Author Topic: Ed, The American Sock  (Read 14158 times)

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Offline Ed W

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Re: Ed, The American Sock
« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2009, 05:07:35 am »
Thanks for the cheers for the blog. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to capture the moments well enough with words but I guess i'm not doing to terrible a job. haha.

I was without any internet access yesterday while we spent the night in Jilin so I posted two posts one after the other since I keep my notes sorted by day.

I can't get my flickr pics up likely until i get home. I'm still doing the usb flash drive thing with Xindi's comp and I hate to install too much extra stuff on hers.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china


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Re: Ed, The American Sock
« Reply #31 on: May 05, 2009, 02:02:28 am »
I see you made it back safely and in one piece . Yeah , one piece ? I bet you could say in two pieces , you and your Lao Po ! How did your Daughter's greet you , after being away on your Fantasy wedding trip ? I can imagine how excited their must be , to meet your new Lady and their new Mom ?
Thanks again for a great Blog and letting us share your Story with you .

Offline Ed W

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Re: Ed, The American Sock
« Reply #32 on: May 05, 2009, 02:14:49 am »
Thanks Arnold. I did my best to portraite my experiences. My daughters has to wait for the following day since my flight came in shortly before midnight. My Chinese neigbor picked me up and we shared much talk about how it it and what I still missed.

I wish all our members could experiece what I have in the last couple weeks.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china


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Re: Ed, The American Sock
« Reply #33 on: May 05, 2009, 02:20:48 am »
I wish that for our member's as well , especially the ones with the bad " Ex 's experience behind them . It is truely a dream for us who did take that step and came away with the most wonderful Wife we could have ever dream of . I feel it's our Job now to help where help is due and needed . Pay it forward , as you would say .

Offline Ed W

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Re: Ed, The American Sock
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2009, 07:21:43 pm »
Jetlag is still seriously kickin my butt. At the least I can chat with my wife on QQ video call during her afternoon, my night. Going there the jetlag was so minimal but now that I'm home I can't seem to shake it. Not yet anyway....

just send me back and be done with it. haha.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china