Author Topic: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J  (Read 5212 times)

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Offline maxx

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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2009, 10:52:02 am »
I think the repitation rating needs to stay.Like Willy said when you have a new person starting.They need to know who to ask there questions to.

as far as the negitive side of it.That is a tough call.We have all seen it abused.Beigng able to give a negitive ratting probably needs to be left up to a modd or the administrator.With the administrater giving final approval or denile.

Offline David E

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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2009, 04:30:56 pm »
Thre's no such thing as a "negative post" from a Bro.
We may not agree with the words, or the sentiment or the content.

But everybody who comes here must feel free to attempt to make a contribution which in some way or another must surely contribute to the overall knowlege base that is of INCALCULABLE value on our Forum.

To get a positive rep. from any of our peers is a highly welcome thing and hopefully should motivate us to think about what we write in a manner which will help everybody.

It is not ego.....that belongs in the "other place"....its a sense of belonging, of being valuable and validated.

If posts step across into abusive, offensive or other less desirable outcomes, then let the mods deal with it as they have done in the past.

It is not smart to have newbies (or oldies for that matter) being reluctant/nervous to post some information in case they get jumped on and get a negative rep.

Guys.....We are bigger and smarter than that !!!!


ps...Brett, are you serious with these words ???  "I guess he'll probably come back - I seriously thought about quitting here last week but you just have to remember there is no 24 hour rule here and sometimes we don't always phrase things as we intended.  

Are you saying that you go to the time and trouble to write a post and then blast it off without some thought that it does or does not mean what you intended it too ??

There does not need to be a 24 hr rule for posts...just read through what you write BEFORE  you hit the "post reply" button. Then you wont EVER post something that does not mean what you intended it too....its not rocket science :icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 07:44:49 pm by David E »


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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2009, 05:58:34 pm »
I think Chet Sams knows something the rest of us don't, going by his thread post *7


Offline Danny

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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2009, 08:50:23 pm »
My two cents: only moderators should be able to impose negative reputation points.

In some ways, repuatation points are only worth as much as the person who hands them out. If you admire and a respect a person, a reputation point from them has value.

In some ways, reputation points are trivial. But there are many things in life that to people outside the group they appear like nothing.

It is like medals to soldiers, I suppose. Outside the institution, the item is only a ribbon and a stamped piece of metal. Within the institution it had great meaning and significance.

If repuation points mean something to a good proportion of the brothers, then by all means, let's continue with the practice.


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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2009, 09:24:09 am »
ok a little off this subject, it has happened to me again?? i missed something before and had to
 ask so i will ask this second one i missed???  MLM faked his own death????? what is all that about???
 i missed that thread? can someone fill me in on that here or thru a pm. curious on this  thanks


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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2009, 09:32:15 am »
Ted, I don't think anyone really knows about the MLM situation.  What is real, what is not.  I could be wrong, maybe someone knows the whole story and is not saying anything.

The abigbutt issue may turn out to be the same.  I do not know if he and Chet ever met face to face since they both live in Las Vegas.  They are both on their way to China or have just arrived there so it will take a while to see if there are any comments from either one...     Shaun
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 09:32:49 am by shaun »


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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2009, 09:46:02 am »
ok thanks shaun  just was curious why someone would fake their
  own death? if it is true then that is a pretty pathetic thing to do
  although maybe i should have done that to my ex before the man
  she remarried to finally became my hero because my buck stopped at
  that wedding day

Chet Sams

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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2009, 09:59:16 am »
Well since  a mod killed my last post. Let me try and make it like im not attacking forum members.

TTWJR32: Yes you did miss out on some things. There were some issues with a few members and abigbutt. Words were said and things were done. Well the outcome is one less member of real info gone again. Short verse of story.

Shaun: Butt is going to be there on tues or weds china time and i will be there on the next day after. He will beat me there by one day. Lucky bastard. Hehehe. We never met face to face.

Im sure the MLM situation was a made up thing and some members were almost sucked into the con game. It happens life goes on.

So now that i have redone the posting to a better less attacked way. Some of the people that wished an answer now have a short version of it.

Vince G

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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #23 on: December 20, 2009, 11:15:09 am »
I think he and some others shouldn't be so temperamental. It's a forum and people post different opinions. It's not Happy Happy land where everyone agrees and we all walk hand in hand. We don't have many rules here but if somethings going to course a flare up we have to fix it before things happen. It may seem like a personal thing but it's not.

Chet Sams

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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #24 on: December 20, 2009, 11:50:02 am »
Well i dont think its tempermental. I think majority of this could have been prevented if it was taken to email. Like i have said many times in the past. It saves alot of headaches. But it also hides the one sidedness of the issues that unfold. And they are not always handled fairly. The flare up already happened but I was the one that recieved the warning for the attack when the original posts were still going on. So fixing it was really late. But that does not matter now.

Happy happy land. Ok. not sure why ya said that. Im sure we all know we dont all walk hand in hand. Never expected to. Thats where opinions and uniqueness comes into play.

I do understand it is a forum and people are entitled to their opinions. But can we as in everyone treat them as that. Aka recent flame war that resulted in a lot of lost info again. This is where i stress the most. Lost info.

Maybe the mods should impose some kind of basic rules to prevent this from happening over and over again. A sticky post perhaps. BUT also be aware that the mods need to follow the same rules as the members. Just because the name mods means control to the forum doesnt mean they rule it. And do not have to bide by the rules as stated.

Vince G

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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2009, 01:09:54 pm »
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 01:10:20 pm by Vince G »

Offline maxx

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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2009, 01:21:18 pm »
What Vince said is true.It is never personal.We are just trying to keep the peace.Most times it is a thankless job.With no  paycheck or even a cash bonus for Christmass.

When you are a mod.On a forum such as this.All you are doing is making yourself  a target.After you have deleted somebodies post after they just tried to start a fight with another member.We recieve pm from Irate members.Who's post you just deleted.Then we recieve Pm from the irate members friends.Then you have to explain yourself to the other five mods.And the administraters.

I wouldn't think this would be a issue we have over 300 members.That are supposed to act like adults.But like I was discussing with another member this mourning.This does not always happen.

To keep this from happining.What we could do.Is switch over to a forum like candleforlove web site.It is a nice web site.There only problem.Is it is all buisness.if you don't have something constructive to say.Or the exact right answer to the question posted.Your post will be deleted.No explination will be offerd.I have never got a warm welcome feeling from candleforlove.I think they pre screen all the posts to make sure that .The content is what they are looking for.

If you guys are looking for something like this.Myself and the rest of the mods along with the administrater can definatly talk about it.I don't think it would go over to well.This is one of the main reasons.That we all left chnlove.Because are posts wern't being posted.If they were posted.They would be heavly edited.To the point that the origanol poster meaning was lost in never never land.It made us all look like raving lunitcs.

So you tell us how do you want this web site to be run?

Offline Rhonald

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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2009, 02:37:15 pm »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='26034' dateline='1261333278'

What Vince said is true.It is never personal.We are just trying to keep the peace.Most times it is a thankless job.With no  paycheck or even a cash bonus for Christmass.

Thanks Maxx -a-million and to all the other Mods also my personal check of Thanks a million.

I know as guys that sometimes we develope personal friendships with other guys and that teasingly we trash talk to our friends. I know at work and in the Army that is how I talked with precieved friends.

I wonder if here some members use the same attitude when maybe a little to soon, the respondent doesn't see the statement as verbal sparring from a friend. I remember some early posts between Chong, Martin, and Maxx where I could identify this friendly ribbing.

So maybe the right attitude is untill you can identify the persons personality and have developed a rapport, maybe the answers should be straight to the point. I rather not see blatant censorship, however small brush fires need to be controlled before a raging inferno consumes more members with priceless information.

Now touch gloves and come out swinging......Queensbury Rules :fi_lone_ranger:

Merry Christmas to all the Mods and Members - my thanks for sharring in this website. :icon_cheesygrin:
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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2009, 03:41:35 pm »
I see that there is also a thread about Abigbutt :)
So, what I can say is that if he is not often there, anyway, he is on QQ.
Maybe doesn't he post here for many reasons, maybe not, I don't really know what can happen to everybody over here. But there are most of time some reasons that do that man can't post for a few time, or maybe more...
I think everything is doing fine for him, as for now, he must be in China again, as it was said earlier :)
Btw, how many brothers share their QQ Id' ?
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Offline Neil

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RE: Where's Mr. Bigbutt J
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2009, 04:28:30 pm »
my QQ is for Nina only.  Oh, and the 47 blocked spammers who seem to keep adding me.  Daily.

My MSN is on my profile if anyone wants to add me and terrorize me.  Fair warning, I'm always online but I'm not always online...if you get my meaning.  I'm not being rude, I'm just not home sometimes.  God my Dad can't get that through his head.  He gets so upset when he sends me a message and I don't immediately reply. irresistible as chocolate