Author Topic: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story  (Read 32589 times)

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Offline kenny

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Re: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #45 on: February 24, 2011, 09:43:45 pm »
Congratulations, great pictures looks like a happy family. I wish you all the best.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #46 on: February 25, 2011, 12:21:47 am »
Great pictures and story , congratulations to you both , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Re: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #47 on: February 25, 2011, 12:29:42 am »
Great Pictures ! May Happiness and a long Life together , be part of your Marriage . Congrat's to both of you .. from Up-Town Neighbors Qing & Arnold .

Offline Buzz

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Re: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #48 on: September 04, 2012, 08:43:08 pm »
Just getting everything in order for a return trip to Anshan and Shenyang.  ( If there are any member going to be in the area between 9-20-12 and 10-12-12, let me know).

Was a bit upset that the new Visa requirements require that you have not only a round trip ticket, but also have a hotel for every night of stay.  This all started the first of August.

It has been a very good and most enjoyable time since Xiuru and I got married (Feb of 2011).  Getting close to the time we apply for the 10 year green card. 

I will say that I am not looking forward to this trip.  We have two nephews getting married during our stay and my wife (very generous with my money) promissed each $500 American.   Not to mention all the other gifts for family members.  With the cost of air fare,  this trip is pushing the $5000 dollar range.  I made sure my wife understands that this is my last trip to china.  While I will be more that happy to send her on a yearly basis,  I no longer need to make the long trip.   

My wife has almost given up on the idea of returning to china when I retire.  She had made many new friends here at the Greensboro Chinese Christian Church,  like the clean air,  drinkable water, and the quiet nights. 

Would not trade my wife or my decision to marry a Chinese woman for any thing or any amount.  But that said,  I would not EVER do this again.  It is not the cost,  in my case,  my wife is the same age as myself.  (61).  Never drove, not good with computers,  and still speaks very little English.  Many times this past year it was like I got a wife and became a baby sitter all in the same day.   

It would have been much easier for me to move to china, but then I could not live with the pollution and did not want to be away from the grandchildren. 


Offline Rhonald

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Re: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #49 on: September 04, 2012, 08:49:47 pm »
Would not trade my wife or my decision to marry a Chinese woman for any thing or any amount.  But that said,  I would not EVER do this again.  It is not the cost,  in my case,  my wife is the same age as myself.  (61).  Never drove, not good with computers,  and still speaks very little English.  Many times this past year it was like I got a wife and became a baby sitter all in the same day.   


You echo my thoughts as well Buzz. Glad to hear from you and I hope the trip goes well and eventhough your topic uses the word simple the love is not that simple as I too feel at times a babysitter. At least she is potty trained  ::)
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Re: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #50 on: September 04, 2012, 09:03:21 pm »
They want you to have a hotel reservation for every day?  I'm sure that can't be right, or there must be some way around it.  I mean, I stay with my wife, in her parent's home. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Buzz

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Re: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #51 on: December 14, 2013, 09:57:49 pm »
WOW!  Married for three years next month.  10 year green card in the mail today.  My how time gets away from us all.  It has been an interesting three years here in Greensboro.  We have made several China/American couple friends as well as chinese familes that we consider close friends.  I have to say that it was not a flat clean dry interstate highway kind of a trip.  While I would not ever even consider doing this again,  I am also not sorry or regretful for the journy this past 5 years have taken us.  My biggest surprise is just how much time these wives require.  Almost all of the ladies that come here are very successful in China, but then here they are dependent on family, friends, and others to adjust.  As I said earlier, it is almost a 24/7 babysitting job for the first few months.  This places a strain on both parties and there are times when you just have to get away and find some alone time.  I have seen more than a few husbands that have died and the stress and strain put on the widows.  We have a close friend that shortly after his marriage developed a mental illness and has been unable to work.  I have seen some chinese ladies leave for Vegas or New York after getting their 10 year cards.  Bottom line, you do your best, put forth your best, trust in each other and enjoy time with family and friends. 
Back when I first started this journey, we had a group of men who shared their journy with us and I think of them often.  When holidays are over, will look at the postings and see if I can catch up with their success and triumphs. 



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Re: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #52 on: December 15, 2013, 02:41:27 pm »
Buzz, nice to hear from you again!  :o what.. you wouldn't do it again? I certainly would, but then.. Qing and I did ride on a "Smooth" Freeway from the start and still are on it after 6+ yrs.  8)

Anyway, we did mention... us guys do need lot's and lot's of Patience to even attempt such Journey.

Offline kenny

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Re: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #53 on: December 15, 2013, 08:56:17 pm »
Patience, yes I would say so. Just tonight we were watching the Packers and Linda asked something I dont even remember what now, but I answered her and she said what I dont understand. I said it again, and then again Ziwei was in the room and said "my god mom how many times does he need to tell you".
We laughed and that was it.

A little alone time with a beer or two does help but like Arnold I think I would do it again as well.

Offline Smaug

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Re: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #54 on: January 14, 2014, 11:26:48 pm »
Well THAT was a good read.

A bit sad that she doesn't wear the ring, but I hear from my Ivy that many don't.

Now that you are three years on and starting to see some downsides, let me remind you of how you felt when it was the waiting time, 8,000 miles apart. ;)

I'm in that stage now. We've been together for a year and a half now. I will go to China in a coupla weeks, then she will come back and we will marry in a few more months. Lots of waiting. It is depressing, as we celebrate our birthdays and holidays apart.

A little babysitting is better, right?

As for speaking hardly any English, that is a shame too. It seems she has found enough Chinese friends to enable her NOT to speak English. I think you should gently nudge her to continue English classes.

'Glad she's comfortable though!