your lady is doing, which could also explain the memory gaps.

Best of luck to ya!


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Re: How can I tell if she's a fake?
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2009, 08:35:33 pm »
Neil , there are exception's of course . Being close to the Agency is a bonus only a handfull of Lady's can enjoy , i'm sure . To really have such a Lady , so devoted to write everyday ... is indeed special , but not too common . Especially a working Lady with a Child to worry about . Remember , some of those Lady's work 12 or sometimes more hour's a day . That's why I would think , having that much time on hand is not right , looking from my viewpoint . I think , one really has to be more careful , writing to a Lady like that .

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Re: How can I tell if she's a fake?
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2009, 07:08:03 pm »
Quote from: "Arnold"
Mick , what Maxx said is for a good start . I want to add , to slow down with your letter writing . Everyday is going to be , to expansive for you in the long run and might not be good for your Lady ,it will put too much pressure on her . Especially if she does not have a Computer of her own . I don't think any Lady will have the time free , to go to the Agency everyday to read and answer your letter's . That sound's fishy to me . They have a Life too , unless of course it's a Scam . Two .. Three times a week is more than enough . This way you can use up all the 6000 character's available and ask many question's about daily Life . This will also give your Lady more time to reply more fully / complete to your's .
If this thing still keep's happening with the repeat's , I would drop her and move on .

Hmm, I'd say ask your girl how daily letter writing works out for her.  I asked my girl and she said she lives very close to the agency, she answers nearly every letter in the morning before work, but sometimes after work, and rarely the next day if she's busy.  She enjoys writing daily and I enjoy it too.  

I know my girl's not fake - I've sent chocolates and gotten pictures of her with them.  Sure, it'd be easy to believe it's a scam - maybe the address she gave me is the agency address, maybe her cell number's an agency number...sometimes you gotta have a little faith.  

My $10 (pack-a-day) habit is affordable to me and makes me (and hopefully her) happy so I'm gonna continue.  I'm going to see her in August so maybe I'll find out for sure when I step off the plane.  

As for the repeats, is it possible she's writing to more than one person still?  Maybe she gets some facts confused.  If you confront her about the repeats, she may realize you are worth at the very least paying more attention to when she replies so she doesn't get facts mixed up. irresistible as chocolate

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Re: How can I tell if she's a fake?
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2009, 12:20:38 pm »
With my expierence the letters i sent were not always translated correctly, the translator sent me an e-mail explaining he did not understand what I was trying to say.  I was also given a wrong address, and a wrong phone number.  I sent a package to the address given but she never recieved it.  I sent this package two weeks before valentines day.  Guess what I got it back two weeks ago.  Made it there, just an incorrect address.  I asked xule about this and she said the address that was given to was incorrect she gave me the correct one.  And the phone number was her mothers, so I felt a little silly sending her i love you text messages. lol.   I believe that with all the fear of snagging a fake has left some of these men helpless to our own western ways.  I think you have to go into this style of dating with eyes wide open and take it what it is for.   Fear just does not factor well into the equation.  Take a leap of faith and love with abandoned.
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Re: How can I tell if she's a fake?
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2009, 06:55:32 am »
Hi Guys, thanks all for the advice, I will keep writing to here and see how it goes.


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Re: How can I tell if she's a fake?
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2009, 12:12:35 am »
I put a definition after it so they know what is being said. They may take the word "Stern" something meaning the back or bottom which makes no sense in the sentence to us. Unless I'm saying sometimes I have to be an ass?  :D  So find the words and choose them carefully.

That is very good advice Vince , that will be very helpful to many of us here . I myself , have never thought about this , but then , i have an excuse ... I'm German .

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Re: How can I tell if she's a fake?
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2009, 01:18:50 am »
Quote from: "Arnold"
Mick , what Maxx said is for a good start . I want to add , to slow down with your letter writing . Everyday is going to be , to expansive for you in the long run and might not be good for your Lady ,it will put too much pressure on her . Especially if she does not have a Computer of her own .

we were writing daily and covered anything and everything in between. If you can afford the daily, it's so special...
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

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Re: How can I tell if she's a fake?
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2009, 03:35:43 pm »
I have said this in another post, but I use LEC Software (Use a google search).  It has one function where it will translate your words into Chinese then translate that back into english so you can see what you said.  you can change the wording a little bit until you get the message straight.  I have had it awhile and i do not remember how much I paid for it.  But it was not very expensive and it has saved numerous goofs. the only time I didnt check, I misspelled a word then just sent it before I checked instead of saying she had a pretty face(fece) it said she had a pretty rectal excretion. This was sent to her 16 year old daughter.  It took a while to get her calmed down. Not Mama, she understood the error but the daughter was livid for a while. I was very embarrassed also.  So to me it is very worth the money.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

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RE: How can I tell if she's a fake?
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2009, 10:16:51 am »
I have tried lec and it also does make mistakes when translating from simplified chinese to english. for example: l love you flora is translated as i love your plants.hardly the same declaration to my lady is They are helpful programmes but should not be relied upon. regards Gary

Offline Hajo

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RE: How can I tell if she's a fake?
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2009, 11:22:48 am »
I use It is not perfect, but has the advantage that it shows all the translated words including translation/explanation beneath. Most of the time I check the words quickly. Worked well for Vicky and me yesterday.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.