Author Topic: One Year  (Read 2812 times)

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Offline Martin

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One Year
« on: December 16, 2009, 05:20:30 pm »
Well, here we are.  Our brotherhood is just over a year old.  It was in late November 2008 that the brotherhood was started on Facebook.  A year later, we are growing stronger, and covering issues that none of us would have believed possible in the early days.

In the past year, we had a member go to China, and have everything fall apart on him.  This was the first time we had the ability to get daily reports from China, and be able to respond quickly to try to help.  Sadly, Irishman was not the last person to have his trip go south on him.  And more will sadly follow this route.

In the past year, we have read about brothers in China who have gone, met the love of their life, and gotten married.  Rhonald, Peter, Ed, Paul, Brian and countless others have had success, and we have had the joy of reading about it.

In the past year, we have had three brothers bring their wives home to America.  Arnold and Nik have waited a long time for this day to finally come for them, while Hajo did not have to wait long at all.

We have had some challenging times in this brotherhood.  We have had people join who weren't what they seemed.  One who mysteriously was shot and killed.  We have had some brothers go through unspeakable turmoil, when their lady quit writing, because he was not tall enough.  We have seen the brotherhood rally behind this same member, to try and right a wrong.

We have had fights with each other.  Opinions of some members are not always well received by other members.  But we are a brotherhood.  Through thick and thin, through the good news and bad.  Through the joy of love, to the despair of heartbreak, we are a brotherhood.

We come from all parts of the globe.  It has been my honour to get to know all of you during the past year.  Merry Christmas..Happy Holidays, and all the best in 2010, wherever you are in the world.  I hope the next year is just as exciting here on our forum of brothers.

« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 05:38:56 pm by Martin »


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RE: One Year
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2009, 05:56:06 pm »
It's funny how time flies when you are doing something you enjoy doing with all your Heart ( to help People on their Quest ) and on the other hand it is the total opposite ( waiting for your loved one ) .
To me , this Forum of brother's let's you forget sometimes talking to your own Family . Since having my Computer , I truely can say ... next to finding my Wife of course ... it has been an obsolute pleasure being part of this ever growing Group of People .
Like the old saying : Watch what you wish for ... you just might find it . Love is why we are all here , to find that special someone ... and look what we found besides . It bring People together from all part's of the World and our little Forum is the perfect examble for it .
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 05:57:09 pm by Arnold »

Offline Rhonald

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RE: One Year
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2009, 08:05:05 pm »
Today, one year ago, I boarded the plane for my 1st trip to the promised land. Happy Aniversary to all and to all a good Knight's tale. :fi_lone_ranger:
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 08:06:01 pm by Rhonald »
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances


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RE: One Year
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2009, 04:05:06 am »
Nice post Martin. That MLM episode was really bizzare :icon_cool:. My membership of the brotherhood is less than 4 months old but already I seem to have experienced more crazieness than a lot of people go through in their entire lives. I wonder what 2010 will bring for us? I am sure it will be exciting though, no doubt about that :icon_cheesygrin:.

Offline jeffm

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RE: One Year
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2009, 05:05:03 am »
Quote from: 'Martin' pid='25686' dateline='1261002030'

Well, here we are.  Our brotherhood is just over a year old.  It was in late November 2008 that the brotherhood was started on Facebook.  A year later, we are growing stronger, and covering issues that none of us would have believed possible in the early days.

In the past year, we had a member go to China, and have everything fall apart on him.  This was the first time we had the ability to get daily reports from China, and be able to respond quickly to try to help.  Sadly, Irishman was not the last person to have his trip go south on him.  And more will sadly follow this route.

In the past year, we have read about brothers in China who have gone, met the love of their life, and gotten married.  Rhonald, Peter, Ed, Paul, Brian and countless others have had success, and we have had the joy of reading about it.

In the past year, we have had two brothers bring their wives home to America.  Arnold and Nik have waited a long time for this day to finally come for them.

We have had some challenging times in this brotherhood.  We have had people join who weren't what they seemed.  One who mysteriously was shot and killed.  We have had some brothers go through unspeakable turmoil, when their lady quit writing, because he was not tall enough.  We have seen the brotherhood rally behind this same member, to try and right a wrong.

We have had fights with each other.  Opinions of some members are not always well received by other members.  But we are a brotherhood.  Through thick and thin, through the good news and bad.  Through the joy of love, to the despair of heartbreak, we are a brotherhood.

We come from all parts of the globe.  It has been my honour to get to know all of you during the past year.  Merry Christmas..Happy Holidays, and all the best in 2010, wherever you are in the world.  I hope the next year is just as exciting here on our forum of brothers.


Well said
Watch what people do not what they say

Offline JimB

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RE: One Year
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2009, 10:44:27 am »
Like you said Dinger, Irish's trip is the one that bonded us together. And since then every brother who has gone has had the support of this forum behind him.  If you really think about it, the internet truly has brought the world together.  I remember the early days of computing, in the late 70's.  we thought it was amazing to be able to do some word processing and even having a 10 meg hard drive was very very costly. The green screen, 256k ram on board the XT motherboard was great. Now we have this. Broadband, streaming, downloadable movies, etc. And it has brought different countries and people together.  We have been able to look, find and love over the internet.  I also for one will be forever grateful to the friends I have met and made here.  More than once they have helped me keep my head out of my arse.  Helping the new brothers on their quest is our reason for being and it will be our legacy.  The mods here  help us to keep the brotherhood from straying off of what we are here for.  Thank you for putting your time and effort into this.  We have seen people come and go but those that are truly wanting to find their love have stayed, some have found it, others are still looking.  it is a perilous journey fraught with potholes, bottlenecks and careless drivers, but though it all this forum has been here to help keep them safe.  It is a safe haven almost like a home where we can come to for advice and feel safe from those pitfalls and have a kinship with the others here.  We all have two goals, one to find our loves and secondly to help others find theirs.  Like a family, we have our arguments but almost always make up but do not let outsiders attack any brother here.  They are thrown out very quickly. Some have snaked us but eventually are found out.  MLM was so very bizarre, he spent about 8 months here.  We cannot know for certain what his motives were, but while here he did help. We have some who come here and just read and do not participate.  That is ok too.  But, the main core of the brotherhood are those of you that come often, post your questions and give help to the others here.  When a brother is absent for a while we start to worry about him, what has happened? How can we help? Read the thread about MLM being shot.  See how many brothers here were ready and willing to do whatever was necessary from giving moral support to even traveling to him. Everyone here asked what can we do for him?  What other forum do you know of that would have this kind of family?  I hope this forum goes on forever.  Everyone have a good holiday and heres hoping for an even better 2010.

Jim and Gina
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: One Year
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2009, 11:22:25 am »
Looks like I started about half way into the first year of this adventure.  It sure has been a real blessing to me.

Consider this, can you imagine deciding to find, date and marry a Chinese woman without this site and the internet?  It has been done but at what cost?

We live in perilous times but at the same time we are living life to the fullest using resources literally at our fingertips that will exceed all of our expectations. has a big role in that.

For those who took the time to put this phenomenal resource and support site together I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I have learned so much and continue to do so.

I have made a few friends who share this common dream.  As Martin said sometimes this is not an easy web site because of the few fights that have happened but the one real blessing is that everyone cares. (paraphrased) There is a desire shared by all on this site; that each man that goes to China comes back having gained a good and beautiful womans heart and marriage down the road.

To the new people who are and will be entering this site, check your feelings in at the door because you will at some point be offended.  I remember the first time it happened with me.  Count it as a learning experience that will help to define the future marriage you will have with one of God's most beautiful creatures on the earth; a Chinese woman.

Thanks guy's,


Offline Peter

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RE: One Year
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2009, 12:02:50 pm »
A lot of wise words are spoken in this forum and between us brothers. Let us keep on helping each other because the journey is not completed even if you live together with you wife... There will always be questions and a need of support from those who already gone through this once. It will make a better future for us and our wifes.
I wish you all a Happy Christmas  and also a Happy New Year. My New Year will start on the 2 of January when my wife comes to Sweden.

Peter / I Spy
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove

Offline Buzz

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RE: One Year
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2009, 07:02:00 pm »
This forum has been a big help in XiuRu's an my success.  It was the discussion with Irish, the very heated debate with Mike in country, and the many different opinions that each of us has, that makes us stop and think 3ft north of our belt line.   Working within this forum does not guarantee success in our relationships, but I can not immagine success outside of this arena.  My lady knows of this site, knows that it is for guys like myself and is grateful for the knowledge and support given to me before and during my trip to see her.  I hope to meet in person some of the members close to me this spring, but know it will have to be after February.  Thanks to all.  

buzz and xiuru.

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: One Year
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2009, 08:14:10 am »
Greetings Brothers,

First, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all.  May the best day you have ever had be the worst day you will ever have.

second, let me also add my thanks to those who started this forum up and put in all the early work.  It was your help and advice and also from guys like china shark Mike that got me to where I am now.

I read everything I could find about life in china and chinese ladies and relationships etc on this site and the official Chnlove forums.  I freely admit that much of my amazing luck was in a large part thanks to the great words of wisdom from those who went before.  Reading the stories of success and falure, the rules and advice on what to expect, the different outlooks and culture etc. prepared me to a degree many dont get for what I would find in China.  I remember reading about taxis in China and the hell they call traffic heheh.  My first day in Beijing was pouring rain and we had to take two motorized bike cabs with boxes on the back because we couldnt get a real cab ( to this day I actually enjoy taking cabs in China its so interesting).  I took all the weirdness and strangeness and sights and smells and looks and whispers in stride because I knew it would happen before I even left Canada.  There is nothing like the wealth of information anywhere on the net that we have here. My relationship with Zhen was enriched and avoided many pitfalls thanks to the advice from the brothers here.

So from Zhen and I to you and yours we offer our deepest respects and heartfelt thanks to all who continue to help and post and offer a swift kick when needed.  Your advice and assistance has made Zhen and I one of the successful lucky couples and we thank you all for it.

Best regards in 2010 and lets see many weddings and success stories and many smiling photos of happy couples in the year ahead.


Zhen and Brian

Offline David E

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RE: One Year
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2009, 05:05:51 pm »
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='25790' dateline='1261066945'

Consider this, can you imagine deciding to find, date and marry a Chinese woman without this site and the internet?  It has been done but at what cost?

For those who took the time to put this phenomenal resource and support site together I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I have learned so much and continue to do so.


Yes, Shaun, I CAN imagine whatit is like to begin the journey for a Chinese wife without any help or guidance from people who know...and care. It is a dangerous, expensive and frustrating task....and worse, it hammers the hell out of your emotions.

This Forum is a rock and a harbour in a very stormy sea :icon_cheesygrin:...but sometimes you just get told...and you gotta deal with it !!!

It has turned my personal nightmare into something very special that I recently have found.

From me, to all of you who have helped, bullied, cajoled, advised and just been there when needed....thanks are not enough, but a huge "thank you"


Offline JimB

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RE: One Year
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2009, 06:19:13 pm »
I do not want to jinx it, but recently we have had a lot more success stories than failures.  I think to some extent this site is helping this.  Lets hope we get even more success stories in 2010.
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Offline Irishman

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RE: One Year
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2009, 03:07:56 am »
Its certainly been quite a roller-coaster of a ride at times.
I made three trips to China in the last year and finally in the third one I met the woman of my dreams. Each trip holds special memories for me in its own way.

Without you guys here I think I would have given up on the whole thing and be sitting here sad, depressed and alone at Christmas. Instead I'm full of hope and happiness, I feel the best I have felt for years, I'm 40lbs lighter too as a result of trying to get back into shape! (another 30 to go!).
Thank you to one and all for your advice, your colsolation and your friendship, it really means a lot.

I hope the next year brings us all continued success and  more friendships. Looks like we are having the first annual brotherhood convention in Guangzhou next February!

Happy Christmas to one and all and a prosperous  (and romantic!) new year.

Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: One Year
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2009, 03:49:02 pm »
One year, it is quickly gone, in fact. 2 trips in China since I am on this forum, and one "dream" to be followed, with Lyian. Thanks to a lot of brothers, comments, friendship, advices and so on, I can better understand and learn more about China, chinese habits and so on. And for sure, I like the way this forum is.
Many thanks again to those who created it ;)
By the way, I also wish to everybody over here, my best wishes for Christmas and the new year's coming :)
May all the brothers who still aren't engaged/married to go on furthermore about it, and may all the brotherhood still remain, of course.
I'd also like to be in Gz to meet most of those who will be there. Even if it would be for a short time.
- Let's Rock -


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RE: One Year
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2009, 11:53:16 am »
What can I say that I never said in my letter of thanks to you all.

I can start with, merry xmas and a  romantic new year to you all...

To those who have not found their lady yet...Good luck in the new year.

The information, that we all recieve on here makes this the best place on the internet.  Without the info I gathered, and it's probably true for 90% of the brothers here, we would not have been as successful as we probably are.  So with thanks to Martin and the rest of the mods and everyone associated with this site. I say a really big thanks bros...